PRESENT: Councillors: M. Greene (Chairman), L. Balzaretti (until 9.15pm), R. Bullen, S. Deely (from 7.40pm), C. Gabbitas, C. Herbert (from 7.35pm), P. Whitwood, District Cllr. A. Day (until 9.25pm)

1 member of the public.

1.Apologies for absence

Cllrs. Carter (business commitment), Leeke (holiday), County Cllr. Caborn (business commitment) and District Cllr. Day (business commitment).

7.35pm Cllr. Herbert joins the meeting.

2.Public Session

A resident complained about parking on the green. Cllr. Gabbitas explained about the parking leaflet which would be distributed shortly. It was agreed that a note would be placed in the magazine making residents aware of the status of our green spaces and the need to report vehicles to the Police.

ACTION: The Clerk to action.

7.40pm Cllr. Deely joins the meeting.

Speeding on the main roads was also raised. Cllr. Whitwood explained that the scheme for Oakley Wood Road will slow vehicles down.

The resident left the meeting.

Cllr. Whitwood said that he has a pecuniary interest in item 11(iv) so will be leaving the meeting. He would like to say, as a resident, that he has no problems with this application.

3.Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Whitwood declared a pecuniary interest in item 11(iv) as a near neighbour.

4.Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (September)

The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.


(i) Bank balances

The following bank balances were reported:

Current Account - £217,045.39

Investment Account -£63,406.54

7.45pm The Chairman leaves the meeting. Cllr. Gabbitas takes the Chair.

(ii) To consider approving the Deed of Surrender or part and Deed of Variation

Our solicitor has advised that the Club’s solicitor has been unable to obtain the signatures of the trustees. Councillors agreed that this matter needs resolving. The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with the Club.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange a meeting with the Club.

7.48pm Cllr. Greene returns to the meeting and takes the Chair.

(iii) Leamington Hibs Football Club update

It was reported that the Football Club will not be using the Meadow. Councillors agreed that this was disappointing since they bring business to the Club, revenue to the Parish Council and also a community facility. The Football Club has said that the facilities are too expensive. They would have to pay for changing room facilities as well as a fee for the pitch.

(iv) To agree for the Meadow to be used on 9th and 16th September

Councillors discussed these retrospective requests and agreed that the Meadow could be used. Risk assessments had been provided. It was noted that councillors wished to encourage use of the Meadow especially for community events and to promote the Club. However, in future the Club must request agreement to use the Meadow at least 6 weeks prior to the event with supporting documentation. This would enable councillors to discuss at a public meeting before granting permission.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Club.

(v) To consider a request from the Sports and Social Club for events on the Meadow on 30th September

The Clerk said that she understood that members of the Club were going to be present this evening to explain this event. No information has been received. It was agreed that Cllr. Deely would contact the Club to find out what is happening. Cllr. Herbert said that she could assist with a risk assessment.

ACTION: Cllr. Deely to contact the Club. Cllr. Herbert to assist with a risk assessment.

(vi) Appeal; land on the south east side of Oakley Wood Road withdrawn. To consider requesting costs for professional fees.

Cllr. Whitwood proposed that we seek reimbursement for costs incurred, seconded and carried unanimously. Cllr. Bullen to seek reimbursement.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to seek reimbursement.

(vii) Horticultural Society; letter drafted

ACTION: The Clerk to send the letter.

(viii) Passing of following accounts for payment:

RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Deely, seconded Cllr. Bullen and carried unanimously).

Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; September

Mr. D. Connolly - play area inspections (August and September) - £40.00

Mr. D. Connolly - grass cutting (July and August) - £360.00

Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow grass cutting (August) - £180.00

Emmerson Press - Welcome Packs - £1,172.00

Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. - annual play area inspection - £56.00

Mr. S. Sidaway - mole control - £110.00

Mr. Jonathan Powell - professional fees - £3,600.00

6.Warwickshire County Council Matters

(i) To receive report

The Chairman read out County Cllr. Caborn’s report.

(ii) Major road works timetable for Harbury Lane

ACTION: October agenda item.

(iii) Oakley Wood Road Traffic Scheme update

The Chairman said there has been one objection. This means that the county portfolio holder will review the scheme.

(iv) Flooding issues on Oakley Wood Road update

Cllr. Bullen said he is waiting for a response from the County Highways officer.

(v) County Highways; potholes, disabled access, road signage (meeting date to be agreed)

The Clerk said that Cllr. Leeke is liaising with the County Highways officer for a convenient date. Cllr. Bullen said that he would also try and attend.

ACTION: Cllrs. Leeke and Bullen to meet with the officer.

(vi) Availability of camera for fly tipping/dog fouling

ACTION: October agenda item.

(vii) Air Quality discussions update

ACTION: October agenda item.

(viii) VAS fault; southern side of Oakley Wood Road

ACTION: The Clerk to report to County Highways.

(ix) Road works notification

Cllr. Balzaretti said that local residents were notified about the disruption to the gas service but not to the road. The school was not notified. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to County Highways requesting notification in future.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to County Highways.

(x) Community Forum (28th September); attendees

Cllr. Herbert said that she would attend.

ACTION: Cllr. Herbert to attend.

(xi) Home to School Transport Consultation

Cllr. Gabbitas asked if this could be placed on the website. The Clerk to arrange.

ACTION: The Clerk to place on the website.

(xii) Europa Way Improvement Scheme

This was discussed and it was agreed that Cllrs. Bullen, Deely, Gabbitas and possibly Carter will be involved.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with County Cllr. Caborn and also ask Cllr. Carter if he would like to be involved.

9.15pm Cllr. Balzaretti leaves the meeting.

7.Warwick District Council Matters

(i) To receive report

No new report.

(ii) Tachbrook Country Park update

It was agreed that the country park should be incorporated into the neighbourhood plan.

(iii) Additional planning forum update

Cllr. Deely attended and circulated, prior to the meeting, information provided to the attendees. He said that the relocating of the football club still seems to be happening but there is no timescale. The District Council believes that gypsy and traveller sites need to be found in the near future to reduce the many unauthorised encampments the district has experienced recently. A suggestion was made at the meeting for the District Council to approach housing developers for short term use of their land for a small number of gypsy and traveller pitches. The District Council agreed to do this. The Europa Way site is no longer being considered.

ACTION: Councillors to review the information circulated by Cllr. Deely.

(iv) G&T; to discuss unauthorised sites and permanent sites

Councillors agreed that the recent unauthorised encampments on neighbouring landwere totally unacceptable. The District Council was very responsive and has had a major job in clearing the debris from the land. Our land is protected by a byelaw but would benefit from further protection. Councillors agreed that Cllr. Deely should obtain a quote for protecting the Meadow, the Village Green, St. Chad’s Green and opposite Holt Avenue.

ACTION: Cllr. Deely to obtain a quote for protecting our green spaces.

(v) Planning officer attendance; 9th October

The Clerk said that she was waiting for the officer to respond.

ACTION: The Clerk to chase the officer.

(vi) Path to Oakley Wood update

This was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr. Deely would follow up with Bloor Developments.

ACTION: Cllr. Deely to liaise with Bloor Developments.

8.New Development Matters

(i) Flooding issues behind Holt Avenue

Cllr. Bullen reported that he has met with a representative from Bloor Developments. The land near the allotments will be drained. He said that he now needs to talk to the residents of Holt Avenue to understand the real problems.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to liaise with the residents of Holt Avenue.

(ii) Cycleway planting/seeding update

The Clerk reported that Cllr. Leeke is dealing with this.

(iii) Street names

Councillors agreed that they had no objections to the names suggested by the District Council.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council.

9.Amenities Matters

(i) To receive report

Cllr. Whitwood reported that the payback team will be working on the Meadow on Sunday. The Clerk said that a contractor has been instructed to carry out an annual weed and cut back of vegetation on the entrance to the Meadow.

(ii) Crossroad Park project

ACTION: October agenda item.

(iii) Working Party update

Cllr. Whitwood said that the working party cleared up to the double allotment plot. He asked whether the Parish Council could consider purchasing a rotavator for clearing vacant plots. The Clerk said that Cllr. Leeke has arranged for vacant plots to be cleared in the past. Cllr. Whitwood to liaise with Cllr. Leeke.

ACTION: Cllr. Whitwood to liaise with Cllr. Leeke regarding the clearing of vacant allotment plots.

(iv) Meadow Masterplan update

Cllr. Deely reported on the meeting with Define.

(v) Meadow Storage update

Cllr. Bullen reported that he has been liaising with the planning officer. She has requested a tree survey which he has produced and sent to her.

(vi) To consider the play area inspection report

The Clerk had forwarded this report to Cllrs. Leeke and Whitwood. She was asked to obtain a quote for the repair of the cable runaway.

ACTION: The Clerk to obtain a quote for repairing the cable runaway.

(vii) Church Lees footpath; to consider the options

The paving by Church Lees needs attention. The District Council have been informed via the County Council. Councillors agreed that this area would benefit from being grassed. Cllr. Bullen said that he would bring this area to the attention of the County Highways officer when they walk the parish. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the District Council to find out if they could assist with this work.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to bring to the attention of the County Highways Officer. The Clerk to ask the District Council if they could assist with this work.

10.Police/Community Matters

(i) To note reports from Police plus reports of burglaries

The report from the Police had been circulated. Councillors raised concerns about the increase in burglaries and cars being broken into. It is imperative that valuables are not left in cars.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention in the magazine.

Residents appear to be using social media to alert the wider community which is good. A note in the magazine asking residents to inform their nearby neighbours if they are not social media users would help to spread the news.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention in the magazine.

(ii) Welcome Pack update

Cllr. Herbert reported that they should be ready for collection next week.

(iii) To consider a proposal to make our open spaces safer

See item 7(iv).

(iv) Letter from Sports and Social Club

Circulated to councillors. Cllrs. Deely and Whitwood met with the Club and explained the reasoning behind the need for the Parish Council to grant permission. It was further agreed that a follow-up meeting with the Club is required.

ACTION: The Clerk to request a meeting.

(v) Village Parking leaflet update

Cllr. Deely has circulated a draft. The Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas said that they would review it. It was agreed that copies should be placed in the magazine.

ACTION: The Chairman and Cllr. Gabbitas to review the draft.

11.Planning Matters

(i) Neighbourhood Plan update

The team have met with our consultants. They have advised that there is no need for additional land for housing to be included in the plan. They will be producing a draft.

The team have asked if the Clerk could please write to the developer, who has written on numerous occasions about small parcels of land, making him aware. Councillors agreed that this was a good idea.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the developer.

It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen should pursue any grant opportunities.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to pursue grant opportunities.

(ii) Planning notice no. 17/1338 - 1 Asps Cottages; granted.

(iii) Planning application no. 17/1502 - 27 Miranda Drive

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to raise no objections or comments.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

9.38pm Cllr. Whitwood leaves the meeting.

(iv) Planning application no. 17/1500 - 6 Parsonage Close

This application was discussed. Concern was expressed on the effect this would have on the adjacent house with regard to the 45 degree rule. There also appears to be only one parking space which is insufficient for the size of the dwelling. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the Parish Council objects based on the above concerns, seconded and carried unanimously. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen would draft a response and submit to planning.

ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit to planning.

9.45pm Cllr. Whitwood returns to the meeting.

(v) Site meeting at Church Hill update

Cllr. Bullen attended this meeting and updated councillors.


(i) email re. blocking of gate and moving of fence

The Clerk said that Cllr. Leeke has agreed to look at the condition of the gate and call on the resident.

(ii) email re. buses

Councillors agreed that this is a matter for the County Council. They further agreed that they support the suggestion made by the resident. The Clerk was asked to write to the County Council and to also make our County Councillor aware of this issue.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the County Council.

(iii) letter re. permission to cut tree

The tree is overhanging the resident’s garden and so they are entitled to cut it back. The Clerk was asked to respond to the resident.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the resident.

(iv) letter re. request to purchase land

Cllr. Leeke had informed councillors, prior to the meeting, the history of this land. It was purchased from the District Council to make a wider entrance into the Meadow. Councillors considered this request and agreed that with the Meadow makeover now moving forward this initial purpose may need to be considered. Cllr. Deely proposed that this land be retained, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the resident.

(v) email re. parking


13.Date of next meeting

19th October, 2017.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10pm.