Constitution for Sound Waves Community Choir
Updated 26 April 2016
IntroductionThis constitution has been developed to set out the aims, objectives and operating processes of Sound Waves Community Choir. Although it contains all the legal requirements of a constitution it is deliberately written in a clear and simple way so that our procedures can bemade as clear as possible to our members and supporters.
1. Name:
Sound Waves Community Choir (the Choir)
2. Aims and objectives of the Choir:
2.1 To provide a range of opportunities for members and non-members to sing together and explore a variety of styles and repertoires by working with different musical directors
2.2 Sound Waves Community Choir is a non-political and non-discriminatory Choir.
2.3 From time to time, as decided by the members, the Choir may make donations to charities.
3. Membership of the Choir:
3.1 Membership shall be open to any person aged 18 or over (without distinction of gender, ethnic background, disability, sexuality or religion, cultural, or political beliefs) who subscribes to the aims and objectives of the Choir.
3.2 Members will be admitted to the Choir by registering and paying for one complete session with a Musical Director, and completing a membership form. A session is defined as a full set of rehearsals under one Musical Director.
3.3 Membership shall be renewable annually by attending the Annual General Meeting or by sending apologies for absence. Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed if not renewed in this way.
3.4Members, for the purposes of this constitution, will be referred to as ‘registered members’.
3.5Any registered member of the Choir can stand for election to the Committee, provided that they are not legally disqualified from acting as a Committee Member.
3.6Every registered member shall have one vote at general meetings.
3.7At sessions, events and meetings, registered members are expected to behave in a reasonable manner.
3.8The Chairperson will have the authority to exclude from a meeting or event anyone whose language or behaviour is offensive.
3.9The officers of the Committee have the power to refuse membership to an applicant, (or terminate the membership of an existing member) where it is considered such membership, or continued membership, would be seriously detrimental to the aims, purposes or activities of the Choir. It is envisaged that this power would rarely, if ever, be exercised but were this to be necessary provision would be made for:-
- Any applicant for membership refused in this way to be informed by the officers, in writing, of the grounds on which their application was refused.
- The person affected to have a right of appeal to the full Committee together with a right to address the Committee if they choose to do so.
4. Equal Opportunities statement:
4.1 We want people from different backgrounds and with different experiences to be part of our Choir.
4.2 We strive to make our Choir a place where anyone can feel welcome and safe.
4.3 We will challenge any remarks or behaviours that cause offence or make anyone feel unwelcome.
4.4 We will do our best to overcome any obstacles to people giving their views or getting involved in our Choir.
5. How we will organise our Committee?
5.1We will have at least a Chairperson, Treasurer, Committee Secretary and Membership Secretary. The Committee shall elect Committee members to these offices and may elect other officers.
5.2We will have a Committee that will consist of the four officers and other elected registered members of the Choir to carry out the day-to-day business of the Choir. The minimum number on the Committee shall be four and the maximum number shall be eight.
5.3The Committee may co-opt other members of the choir from time to time for specific roles or tasks as needed. Co-opted members shall not have a vote at Committee meetings.
5.4 The Committee shall meet at least four times each year.
6. How we will make sure we are democratic?
6.1Once per year (no more than 15 months after the previous AGM) we will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
6.2Notice of the AGM shall be sent to all registered members by email or, if that is not possible, by post.
6.3The Committee shall be elected by majority vote of the registered members in a secret ballot held at the AGM.
6.4Written notice, and an opportunity to nominate people for the Committee, will be sent, by email or post, to every registered member at least 3 weeks in advance of the AGM.
6.5Nominations for election to the Committee must be sent to the Committee Secretary at least one week in advance of the AGM.
6.6At least 25% of the registeredmembers of the Choir must be present at the AGM to form the quorum.
7. What happens at the Annual General Meeting?
7.1The minutes of the previous AGM will be presented and approved.
7.2A review of the activities of the Choir will be given.
7.3The annual accounts shall be presented and approved.
7.4The existing committee will stand down but will be eligible for re-election.
7.6Any amendments to the Constitution will be voted on.
7.7An independent reviewer will be appointed to make sure that all expenditure and income is recorded accurately and clearly.
7.8There will be the opportunity for comments and discussion to help steer the Choir’s direction and priorities for the next year.
8. Extraordinary General Meetings:
8.1 AnEGM, open to all registered members, will be convened if 25% or more of the registered members request this in writing to the Committee Secretary, stating their reason for wanting one. This could be in the form of a letter signed by 25% of the registered members. The Committee Secretary will ensure that the meeting is held within 28 days and that all registered members are given three weeks’ notice of the meeting.
9. How many people need to be present to make a Committee decision and how will this be arrived at?
9.1 At least 4 of the Committee members must be present to make a decision on behalf of the Choir.
9.2 All members of the Committee should be consulted on the dates and venues of Committee meetings.
9.3 The Committee will try to work by consensus (Committee members will try to come to an agreement) but where this is not possible, decisions will be made by majority vote.
9.4 In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall decide on whether the issue would benefit from further discussion. If an issue is deadlocked, the Chair shall have a casting or deciding vote.
10. How will members know what has been decided?
10.1The Committee Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the committee.
10.2 These minutes shall note what has been agreed or decided and who is responsible for any action points involved in that decision. The minutes shall be presented to the next Committee meeting for approval.
10.3The minutes of the Committee shall be available to any registered member of the Choir.
11. Responsibilities of the Officers:
The Chairperson will:
- Usually chair all meetings;
- Ensure that all present can contribute without interruption or intimidation;
- Prepare the agenda with the Committee Secretary and ensure that agenda items are fully discussed and implemented where possible.
The Committee Secretary will:
- Deal with all correspondence;
- Keep minutes and records;
- Prepare the agenda with the Chairperson.
The Treasurer will:
- Keep up-to-date records of all financial transactions;
- Ensure that any valid expense claims are dealt with promptly;
- Make regular financial reports to the Committee;
- Prepare accounts for review by the independent reviewer;
- Present accounts to the AGM.
The Membership Secretary will:
- Maintain an accurate register of members;
- Keep members informed of rehearsals, meetings and events;
- Act as a link between the members and the Committee.
Members of the Committee will:
- Work as part of a team;
- Have the right to represent the Choir on outside bodies;
- Act in the best interests of the Choir at all times;
- Conduct themselves in a way which respects others;
- Declare to the Committee any conflict of interest and abide by any decision about how that conflict should be dealt with.
12. Finance:
12.1The Committee can raise funds on behalf of the Choir as they see fit, as long as they are used in line with the aims and objectives of the Choir.
12.2 The Choir shall have a suitable bank or building societyaccount, as decided by the Committee. The Committee shall nominate four signatories, any two of whom must sign any cheque or other request to withdraw funds from the account.
12.3The signatories must not be members of the same household.
12.4The Choir will keep receipts for all funds paid out.
12.5Any expenses incurred in excess of £100 must be approved by the Committee prior to purchase.
12.6The Committee can set the fees for MDs and choir members.
13. Changes to the Constitution:
13.1The Constitution may only be amended at an AGM or at an EGM by a two-thirds majority of members.
13.2If anyone wants to make any changes to the Constitution, they must put them in writing and send them to the Committee Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting.
13.3The Committee Secretary shall let all registered members know prior to the meeting that a change to the Constitution will be on the agenda.
13.4Changes to the Constitution must not weaken the Choir’s commitment to equal opportunities.
14. How we can dissolve the Choir:
14.1The Choir may only be dissolved at a general meeting.
14.2All registered members must be informed that a decision about the future of the Choir will be on the agenda.
14.3 It is the responsibility of the outgoing Committee to ensure that all registered members are informed in advance of the meeting and its purpose.
14.4 A proposal to dissolve the Choir will only be carried if agreed by two thirds of the registered members present or if the Choir is unable to form a Committee.
14.5 All outstanding bills will be paid.
14.6 Any funders will be contacted, and where appropriate, funding will be returned to the relevant funder.
14.7 The remaining funds and possessions will be donated to a not for profit Group in the Hastings & St Leonard’s area whose work most closely aligns with the aims and objectives of the Choir or donated to charity if so decided by the registered members.
Amended 20 February, 2011