Directorate C - Quality of Life, Water & Air
ENV.C.1 - Water /
Brussels, 9 September 2013
for the WFD Common Implementation Strategy
30September 2013 from 10:00 to 17:30
in Centre Albert Borschette, Room 1C,Brussels
draft ANNOTATED Agenda version 1
Coffee will be served inside the meeting room (10:30 and 14:30)
Est. timing / Agenda items / Report by10:00 - / 1 – Welcome and introduction / COM
10:10 / 2 – Approval of the agenda and minutes of the last SCG meeting / COM
10:10 –
10:30 / 3 – Water and Marine Directors' meeting preparation
Oral statements by the SCG representatives of LT and EL
Document: Preliminary draft agenda of the Water and Marine Directors' meeting to be held in Vilnuis on 3-6 December 2013 / LT/EL
10:30 –
10:40 / 4 – Legal and implementation issues regarding Water Directives
Oral statement by NN and Q&A
Document: overview of water infringements and state of play of reporting (GV) / COM
10:40 –
11:00 / 5 – Discussion points
a) Format and contents of SCG meetings
Short presentation by FR (Thierry Davy) and discussion / FR
11:00 –
11:30 / b) Communicating progress towards the objectives in the 2nd RBMP
Oral statement (JRR) and discussion
Document: Short discussion document on communicating progress on WFD objectives (JRR) / COM
11:30 –
12:00 / c) Exchange of views on the establishment of a peer-review mechanism for the improvement of WFD implementation
Presentation (KD or JRR) and discussion
Document: Short discussion document on setting up a peer-review mechanism (KD) / COM
12:00 –
12:30 / d) Update of article 5 analysis (pressures and impacts)
Oral statement (CMC/HF) and discussion
Document: Short discussion document on whether an exchange of information on article 5 update is necessary (CMC) / COM
13:00 –
14:30 / Lunch break
14:30 –
14:40 / 6 – Commission activities
a) Review of Groundwater Directive Annexes
Presentation of state of play (BH) and Q&A
Document: Background document and programme for the Groundwater Conference (BH) / COM
14:40 –
15:00 / b) Assessment of the reports on the progress on implementation of the WFD Programme of Measures (2012 report) and links to the MSFD
Presentation of state of play (HF) and Q&A / COM
15:00 –
15:10 / c) Progress on bilateral meetings with Member States
Oral statement (CMC) and Q&A
Document: Calendar of bilateral meetings (LBS) / COM
15:10 –
15:20 / d) Information on Cohesion/Regional policy
Oral statement on state of play Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes (DK/LL)
Document: Note on the Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes (DK/LL) / COM
15:20 –
15:30 / e) New LIFE+ Regulation
Oral statement on new Regulation and integrated projects (NN)
Document: Note on LIFE+ prepared for Water Directors (NN) / COM
15:30 –
15:40 / f) Consequences of the repeal of the Fish and Shellfish Directives
Oral statement (NN) and Q&A
Document: Letter from PG to German Water Director on the repeal of the Fish Directive (with cover page stating this is at the request of Germany) (GV) / COM
15:40 –
15:50 / g) Guidance on Natura 2000 and hydropower
Oral statement (JRR) and Q&A
Document: Note and presentation distributed to the Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature (with cover page) (KD) / COM
15:50 –
16:00 / h) Aquaculture guidance on WFD and MSFD
Oral statement (JRR) and Q&A
Document: Information note on the guidance process (J D'Eugenio) / COM
16:00 –
16:10 / i) Revisions of annexes 2 and 3 of the Drinking Water Directive
Oral statement (JC) and Q&A
Document: Information note on the revision (J Casaer) (tbc) / COM
16:10 –
16:20 / 7 – Implementation of the CIS Work Programme 2013-2015
a) Outcome of the Prep-SCG meeting
Oral statement (NN) and Q&A
Document: Summary of the discussions at the Prep-SCG (JRR with help from HJ and LBS) / COM
16:20 –
16:40 / 8 – Working Groups, Expert Groups and other CIS activities
a) WG Ecostat
- Intercalibration groups leadership
Oral statement (JRC or TP) and Q&A
- Joint MSFD GES/Ecostat meeting
Oral statement (JRC or JDE) and Q&A / WG leads
16:40 –
16:50 / b) WFD-Floods Directive links paper
Oral statement (IK/JRR) and Q&A / WG leads
16:50 –
17:10 / c) Reporting under UWWTD and DWD (link to DIS)
- Update on the urban waste water SIIF
- New approach towards drinking water reporting
Oral statement (J Casaer) and Q&A
Document: Information note both points (J Casaer) / COM
17:10 – / 9 – Other issues
a) Calendar of CIS events 2014
Oral statement (NN) and Q&A
Document: CIS events calendar 2014 / COM
17:30 / b) Next SCG meeting 4-5 November
Oral statement (NN) on the possible change of venue and lack of interpretation for the 5th Nov / COM