THE PPG on 17th May 2011



Keith Cuthbertson-Chairman / Apologies:
Peter Wicks / Martin Pratt
Sheila Grayson / Alan Keen
Lindsey Grinstead / Deborah Jakes
Tracey Burley / Sharon Taylor
Clare Saravacos
Helen Glaze
June Chegwidden
Lorraine Turner
Jenny Morley
Jonathon Kirkham
Alison Burne
Vaughan Johnson
Louise Cusack
Kevin Webb

1.Welcome and apologies for absence

The Chairman welcomed everyone.

Apologies were noted.

2. Terms of Reference:

These were discussed and amended.

ACTION: LC to amend and circulate with next minutes

3. Presentation of how the Practice works:

Jenny had prepared a set of papers for information that were circulated and discussed.

Key highlights:

·Population: 12300 patients; 67650 appointments per year; 261 per day. On average 12-14 slots /appointments are lost a week where patients do not turn up, each appointment on average 10 minutes.

·Prescribing: prescribing costs still need to be reduced.

·Feedback Form: Currently a survey is being done in the practice and JM asked that the PPG could assist in collating the results. This was agreed. ACTION: JM to contact KC when this is needed.

·Practice still rates bottom of the practices in Bedfordshire for the access situation, this was discussed at a review meeting with the Primary Care Trust (PCT) the previous day and is a great cause for concern. Dr Kirkham then when on to explain that the practice is assessed on criteria; ease of access on the phone, booking appointments, 2 days ahead, opening hours, to be able to see the doctor of your choice. The practice has been very poorly rated and unless the statistics improve, sanctions will be made. There was a lot of discussion about difficulty with the length of time it takes to get through on the phones but everyone wanted to say how helpful the reception staff are, always polite, helpful and apologetic about the wait. The reception staff are exceptional in dealing with difficult patients and situations, and the PPG wished to thank the reception team for their patience and politeness.

Cleary the Practice needs to address this situation. There was a useful discussion, including the following suggestions:

·Email booking/online booking,

·Avoid peak hours for routine calls

·Communication with patients on alternative methods of contacting the surgery

·Telephone line open at lunch time

·Gathering practice statistics in a more informed way

·Investigate what other practices do

·Review contract with telephone provider on costs and message

·Dedicated telephone line for Langford surgery but this was felt not viable by JM

ACTION: All ideas to the practice would be helpful and this will be an ongoing item.

Further information can be found at


4. On line booking service

There will be a one item meeting for those interested on Tuesday 7th June and if available to attend the launch of this on Saturday 11th June.

All PPG agreed to be ‘guinea pigs’ to test the system and the practice staff will be in touch with all members shortly. Importance to this to go well and be a success and an opportunity to advertise other practice services and ways of getting in touch. The Chronicle will be doing an article to advertise this service.

Date and time of next meeting:

14th June at 7pm