Draft Minutes of Ashby Magna Parish Council AGM held on Monday 22ndAugust 2016 at 7:30pmin the Village Hall, Ashby Magna.
Cllr Julie Smith (Chairman)
Cllr Warren Dawson
Cllr Greg Lambert
Cllr Rebecca Scott
DCllr N Bannister
The Clerk
Plus 5members of the Public
1504. To note apologies for absence. From Cllr WLiquorish (LCC)
1505. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.None declared.
1506. Members of the public were invited to address the Council regarding items on the Agenda. The speed camera was mentioned by a member of the public along with concerns about speeding on Old Forge Road. Parish Council was asked to consider measures to reduce the incidence of speeding and calm traffic. It transpired that 14 years ago Councillor Scott approached County Hall for traffic calming but, since there is no shop or school in the village, no permanent traffic calming is available in the form of speed humps etc., although ‘Dragons Teeth’ were painted on the road along with round speed signs. There was an exercise completed with a community speed gun, which was repeated later with offenders receiving letters but no formal prosecutions. Since that time a mobile unit has been purchased , but the data is yet to be analysed and further actions will be considered following that time.
1507. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on the 26thMay 2016.
Resolved to accept and signed by Cllr Mrs J Smith as a true record.
1508. Formal announcements from the Chair. CllrSmith requested that mobile telephones are switched off and that parishioners did not interrupt the meeting.
1509. Co-Option of a new Parish Councillor. Following the resignation of Councillor Janet Withers, it was resolved to co-opt David Draper as her replacement. The vacancy was advertised in accordance with current regulations. The Parish Council thanks Janet for her valuable contribution and wishes her well.
It was resolved to appoint David Draper as Parish Councillor. Proposed by Councillor Lambert and seconded by Councillor Scott.
1510. To consider rotating individual’s roles to ensure former councillor’s responsibilities are managed. It was decided to appoint roles as detailed below:-
Environmental – David Draper
PR and Marketing – Rebecca Scott
Village Assets – Warren Dawson
Responsible Financial Officer and Website – Greg Lambert
AMOS- Julie Smith
The allocation of these roles wasunanimously resolved.
1511. To receive a report from AAWG. (JG)
- Fund raising continues
- Open Gardens held which was very successful
- Fashion show planned for Friday 9.9.16
- Curry night planned for Monday 14th November
- Possible quiz night in January hosted by Jeremy Vine
- Work has also progressed on Grant Applications and we’re currently awaiting feedback from:
- Tesco
- Florence Turner
- J Reginald Corah Foundation
- A Grant Application for Awards for All is in progress, which Greg has reviewed, this is being finalised currently.
- Greg attended the last AMOS Working Group Meeting on 11.8.16 and discussed the VAT position. A few options were discussed including contacting Jake at Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils for advice, contacting Nat West for loan facilities, and also increasing the precept. Greg did advise that if any of the grant providers needed any re-assurance on how the VAT would be covered he would request that Nat West provide a loan agreement in principle as a matter of urgency. In the meantime, it was suggested contacting Gilmorton Parish Council to understand how they have approached the VAT issue. ( Parish Clerk contacted HMRC the next day and it was confirmed that VAT can be recovered over any period, not just Annually)
- At the last AMOS Working Group meeting, the project financials were discussed. For the avoidance of doubt the group discussed with Greg that the original amount committed from the Low Spinney Wind Farm was an amount derived from a quote from Red Monkey, who were 1 of 3 possible suppliers at the time the business plan was submitted to the Parish Council. After careful consideration Red Monkey were discounted as a supplier. The multiple pieces of equipment included in the Red Monkey quote have also been replaced by a single play structure to minimise both equipment and surfacing costs. The preferred supplier is DuraSport, whose details, quote and image of the proposed single piece of play equipment is included in the project summaries submitted to the Parish Council to support grant applications. DuraSport have offered a competitive project quote which does not split out costs between equipment, groundwork etc. At present the Tesco grant application (if successful) has been allocated to deemed additional equipment cost and the Awards for All grant application to the deemed groundworks costs.
- Following discussion with the Parish Council it was agreed to increase the Windfarm Grant to £11,000 and it was understood this would not purchase a single piece of equipment as previously agreed, but instead would become part of the overall fund. Also, Parish Council asked AAWG to consider the possibility of being unsuccessful with grant application with regard to the balance already raised. This was noted and a plan will be formalised.
1512. Items carried forward from previous meetings.
Item 1443.To receive a report on tenders for replacing a street lamp.This repair has now been completed.
Item 1487. To receive an update on the progress on the new bus shelter. CllrDawson reports the new shelter should be installed w/c 5.9.16 and will probably take a few days. Parish Council should make the villagers aware and contact the schools/bus companies to arrange alternative stops. Councillor Scott will organise this. The asbestos on the roof will be removed before the work begins by specialist contractors.
Item 1486. To receive a report on the speed camera. Cllr Dawson reports the data collected by the camera will be available at the end of the month and he will then analyse the results. We will then be in a position to get further advice from Highways Dept. With regard to road calming measures at all entrances and exits to the Village, it should be noted that sleeping policemen and chicanes are costly, but applications could be looked at favourably if a contribution is made by Parish Council. Councillor Dawson to investigate and issue the information before the next meeting . Meanwhile it has been noticed the camera is faulty. Councillor Dawson has spoken to the manufacturers to arrange a repair- the cost of which will be split between the three Parish Councils. It was suggested we invest in our own camera and this will be considered after the data is analysed.
1513. The District Councillor Cllr. Mr Neil Bannister presented his report to the meeting. He congratulated David Draper on his appointment as Parish Councillor and also thanked the Parish Council for the kind invitation to the Queen’s 90th Birthday street party. He reports that Harborough Councillors are currently looking to reduce their numbers from 37 to 34 to make savings. This will result in a redistribution of wards. The consultation is almost complete, and if it goes ahead there will be a potential saving of £21K. The incidents of fly tipping is getting worse and HDC are developing a strategy via education and making it easier to report. If any fly tipping is spotted please report to HDC or Neil Bannister directly and measures will be taken to clear it away and investigate the contents in order to identify the culprits and take action. The take up of the green waste bin has been very successful with additional numbers expected next year.
- E-mail received from HDC regarding Dragon’s Den style funding event and the Community Grant Fund.
- LCC Highways Review regarding roads pavements and verges.
- New parish microsite providing information by HDC.
- Annual Parish Liaison Meeting to be held on 2 November 2016.
All of the above e-mails to be forwarded to Parish Councillors, AAWG have already received information regarding the Grant Funds.
1515. Finance.
- Parish Council now registered with HMRC as an employee
- All salary payments to Parish Clerk will now be advised to HMRC via Brightpay
- Review of clerk’s salary to regular monthly payment. Clerk to advise Councillor Lambert of hours worked.
- Review authorised signatories in light of resignation of Cllr Withers. Councillor Lambert will take her place and will arrange to visit the Bank with Councillor Smith to arrange this.
- The Parish Council halted the telephone Box restoration and the contractor stopped from going any further. A final payment of £200 was paid for work completed so far and going forward, the project will be reviewed by Councillor Dawson.
- The Grand Total of £1,046 was paid out for The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebration.
- An additional £50 needs to be paid to 2Commune Ltd for the domain name and e-mail address. Councillor Lambert will forward the link to the new site for review urgently by Parish Councillors before the ‘live’ date.
- It was unanimously resolved to cancel the membership of RCC, as the renewal has just arrived for £50.00. The service has never been used.
Regular Updates
- Payments made since last meeting:
- £497.25 - LCC AMOS Maintenance Q2 2016
- £200.00 - Telephone Box restoration (from Windfarm Fund)
- £600.00 - 2Commune (Website development)
- Payments due this meeting:
- Discuss renewal of RCC Licence - £50.00
- Discuss additional £50.00 payment to 2Commune (domain name and email facility)
- Clerks salary plus expenses for 3 months £237.20
- Bank Balances as at 17 August:
- Current Account - £3,296.93
- Windfarm - £17,552.60
- AMOS - £4,238.50
Resolved and invoices paid accordingly.
1516. Planning.
a) 16/00929/OUT Mr D Evans. Outline planning permission for the erection of a dwelling (access to be considered) at Bridge farm, Holt Lane Ashby Magna. No comments noted.
b) 16/001135/FUL Elvidge Farms Ltd. Erection of an agricultural building for the housing of livestock at Flat House Farm, Peatling Parva Rd, Gilmorton. No comments noted.
c) Planning approval 16/00915/FUL Erection of timber storage at Coltmans, Station Rd.
d) Planning Approval 16/00170/FUL Mr Jonathan Gunn. Demolition of existing barn and erection of a new single detached dwelling. Hall Farm Courtyard Hall Lane.
e) 16/01260/PCD Ken Gamble. Discharge of conditions 8(Landscape) 9(soft landscape) and 13 (verification investigation of 15/00040/FUL 24 Gilmorton Rd Ashby Magna.
1517. Other Reports. Environment and Village Assets.
The burnt out car has been removed from the bridle path between Peatling Rd and Gilmorton. The fly tipping will be reported by Councillor Draper.
The new plant tub was stolen on a Saturday night from Peatling Rd. Councillor Lambert will investigate a replacement which will incorporate a new village sign. However, this will be delayed pending a review of funds available from the Windfarm account.
To discuss the clearing of ditches. Prices are being sought for the work by Cllr Smith. Inviting tenders in the ‘Swift Flash’ was another idea mentioned. The shrubs also need attention so perhaps a village open day could be arranged to get the jobs done by volunteers. Councillor Smith will look at the purchase and storage of our own grass mower in the New Year. Resolved to obtain further quotes for works mentioned.
Wind Farm. No applications received. Resolved that Cllr Scott will put the item in the One Minute Minutes next year.
PR and Marketing. Councillor Scott will take over the One Minute Minutes following the re-allocation of duties. The report of broken glass on the motorway bridge was replied to by Councillor Lambert. There remains glass in the wood by the motorway owned by Western Power.Resolved that Cllrs Lambert and Scott will investigate “re-introducing” an equivalent to the The Herald.
1518. Chairs Report. The Street Party held in honour of The 90th Birthday of the Queen was a great success and we have received many “Thank Yous” from the Villagers.
Sadly there will be no Street Fair this year but hopefully there will be other events for villagers Socially. Councillor Dawson suggested conducting a review to draw together interested parties- perhaps a Community Social Society.
1519. Clerk’s Report. The clerk will continue to forward e-mails regarding grants available and information from HDC and other organisations..
1520. Date of next meeting/s. Parish Council Meeting, Thursday24November 2016at 7.30pm.The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.