Incident Recording Information System (IRIS): New User Application Form

Any new IRIS Users must contact Carolyn Andersen to register and provide contact and company details. Carolyn’s contact details are located on the IRIS home page

Information to be provided by New IRIS Users:

The details requested below can be completed electronically and e-mailed to Carolyn. New Users are requested to provide the following details:

1. Company Name:

2. CEO/Managing Director:

3. IRIS Contact Person and contact details:

4. Company Address & Contact Details:

5. Company Size (Forest area):

6. # of Employees:

7. Approx # of contracted workers:

7. Brief Summary Outlining Nature of Company Business (grower/processor):

8. Please Identify the Geographical Regions Where Your Business is Located.

For each region identified list forest and/or site names

Region / Forest Names and/or Site Name
Central N Island
East Coast
Hawkes Bay
Southern N Island
West Coast

9. Do you require Varying Security Level Access for your Company Users (e.g. View Only, and Enter Data)? Yes / No. If Yes, please clarify:

Conditions of Use of IRIS:

All New IRIS Users must agree and accept to thee following conditions of use:

“I agree to use and participate in the NZ Forest Owners Association (NZFOA) web-based Incident Recording Information System (IRIS) in a positive manner. All company information that is entered will be verified as accurate prior to entry. Company information will be entered in a timely manner, either via monthly data uploads or by ongoing data entry of all H&S related reportable incidents. I understand that in return I will be able to view my own company H&S performance data, and also be able to benchmark my own company H&S performance against NZ forest industry totals. Additionally, I understand and acknowledge that any company information entered into IRIS may be used by the NZFOA to contribute towards the longer term goal of improving health and safety across all sectors of the forestry industry. NZFOA will remove the names of individual’s prior to any trend analysis or review to respect their right to privacy.

In the event that NZFOA believes that any of the above undertakings are broken, then I understand that my access to IRIS may be withdrawn.”

I accept / do not accept the above Conditions of Use (delete one)*

Now please e-mail this completed application from to:

What Happens Next?

On receipt of a completed application form, the IRIS Administrator will enter the relevant individual Company Details into IRIS and then provide the New User with; (i) a Company ID and (ii) a Password. This will allow the New User access to IRIS and enable them to start inputting data into the IRIS system.

It is encouraged that New Users also enter any available historical company H&S data, to allow a 12 month rolling calculation to be developed for the New User company from the start. Ideally 24 months of data is required for this rolling average calculation to be completely accurate. If this level of historical information is unavailable, then the limits of any information gained from the rolling average calculations should be acknowledged.

FOA IRIS System WD 17/03/15

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