Community Connections Scholars Model 2016-2021

Mission: Bridging the gap between campus & community

(resources you put in)
Resources / ACTIVITIES
(services you provide)
What will you do? / OUTPUTS
(“things you produce”)
What will you achieve/ produce? / IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES
(changes you expect to see in participants during course of program) / INTERMEDIATE- OUTCOMES
(changes you expect to see in participants within 1-3 years of program completion ) / LONG TERM OUTCOMES
(changes you expect to see in 3-5 years/often changes in environment or community conditions)
Up to $1,000 annually in Community Fund Requests
Up to $1,000 annually in SGA Grants
$700 Bonner Center direct annual funds
1full-time staff member serving as coordinator
1 full-time Bonner Center Director
1 Bonner Center Intern
10 student scholars
3 PC desktops
2 projectors
1 projector screen (built-in)
1 set of speakers
1 office phone
Office supplies
Transportation rentals
Retreat space rentals
Books, manuals, & web-based resources for training development / Fall Orientation & Planning Retreat
Fall All Center Retreat
10 hours/wk of Center work
1-on-1s 2x/semester
Monthly events
Spring Planning Retreat
Weekly meetings
Monthly All Center Meeting
Grant/funding request writing support
Bonner Center Leadership Team (BCLT) participation
Bonner Center Intern opportunities
2 annual service events
Bonner Center Scholarship Recruitment
Student advising & professional development / 2.5 GPA average/student
3.0 cumulative program GPA average/Comm Conn Scholars program
100% Scholar program completion & graduation
2 planning retreats annually
280 annual service hours per Community Connections Scholar
1 All Center Retreat
11 events annually
24 1-on-1’s annually
6-8 scholars annually (up to 10)
24 weekly program meetings
8 All Center meetings
2 Completed SGA Grant applications
2 Completed Community Fund Requests
1 BCLT Representative
1 opportunity annually to apply & interview for intern opportunities
30+ community partnerships for annual service events
700 volunteers at annual service events
1 annual service event per semester
100 hours of scholarship recruitment / Escalating leadership in event planning & management
Increased communication skills especially among community partners
Fully participate in creation of ideas of service or to raise awareness of social justice issues throughout each year
Escalating leadership in program management
Ability to make connections between site-based work, meetings, & academics going into post-graduate life
Can clearly articulate areas for personal & professional growth
Graduated with degree in hand
Placed in graduate school, fellowship, job, and/or service program
Civically engaged in the communities in which they work and/or live. / Successfully retained graduate school, fellowship, job, and/or service program placement after graduation
Actively engaged alumnus (with the Bonner Center).
Established an initial life plan that incorporates personal, professional, communal and financial goals. / Attained a graduate degree or job promotion within their field of study/interest.
Be an actively engaged community leader (serve on non profit board or leadership position within a community based organization or initiative).
Re-evaluating & re-adjusting or re-committing to life plan that incorporates personal, professional, communal, and financial goals.
Evaluation Criteria
(Specific targets) / Data Collection
(List specific source(s) you will collect data from for each evaluation criterion)
  1. Graduation rates & g.p.a calculations (100%)
  1. Student service hours (all required service hours completed)
  1. Community Partner Satisfaction (minimum 80% satisfaction)
  1. Program Utilization rates (minimum 75% utilization per program)
  1. Success Stories
  1. Successful Operation Inasmuch event (minimum 80% participant & community partner satisfaction)
  1. Alumni Tracking (graduate plans; contact info; and self reported giving & community involvement; career aspirations & life plans; job updates/accomplishments/success stories; brief reflection on what was most helpful to them from the Bonner Center in their lives; do they need any support from us?)
  1. Event evaluations for Scholars and for attendees
  1. Registrar’s office & entered into SalesForce
  1. Monthly time sheets & entered into SalesForce
  1. Bonner Center community partner eval & Bonner Center feedback form
  1. Calculated from 3year developmental plans
  1. Bonner Centernewsletter & monthly reports
  1. OI participant evaluation & OI community partner evaluation
  1. Alumni Survey (to be created).
  1. Plus/Delta completed by Scholars (or another eval yet to be created) and Bonner Center event evaluation entered into SalesForce