Minutes of Leixlip Area meeting held on 15th September 2006 in the Committee Room, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas as adopted.
Members Present:Councillor P. Kelly, Cathaoirleach
Councillor S. Griffin,
Councillor J. McGinley
Councillor G. McDonagh
Councillor S. Purcell
Also Present:Mr. P. Minnock, Director of Service
Mr. D. Page, Director of Service
Mr. J. Boland, Director of Service
Mr. C. Marshall, SE, Roads Design
Mr. D. Reel, SEE, Roads Design
Mr. P. Whelan, SEO, Road Section
Ms E. Murray, Area Engineer
Ms. P. Penny, ASO, Area Office
Ms. E. Doyle, SSO, Corporate Affairs
Ms. M. O’Reilly, Area Secretary
Mr. A. C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator
Councillor P. Kelly welcomed Councillor S. Purcell to the Leixlip Area Committee.
Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of 21st July 2006 were adopted subject to the amendment of the minute under Progress report/Maynooth Traffic Management Plan to include that Councillor McGinley’s motion in relation to the removal of trees be deferred to the September meeting by the members. The minutes were agreed on the proposal of Councillor McGinley seconded by Councillor Griffin.
Progress Report
Mr. C. Marshall and Mr. D. Reel from Roads Design attended the meeting in relation to the Maynooth Traffic Management Plan. They discussed proposals with the members in relation to the traffic problems here. Updated drawings are to be sent to the members.
The community are against the removal of any trees.
Resolved that it was proposed to temporarily close off the pedestrian crossing at the Bank of Ireland.
Footpaths at Dublin Road, Doctor’s Lane, Maynooth
It is proposed to proceed with this work. The estimated cost is as follows: -
Doctor’s Lane - proposed one way system and surfacing scheme (€80,000)
Dublin Road, Maynooth – proposed paving and parking scheme (€60,000). The works will be funded from Development Levies (old scheme). Mr. J. Boland said that these figures might have to be updated and will advise on a start date later.
Bollards opposite Boy’s School, Moyglare Road
This should be re-considered in the forthcoming budget.
Extinguishment of Right of Way at Glendale Meadows.
The members considered the following item on the agenda
Extinguishment of Right of Way on lane at 261 and 285 Glendale Meadows, Leixlip.
The meetings administrator reported that Mr. P. Whelan would circulate a report at the meeting.
Resolved and agreed by the members that the proposed extinguishment go to the October council meeting.
Footpath at Captain’s Hill, Leixlip
The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDonagh
When is the agreed work on the footpath and roadway outside the new apartments on Captains Hill, Leixlip going to take place?
The meetings administrator reported that the developer has given an undertaking to carry out the outstanding works.
Resolved that the report be noted.
ESB Site at Main Street, Leixlip
The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDongh
What progress has been made with the purchase of the old ESB site at Main St., Leixlip?
The meetings administrator advised that the Bank of Scotland is purchasing the site and the council have written to the proposed new purchasers regarding the feasibility of a possible joint venture regarding parking.
Resolved that the report be noted.
One-Way traffic system on Doctors Lane, Maynooth
The members considered the following question in the name of Councillor McDonagh
When is the proposed one-way traffic system on Doctors Lane, Maynooth going to be introduced.
The meetings administrator reported that the councilis currently advertising for consultants for the purposes of preparing a traffic management plan for Maynooth. Mr. Boland will send revised drawings to the members before any construction starts.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Easton Road, Celbridge
The members considered the following adjourned motions in the name of Councillor Mc Donagh
That a road safety audit be undertaken on the Easton Road, from Collinstown Roundabout to the Castletown Estate Junction.
That the Roads Design Team looks into the feasibility of linking the Celbridge and Easton roads off the Celbridge Interchange.
The meetings administrator reported that this will be examined by the Road Design Team in conjunction with the submission from Castletown Estate.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Land between Bond Bridge/Meadowbrook Road and Silken Vale/The Arches
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McGinley
That the land between Bond Bridge/Meadowbrook Road and Silken Vale/The Arches housing estates be landscaped with low maintenance shrubs and trees, instead of the proposed high maintenance grass seeding, and that the gate for maintenance access be removed as there will be no need for it.
The meetings administrator reported that this has been referred to the Road Construction department for comment. There should not be a difficulty in providing low maintenance shrubs and trees instead of grass seeding. The position of the gate requires to be examined further.
Resolved that a report be available for the next meeting.
Station Road, Leixlip
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Purcell
Arising from the decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission under file number 04/2675 (PL 09.216911), and given the clear necessity for the provision of a safe pedestrian controlled crossing and traffic island on Station Road, Leixlip, as clearly expressed in the Council’s original grant of planning permission, that the Council now provide the safe pedestrian crossing and traffic island, and that funding for same be sought from the Dublin Transportation Office or from internal Council resources.
The meetings administrator reported that this matter has been referred to the Roads Design Team for a further detailed assessment and analysis. The Area Committee will be kept fully informed. The members emphasised that this needed to be treated as a priority.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Noise Pollution along the M4 between Leixlip and Kilcock
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Griffin
In order to alleviate noise pollution along the M4 route between Leixlip and Kilcock, the Council should, in conjunction with the NRA, seek to obtain adequate finance to carry out the following works along the route:
(a) Put down a layer of silent tarmacadam from Leixlip to Kilcock
(b) Provide noise bunds along the route at the various points as required in order to reduce the noise pollution.
Both of these will bring the route up to the same standard as the Dublin/Naas N7
The meetings administrator reported that this matter has been referred to the National Roads Authority for comment.
Resolved that the report be noted.
Footpath along Cedar Park and Oaklawn estates, Leixlip
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McDonagh
Council provide a footpath along the wooden fence boundary of Cedar Park and Oaklawn estates, Leixlip, opposite the new Louisa Valley apartment complex.
The meetings administrator reported that the Area Engineer has examined the matter on a preliminary basis. There are likely to be substantial costs involved in providing a footpath at this location. The matter should be re-visited in the context of the proposed provision by Iarnrod Eireann of the car park at Louisa Bridge. The matter will, however, continue to be monitored. Councillor Kelly requested a report on the development levies for this area.
Resolved that the report be noted.
North Kildare Swimming Pool
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McGinley
That a detailed progress report on the North Kildare Swimming Pool Complex be given to the meeting, in the light of the comments made by the Director of Services at the July monthly meeting of the Council.
The following motion in the name of Councillor Griffin
That the Director of Services give the following information with regard to North Kildare Swimming Pool;
(a) the up to date position on the North Kildare pool to be located at the amenities centre in Leixlip.
(b) the details for progressing the project to the next stage
(c) more importantly the date or likely date for commencement of work.
Mr. D. Page addressed the members and said that the council have to prioritise projects coming forward. There are two elements, the practical arrangements and the planning with community clubs. The first phase regarding the development of the site has been completed and the submission for phase two will be ready by April 2007. The council has committed to grant funding of pools in Athy and Naas at a cost of 9m. The members want a fair deal for the clubs involved in Leixlip as they have developed the facilities themselves and have moved around to suit the development of the pool. Mr. D. Page said that he is anxious to support this and to arrange funding as it is needed.
Trees in Riverforest and Woodside Estates, Leixlip
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor McDonagh
That Council organise to have the trees in Riverforest and Woodside Estates, Leixlip pruned as necessary.
The meetings administrator reported that there is insufficient funding available in this years estimates to carry out pruning in Riverforest and Woodside this year. However these areas will be considered for inclusion in the 2007 Pruning Programme. Councillor Kelly said that Leixlip Town Council have a five year programme to prune trees.
Resolved that the Parks Superintendent liaise with the Town Council in relation to the Budget for 2007.
CCTV Cameras at the recycling bins in Leixlip
The members considered the following motion in the name of Councillor Mc Donagh
That CCTV Cameras be installed at the recycling bins at the amenities centre in Leixlip.
The meetings administrator reported that the recycling bins in Leixlip are currently located on private property. Agreement of the owner is required to locate a CCTV in Leixlip.
Resolved that the Environment Section prepare a Programme prioritising the provision of CCTV Cameras in over 30 locations in the county.
Other Business
Councillor Mc Donagh highlighted the plight of Amanda Harrington and informed everyone that there is a fundraiser for her on 23rd September, tickets are €10.
The meeting concluded.
Minutes of Leixlip Area Meeting of 15th September 2006