Draft form only – all nominations must be submitted via the online portal

2018 International Philanthropy Award

The International Philanthropy Award honours significant achievements in Australian international philanthropy for grants or impact investment(s) allocated outside of Australia. Through this Award we seek to grow international giving by Australians, and to connect to a community that is interested in using the power of social business and impact investing to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. As with our other Awards, the timeframe for the International Philanthropy Award recognises and celebrates best practice philanthropy across the past five years (for work occurring during the years 2013 – 2017).
Every day, Australian philanthropic organisations stand at the forefront of innovation, exploring creative ways to advance the common good and find solutions for complex issues that challenge society. In that spirit, the awards program recognises philanthropic excellence amongst Australianorganisations and honours their exemplary leadership.

Nominations are now open

The nominations are now open for the Australian Philanthropy Awards 2018 and will close Friday 18th May at 5pm. To submit a nomination for this Award, please follow the instructions within the form, complete the required fields, and if you have questions click FAQs for help.

The Australian Philanthropy Awards 2018 event will be held on Thursday 26 July at the iconic Sydney Opera House. All nominators will be notified of the outcome of their nomination, and if successful, we will be in touch with further exciting details prior tothe Awards event.

Thank you for supporting the2018 Australian Philanthropy Awards through this nomination, and stay tuned for further information about the event in the coming weeks.


Nominations are welcomed from our Philanthropy Australia members and non-members, supporters and friends of our partner organisations.You may not nominate yourself, but you may nominate your organisation or any other Australian philanthropic organisation.

Current staff and Council of Philanthropy Australia and members of the Selection Panel are not eligible for nomination.

Nominees’ names will remain confidential and only successful recipients will be announced.


One of the purposes of the Awards is to acknowledge recent outstanding work in philanthropy.To that end, the timeframe has been set broadly for activity in the past five years (2013 – 2017), which may include design, funding and/or delivery of impactduring that time period.

Selection criteria

For Australian organisations with international grants/impact investments over the amount of $50,000 that:

  • Demonstrate a catalytic use of philanthropic funds toadvance sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction
  • Focus on international community impactin the Indo-Pacific region
  • Demonstrate aninnovative partnership approach in the design and delivery of the international grant/impact investment
  • Demonstrate collaboration with philanthropists, and not-for-profits, business, international community and government
  • Have evidence of significant outcomes and impact that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Demonstrate innovation and risk, breakthrough thinking and a future focus
  • Demonstrate leadership in progressing and growing Australia’s philanthropic funding internationally, and
  • Promote a stable and prosperous regional and global environment through advocacy, strategic giving and best practice grant making or donating.

Selection process

Submissions will be reviewed by the Selection Panel in late May 2018 for announcement at the 2018 Australian Philanthropy Awards Celebration on Thursday 26th July 2018 at the Sydney Opera House.

Award Partner

Many thanks to the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT), our International Philanthropy Award Partner.

Nomination submitted by

Please enter your details below.

First name*

Last Name*

Job Title


Address Line*

Address Line 2*






I am a Member of Philanthropy Australia

Nominee information

Funding organisation details


Project name

First name*

Last name*


Address Line 1*

Address Line 2*






Organisation details
Describe the organisation such as the nature of their business, mission & vision, and funding focus. (100 words)

Recipient organisation


Project name

First name*

Last name*


Address Line 1*

Address Line 2*






Recipient organisation details
Describe the recipient organisation’s charitable focus and mission & vision. (100 words)

Nominees’ names will remain confidential and only finalists and successful recipients will be announced.

2018International Philanthropy Award

The successful nominee will be featured in our Awards booklet, so please summarise your nomination addressing the selection criteria and reasons why it should be considered for this award.Include the theory of change, the project or initiative, and why it was successful. This text will be published in the Awards booklet, subject to space and editing. (250 words)

Summarise your nomination*

Address the selection criteria

Describe how the project delivered on the giver and the do-er’s co-designed vision. (200 words)

Describe the project’s innovation and risk, breakthrough thinking and future focus*(200 words)

If applicable, describe how the grant programs/investments catalysed business models that achieve shared value outcomes, and how it was taken to scale.(200 words)

Collaboration & Partnership – How did the nominee support the project? (select all that apply)

  • One-off grant funding
  • Multi-year grant funding
  • Impact investment
  • In-kind support (e.g. professional services)
  • Capacity building (mentoring)

Describe what each of the organisations bring to the partnership.

Focus on the demonstrated quality of partnership between grant-maker, recipient, business, international community and government, and how they co-partnered and tracked progress. (200 words)


Describe the evidence of tangible delivery of outcomes and impact from your nominee’s work during the past five years (2013 – 2017), and its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. (300 words)

Please estimate your nominee’s amount of philanthropic investment in the project, and if possible on partner’s investment, both financial and non-financial or in-kind contributions.

Please estimate your nominee’s amount of philanthropic investment*:


Non-financial or in-kind contributions:


Supporting Files


  • No more than 6 pages of supplementary material may be submitted along with this nomination.
  • Accompanying material can include a bio or resume, organisation information, video links and articles.
  • All materials submitted become the property of Philanthropy Australia and will not be returned.
  • When preparing accompanying materials, please keep the materials to a minimum and submit materials that reproduce clearly.
  • The maximum file upload size for all files must not exceed 15MB.
  • Please only click the ‘Submit Nomination’ button once. Your supplementary materials may take some time to upload depending on file size and your internet connection. You’ll see confirmation note when it’s safe to close the window.

Supplementary materials

Photos*: Please provide a minimum of two / maximum of 5. Please provide images that highlight the project. These images will be used for promotional purposes if your nominee is awarded

Video: If available, please provide any video links (ie. YouTube, Vimeo etc).

Please double-check your files above if uploading supporting documentation and check all required fields are entered to ensure a successful nomination.

Note: These are guidelines and judges’ discretion is finalBottom of Form