Template – Draft - July 25, 2006
Draft Habitat Strategies and Actions for Recovery of Clackamas River Population
Part 1- Tributary Actions
Strategy 2 – Minimize, reduce or eliminate threats from hatchery programsManagement Action / Limiting Factor/Threat Code / Specific Threats Addressed / VSP Parameters Addressed / Species/Life Stages Affected / Comments
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / 3 / 1-Stray hatchery fish from Clackamas / Diversity / Spring Chinook spawners / ODFW eliminated the Double Index Tag (DIT) program for spring chinook in 2004 in order to reduce the occurrence of hatchery fish that do not have an external mark in the upper basin above North Fork Dam. Mis-marked hatchery fish continue to be a concern due to inadvertent passing of hatchery fish due to incomplete or improper adipose fin removal.
2-Stray hatchery fish from Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery (ECNFH) / Diversity / Coho spawners / The Columbia River Hatchery Scientific Review Group (HSRG) reviewed the ECNFH during the summer of 2006 and developed a list of recommendations for program modifications. Recommendations included maintaining the existing program, reducing number of smolts released, changing broodstock to supplement depressed populations of wild Clackamas coho, and complete elimination of the program.
3- Strays from Upper Willamette hatcheries / Diversity / Spring Chinook spawners / There is limited occurrence of hatchery fish from Upper Willamette hatcheries found in the Clackamas River basin. Evidence suggests that few, if any, unmarked hatchery spring chinook from Upper Willamette hatchery programs are found in the upper Clackamas basin above North Fork Dam.
Management Action / Priority Locations
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / Lower Clackamas River tributaries (Deep and Eagle Creek-stray coho from ECNFH),
Lower Clackamas River mainstem (naturally produced spring chinook and hatchery spring chinook interbreeding)
Upper Clackamas River mainstem and tributaries (DIT spring chinook and mis-marked hatchery spring chinook)
Key Programs
(existing programs, past programs for which results are not yet realized, or planned programs which may or may not be funded)
Management Action / Agency/ Organization / Program Name / Sufficient?* (Yes, No, Uncertain) / 1. Description of program as it relates to the management action
2. Legal or statutory guidance
3. Rational for sufficiency characterization
4. Program modifications needed to achieve sufficiency
5. Logistical constraints (funding, technique, land ownership, etc.)
6. Spatial extent
7. Timeline for implementation and effectiveness
8. Supporting documents
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / ODFW / North Willamette Watershed District (NWWD) Fish Management / Uncertain / 1. Description - The North Willamette Watershed District (NWWD) Fish Management program conducts monitoring and assessment of fisheries resources to maintain all species at optimum levels by determining fish species distribution, abundance, and harvest levels. The District provides recommendations to land management and other regulatory agencies to protect and enhance fish habitats. District staff also responds to information requests from landowners, consultants, and State/Federal/local agencies.
2. Guidance – Fish Management and Hatchery Operation (OAR’s 637-007-0501 through 637-007-1000
3. Rationale – Management of hatchery programs are currently undergoing major modifications to come into compliance with ODFW policy and NOAA criteria for hatchery programs that may be in conflict with recovery of listed fish species.
4. Modifications Needed - It will take time, staffing, and funding in order to adequately monitor effectiveness of program modifications.
5. Constraints – Limited staff and funding reduces the ability for effective management of the numerous fish and fish habitat issues in the District.
6. Spatial Extent – ODFW North Willamette Watershed District
7. Timeline - Ongoing
8. Supporting Documents –
Native Fish Conservation Policy
Clackamas Basin Fish Management Plan
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / ODFW / Clackamas Hatchery / No / 1. Description - The Clackamas River Spring Chinook Program is managed to supplement regionally important fisheries for spring chinook while minimizing potential risks to wild spring chinook populations.
2. Guidance – Clackamas Hatchery Spring Chinook Hatchery Genetic Management Plan (HGMP)
3. Rationale -
4. Modifications Needed – Changes to rearing, acclimation, and release procedures need to be implemented in order to reduce unintended impacts to wild spring chinook in the Clackamas River.
5. Constraints – Water quality in the Clackamas River combined with limitations in water intake to the hatchery reduces effective use of the facility during summer months. This leads to movement of hatchery production to different hatcheries where space is available and water quality is not as much of a concern.
6. Spatial Extent – Clackamas, Willamette, Columbia rivers
7. Timeline - Ongoing
8. Supporting Documents –
Fish Hatchery Management Policy
Clackamas Hatchery Operations Plan http://www.dfw.state.or.us/fish/HOP/Clackamas%20HOP.pdf
Clackamas Hatchery Spring Chinook HGMP
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / USFWS / Eagle Creek NFH / No / 1. Description -
2. Guidance –
3. Rationale –
4. Modifications Needed -
5. Constraints –
6. Spatial Extent –
7. Timeline - .
8. Supporting Documents –
A-Reduce impact of hatchery strays / PGE / Fisheries Program / Uncertain / 1. Description – PGE staff maintain and operate the North Fork Fish Ladder and Sorting Facility through cooperative agreements with ODFW. PGE
2. Guidance – ODFW/PGE North Fork Trap Operations Plan; FERC License Agreement
3. Rationale – The existing North Fork trap does not meet NOAA criteria for fish sorting facilities. The trap will be upgraded through implementation of a pending FERC l
4. Modifications Needed – An upgraded fish trap will be installed after issuance of a new FERC license for the Clackamas Hydropower Project
5. Constraints – PGE staffing limitations and current fish trap design may limit effective operation of the trap during periods of high fish passage.
6. Spatial Extent – Clackamas River
7. Timeline - Ongoing
8. Supporting Documents – North Fork Trap Operations Plan
*Is the program sufficient to adequately address (for the spatial extent under the programs purview) the limiting factor/threat targeted by this management action?
Management Action / Additional Information Pertinent To Understanding Overall Impacts Programs May Have On Management ActionsA-Reduce impact of hatchery strays
Strategy 3 – Minimize, reduce or eliminate threats from hydropower production
Management Action / Limiting Factor/Threat Code / Specific Threats Addressed / VSP Parameters Addressed / Species/Life Stages Affected / Comments
A-Minimize and reduce delay, injury, and mortality of downstream migrating fish through Clackamas River Hydro Project / 1b / Downstream migrant delay, injury, and mortality associated with hydropower operations / Abundance / Spring chinook, steelhead, coho- smolts / PGE actions identified in Settlement Agreement for new license, FERC Project # 2195. Settlement Agreement pending FERC approval. PGE actions identified within Settlement Agreement based on meeting juvenile fish survival standards (i.e. modify and improve North Fork juvenile bypass pipeline, retrofit North Fork Screen to criteria, construct surface collectors at River Mill and North Fork Dams, modify Project generation/operations, guidance curtains,…)
B-Minimize and reduce anadromous adult delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas Hydro Project / 1b / Upstream adult passage delay, injury, and mortality associated with hydropower operations / Abundance / Spring chinook, Steelhead, and coho - adults / PGE actions identified in Settlement Agreement for new license, FERC Project # 2195. Settlement Agreement pending FERC approval. PGE actions identified within Settlement Agreement (i.e. modify and improve North Fork Fish Ladder, decommission and replace existing North Fork fish sorting facility, evaluate and address upstream passage, project operations).
C-Improve geomorphic processes / 7c / Reduced and modified geomorphic processes and spawning habitat availability due to Project construction / All / Fall & spring chinook, , steelhead, and coho – juveniles and adults / PGE action(s) identified in Settlement Agreement for new license, FERC Project # 2195. Settlement Agreement pending FERC approval. Settlement Agreement calls for a volume of 8,000 yd3 to be introduced downstream of River Mill Dam annually, maximum introduction 20,000 yd3 annually.
D-Improve habitat habitat quality and quanitity / 8a / Reduced and modified habitat quality and quantity due to Project operations / All / Spring Chinook, Steelhead, and coho – juvenile s and adults / PGE action identified in Settlement Agreement for new license, FERC Project # 2195. Settlement Agreement pending FERC approval. Settlement Agreement calls for numerous improvement to instream habitat quality and quantity (i.e. minimum flows, ramping rates, side channel and instream habitat improvements, project operations…)
E-Restore habitat lost/modified through inundation by reservoirs, and address continuing unavoidable impacts from Project presence / 8c, 5a / Inundation of riverine habitat by reservoirs, continuing unavoidable loss of riparian habitat, loss and delay of downstream migrating fish, predation, and residualism from project operations / All / Spring chinook, steelhead, and coho – juveniles and adults / PGE action identified in Settlement Agreement for new license, FERC Project # 2195. Settlement Agreement pending FERC approval. Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project Mitigation Fund and Enhancement Fund: $7.5 millions to fund projects designed to benefit anadromous fish populations in Clackamas River Basin.
Management Action / Priority Locations
A- Minimize and reduce delay, injury, and mortality of downstream migrating fish through Clackamas River Hydro Project / North Fork Dam, Faraday Powerhouse, Rivermill Dam
B-Minimize and reduce anadromous adult delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas Hydro Project / River Mill, North Fork and Faraday Diversion Dams, Faraday and Oak Grove powerhouses and North Fork Fish Ladder
C-Improve geomorphic processes / Lower Clackamas River,
D- Improve habitat habitat quality and quanitity / Clackamas River Basin/ Project area
E-Restore habitat lost/modified through inundation by reservoirs, and address continuing unavoidable impacts from Project presence / Clackamas River Basin/Project area
Key Programs
(existing programs, past programs for which results are not yet realized, or planned programs which may or may not be funded)
Management Action / Agency/ Organization / Program Name / Sufficient?* (Yes, No, Uncertain) / 1. Description of program as it relates to the management action
2. Legal or statutory guidance
3. Rational for sufficiency characterization
4. Program modifications needed to achieve sufficiency
5. Logistical constraints (funding, technique, land ownership, etc.)
6. Spatial extent
7. Timeline for implementation and effectiveness
8. Supporting documents
A-Minimize and reduce anadromous downstream migrant delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas River Hydro Project / PGE, Fish Agencies (ODFW, NOOA, USFW), Clackamas River Settlement Working Group / Hydro/Fishery Program / Yes / 1. Description –Minimize and reduce anadromous downstream migrant delay, injury, and mortality associated with hydropower operations at the Clackamas Hydro Project
2. Guidance – Clackamas FERC Project # 2195 March 2006 Settlement Agreement
3. Rationale –Minimize and reduce downstream migrant delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas River Hydro Project
4. Modifications Needed – Settlement Agreement specificiations
5. Constraints –Settlement Agreement - Settlement Agreement awaiting FERC approval
6. Spatial Extent – Clackamas River
7. Timeline - FERC License Term
8. Supporting Documents – 2006 Settlement Agreement, FERC Project # 2195
B-Minimize and reduce anadromous adult delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas Hydro Project / PGE, Fish Agencies (ODFW, NOOA, USFW), Clackamas River Settlement Working Group / Hydro/Fishery Program / Yes / 1. Description –Minimize and reduce anadromous adult delay, injury, and mortality associated with hydropower operations at the Clackamas Hydro Project
2. Guidance – Clackamas FERC Project # 2195 March 2006 Settlement Agreement
3. Rationale –Minimize and reduce anadromous upstream adult delay, injury, and mortality through Clackamas River Hydropower Project
4. Modifications Needed – Settlement Agreement specifications - Settlement Agreement awaiting FERC approval
5. Constraints –Settlement Agreement - Settlement Agreement awaiting FERC approval
6. Spatial Extent – Clackamas River
7. Timeline - FERC License Term
8. Supporting Documents –Clackamas River Hydropower Project FERC #2195
C-Enhance geomorphic processes / PGE, Fish Agencies (ODFW, NOOA, USFW), Clackamas River Settlement Working Group / Hydro/Fishery Program / Yes / 1. Description –Lower Clackamas River Coarse Sediment Mangagement Plan
2. Guidance – Clackamas FERC Project # 2195 March 2006 Settlement Agreement
3. Rationale –Improve geomorphic process and spawning habitat impacted by Project construction and continued operation.
4. Modifications Needed – Settlement Agreement Specifications
5. Constraints –Settlement Agreement. Settlement Agreement awaiting FERC approval
6. Spatial Extent – Downstream of River Mill Dam/ Lower Clackamas River Basin
7. Timeline - FERC License Term
8. Supporting Documents –2006 Settlement Agreement, FERC Project # 2195
D-Improve habitat quality and quanitity / PGE, Fish Agencies (ODFW, NOOA, USFW), Clackamas River Settlement Working Group / Hydro/Fishery Program / Yes / 1. Description –Improve habitat quality and quantity in the lower Clackamas River by implementing habitat restoration actions including side channel development, fish passage restoration, and coarse woody debris placement.
2. Guidance – Clackamas FERC Project # 2195 March 2006 Settlement Agreement
3. Rationale –Improve habitat quality and quantity for anadromous fish within Clackamas River Hydropower Project area.
4. Modifications Needed - Settlement Agreement Specificiations
5. Constraints –Settlement Agreement. Settlement Agreement awaiting FERC approval
6. Spatial Extent – Downstream of River Mill Dam/ Lower Clackamas River Basin
7. Timeline - FERC License Term
8. Supporting Documents –2006 Settlement Agreement, FERC Project # 2195
E-Restore habitat lost/modified through indundation by reservoirs and unavoidable continuing impacts from Project presence / PGE, Fish Agencies (ODFW, NOOA, USFW), Clackamas River Settlement Working Group / Hydro/Fishery Program / Yes / 1. Description - Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project Mitigation Fund and Enhancement Fund:
2. Guidance – Clackamas FERC Project # 2195 March 2006 Settlement Agreement
3. Rationale – Fund projects designed to benefit anadromous fish populations in Clackamas River Basin to restore habitat lost/modified through inundation by reservoirs and unavoidable continuing impacts from Project presence
4. Modifications Needed – Settlement Agreement Specifications
5. Constraints –Funds to be used according to Settlement Agreement for land acquisition or lease of riparian, wetlands, and associated uplands, instream habitat, riparian corridor, and wetland enhancement and improvement, water quality improvements, water conservation, conservation easements, fish passage facilities and fish passage bariiers improvements, and water rights acquisition, or lease. Settlement Agreement not yet approved by FERC.
6. Spatial Extent – Project Area/Clackamas River Basin
7. Timeline - FERC License Term
8. Supporting Documents –2006 Settlement Agreement, FERC Project # 2195
*Is the program sufficient to adequately address (for the spatial extent under the programs purview) the limiting factor/threat targeted by this management action?