Document: D/GIS/91/EN


Meeting of the Working Party

"Geographical Information Systems for Statistics"

Joint meeting with National Statistical Offices

and National Mapping Agencies

Luxembourg, March 15-16, 2007

BechBuilding (Room "Ampere")

Beginning of the meeting: 10 a.m.


Minutes of previous meeting held on 16-17 March 2006

Working document concerning item 2 of the agenda

Working Party "Geographical Information Systems for Statistics": Summary minutes

Joint meeting with the National Statistical Institutes and the National Mapping Agencies on 16 and 17 March 2006 in Luxembourg

First day

0. Introduction

The chairman, Roger Cubitt, Head of Unit of Eurostat Unit D2, Regional Indicators and Geographical Information, welcomed the participants. He introduced the recently appointed Director of Eurostat Directorate D, Economic and Regional Statistics, Ms Inna Šteinbuka.

Ms Šteinbuka reminded the three main subjects of the two days meeting: INSPIRE, web services and gridding and spatial analysis. She informed that a strategic document on the development of GI related activities in Eurostat and its role in INSPIRE was prepared by GISCO and will constitute the basis for next years activities.

1. Adoption of agenda (Document D/GIS/82)

The agenda was adopted as it stood.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting of the working group "Geographic Information Systems for Statistics" (Document D/GIS/81)

The minutes were adopted as they stood.

3. GISCO project: Progress report (Documents D/GIS/83,84,85)

The current composition of the GISCO team was presented. It will be subject to restructuring and extension in view of the implementation of INSPIRE.

The main progress and developments were presented. The major activities carried out during this period were the following:

-production of statistical and thematic mapping (over 300 maps)

-the management of GISCO database, where several datasets were updated and new ones added. A contract for the provision of administrative boundaries at 1:100.000 scale and of small-scale topographic data (renewable until 2009) was finalised. The acquisition of mid-scale topographic data is planned

-the continuation of the migration to the new system architecture, and its location in the Commission Data Centre, including the finalisation of new documentation, the implementation of 11 web mapping services, a mapping tool for the easy creation of standard thematic maps and a metadata service

-the development of a number of spatial analysis projects

-the development of web pages to facilitate information and data dissemination

-the continuation and improvement of relations with other Commission services. No formal COGI (Commission Interservice Committee on GI) meetings were held, however a number of actions implying the interservice cooperation were launched, as the previously mentioned initiative for the acquisition of mid-scale topographic data (jointly with DG REGIO), the development of a renewed EC-GIS web site, the definition of a new Memorandum of Understanding on INSPIRE between Eurostat, DG ENV and DG JRC. Moreover, GISCO actively cooperated with DG ENV on the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and of WISE (Water Information System for Europe), NATURA2000, the GMES initiative, as well as on specific projects with DG REGIO, TREN, AGRI and the JRC.

-the cooperation on the INSPIRE initiative, including the follow up of a first prototype on cross boundary issues (SDIGER) and the definition of a second one on a future Commission spatial data infrastructure (SDI).

4. Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics

The principles of the recent NUTS regulation, EC/1059/2003, entered into force in July 2003, were shortly presented, as well as the formal application to new Member States as from 1 May 2004. It was underlined that the regulation aims at establishing a certain stability to the NUTS classification, while allowing changes to be made following a three years review cycle.

The next review is planned for the current year 2006. Following the formal process member states will have to notify to the Commission changes to their classification within 1st July 2006; a Commission proposal, following the comitology procedure, will be ready by end 2006, and the amended regulation in force on 1st January 2008.

Several types of change can be considered: territorial changes as well as label changes or corrections to misspelt names. Limited changes (e.g. modifications to NUTS regions implying less than 1% of their population) do not require amendments to the regulation.

The procedure affecting the definition of NUTS regions for the two new accession countries, Bulgaria and Romania, will have to follow a different legislative path. The amendment to the NUTS regulation for BG and RO makes part of the enlargement process; NUTS breakdown will have to be agreed in advance.

5. Update on INSPIRE (Documents D/GIS/86,87,88,89)

The progress of the INSPIRE initiative since last year was presented.

After a short reminder of the basic INSPIRE principles (setting up an infrastructure of spatial data, addressing both data and services harmonisation and data sharing), the status of the legislative process was presented. The proposal, following the legislative co-decision process, went through the first reading process. Both European Parliament and Council having voted amendments to the Commission proposal, a second reading is now necessary. The Commission also issued a communication to the Parliament, where the second reading phase started in February 2006. The final adoption is still expected by end 2006, with an implementation phase lasting until 2013. Main points of disagreement between Commission and Council are the conditions limiting public access to spatial datasets and services, the data sharing between public authorities and cost-benefit requirements.

The status of implementation of the workprogramme for the Preparatory Phase (2005-2006), run by Eurostat, JRC and DG ENV in order to support the definition of the technical specifications (draft implementing rules) necessary to implement the future directive, was presented. Five "Drafting Teams", composed by experts selected through an open call for expression of interest, are working since October 2005 on the five implementing rules foreseen by the directive (Metadata, Data Specifications, Network Services, Data and Service Sharing, Monitoring and Reporting). The first outcomes are expected by the end of the year. The proposals for draft implementing rules will be submitted to a consultation process where GI and environment stakeholders (SDICs, Spatial Data Interest Communities, and LMOs, Legally Mandated Organizations), as well as the general public, will be allowed to comment. Final proposals will then be submitted to the opinion of the formal INSPIRE Committee, in view of their adoption as Commission Regulations.


SE finds the version of INSPIRE amended by the European Parliament as improving some points unclear in the commission proposal. Major problem for SE remains the issue related to the disclosure of confidential (statistical) information.
ESTAT commented that disclosure is an important issue and the Commission has no intention of touching at it. However, it considers that the proposal for INSPIRE is not affecting the protection of confidential data, and so far no concrete examples were given to show that INSPIRE would introduce disclosure problems. It was also reminded that INSPIRE addresses spatial information only.

SE still considered that problems could be generated by the high level of detail that the directive will regulate in the future.

UK raised the problem of some "wording" which could be interpreted in different ways. "Trading" is one of such words. The problem of IPRs, shared between public and private organisations, was also discussed.

6. DG INFSO presentation

DG Information Society presented the status of eContentplus, the follow up to the previous eContent programme, aiming at making digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable. Background to it is the i2010 initiative (A European Information Society for growth and employment), aiming at promoteing an open and competitive digital economy and at emphasising ICT as a driver of inclusion and quality of life.

The last eContentplus workprogramme was issued mid 2005, and a first call for proposals opened until November 2005 and evaluated recently. The workprogramme included an action dedicated to geographic information, addressing in particular the issues of increasing the availability of cross-border, interoperable and/or seamless geographic data, their accessibility and re-usability. Awareness activities, as well as actions improving the exchange of information, were also targeted. On a total of 39 submitted proposals, 3 were selected for funding, and should start their activities by the end of the year. A second call is scheduled for the second half of 2006.


BE asked for some clarification on the definition of Geographic Information in the workprogramme. The objectives seem to be generic (e.g. improving accessibility could mean improving the distribution of data, the network, the metadata availability, …). Harmonisation issues seem not included.
INFSO reminded that the eContentplus programme is not addressing technology development (is a non-research programme).

NL, Eurogeographics considered that a lot of work needs to be done to bridge the gap between existing "islands" (data and backend-frontend, dfata producers-data users). A right balance should be found in the interest of all parties. Wording in eContentplus workprogramme seems slightly ambiguous in terms of accent to data rather than to services. Nevertheless, the increase in the foreseen budget per project is encouraging.

7. ESPON presentation

Postponed to day 2

8. Presentation of EuroGeographics activities and projects

Eurogeographics is the association of National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies. The business plan was presented, based on the three pillars of GI stakeholders (Eurogeographics members, Community policies, private sector and citizens), the workplan and the funding mechanisms.

EuroGeographics workplan for 2005-2008 includes:

-products: SABE, Seamless Administrative boundaries of Europe, and the two topographic datasets at small and medium scale EuroGlobalMap and EuroRegionalMap. Aim is at building a set oh harmonised, pan-European datasets.

-services (as the metadata server EuroMapFinder)

-projects (EuroRoadS, RISE, EuroGeoNames, EuroBoundaries, …)

-horizontal activities (specifications, licensing conditions, …)

-the establishment of partnerships, marketing communications, and lobbying activities.

EuroGeographics contribution to the INSPIRE initiative as well as its position on the Commission proposal and the other Institutions proposed amendments were discussed. EuroGeographics fully supports INSPIRE principles, still partly disagreeing on some specific issues (namely on the way of implementing the data sharing principles).


Question for discussion is what NMAs and NSIs can do to improve the quality of georeferenced statistical information.

SE would like to know what could be made to integrate geography and statistics; the INSPIRE initiative seems to be biased mostly towards geography.
EuroGeographics considered that what they are currently doing is still "limited"; the link established through the NUTS codes between administrative boundaries and statistics is a first step. What would be the suggestion coming from NSIs?

SE suggested firstly to "liberate" statistics from administrative boundaries and secondly to take into account also socio-economical and cultural issues. The grid approach could then be used/extended.
ESTAT agreed that there is a need to move out from the administrative boundaries framework, and reminded that a session on grids is scheduled for the second day of the meeting. ESTAT also recommended to closely look at the way in which statistical information is to be integrated in the INSPIRE data themes.

IE underlined the importance of links between statistics and geography.

9. Presentation of EUROGI activities

A short history of the Organisation was presented.

EUROGI, created in 1993 under the impulsion of the Commission, has currently 22 members; the secretariat recently moved to Lisbon, following the nomination of the new Secretary, Mr João Geirinhas.

In accordance with the vision (GI with all its aspects should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society), the mission (to maximise the availability and effective use of GI in Europe) and the objectives of the organisation, a number of working and advisory groups (WAG) has been set up. The currently set up deal with datasets, user access, applications, International affairs and communication.

EUROGI activities included the support to INSPIRE, the follow up of data sharing and cross-border initiatives, the maintenance of a case studies web site, as well as the follow up of GI in European initiatives as eContentplus, RTD FP7, i2010, e-Government.

Key objectives for the future are to become the network of GI associations (not only the network of networks) and lobbying INSPIRE acting as "the voice of the users". EUROGI shares the Commission and European Parliament position on the INSPIRE directive.

A study covering 10 European countries combining geographic information and statistical information in order to define an indicator showing the correlation between economic performances (GDP) and accessibility was presented.

GMES (point added to the original agenda)

Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) is a political initiative aiming at providing Europe with an autonomous and operational capacity to obtain and interpret strategic information in the field of Environment and of Security.

The Service component is the justification of the whole system, and builds on the other three components, the space, the in-situ and the data management ones. Three EC “fast track” services have already been defined, intended to be operational in 2008: of a particular interest in this context, the one on land cover, whose team leader is Mr D. Grünreich (BKG/EuroGeographics). National and regional users were invited to participate in the EC and ESA service development and delivery processes in their quality of data providers, as well as advisors and users

Second day

The second day was dedicated to two working sessions on the websites for the dissemination of geostatistical information, and on the grids and spatial analysis and its applications to statistics. The sessions were preceded by a presentation on ESPON, initially scheduled on day one.

ESPON presentation

ESPON, the European Spatial Planning Observation Network, is an Interreg European programme with an overall budget of around 17 M€ for the period 2000-2006. It addresses a number of themes intended to support policy development and build a European scientific community in the field of European territorial development. Projects address the issues targeted by the programme under different perspectives, from the long view, pan European one to the regional, local ones. To complement projects addressing specific themes, cross thematic projects build on the former and constitute an integration layer.

Examples were given of indicators developed by the programme activities in order to measure European developments and provide indications for policy makers.

The programme activities also developed a set of "tools" (manuals, glossaries, bibliographies, as well as a database and GIS-oriented instruments), progressively made available on the ESPON web site ( In particular, the Web-GIS, opened to all users at the end of March, and freely accessible, will offer interactive map and statistical analysis services.

The results of the HyperAtlas project, a client application introducing the concept of multiscale territorial analysis, were presented and demonstrated.


UK asked is predicting models are being developed to assess the evolution of indicators calculated on the basis of existing information.

ESPON replied confirming that a project is addressing this issue, trying to define different scenarios on the basis of different assumptions the user could make.

SE remarked that in very few cases maps depict "bad aspects" of the reality, that is parameters showing negative or deteriorating effects.

1. Session 1: Websites for the dissemination of geostatistical information

a) The new GISCO pages on the Intranet of the Commission and on the Internet; b) the new Eurostat website section combining statistical tables and geographic data

On the intranet of the European Commission, Intracomm, a completely updated section on GISCO has been recently made available, providing information and access to services. Four main sections refer to Information and documents, Services, Downloads and Links. New or updated documents include database manuals (geodatabase and historic), a mapping guide and geographic guidelines.

Services developed in 2005, integrating the existing ones as a map catalogue and a gazetteer, offer interactive map capabilities (with 9 themes at the European level and 2 at the world one) and a metadata service for the purposes of documenting existing data and services and discovering them.

A GISCO section, to be integrated within the Internet public web site of Eurostat, has been conceived and will be opened in the first half of 2006. It will give access to information and documents interesting to the general and specialised public, and will offer download capabilities for the dissemination of freely available GISCO datasets.

A prototype aiming at integrating the current Eurostat web site with graphic and mapping capabilities is being developed, and will be available by the end of 2006. It will offer facilities to create through a guided, interactive process, statistical maps at the European level on the basis of the current so called "1000 tables", covering all basic statistic indicators disseminated by Eurostat.


DK asked if European grid mapsare/will be included in GISCO.
ESTAT confirmed that some raster maps are already included in the GISCO reference database (Corine Land Cover, a DTM), and more grid-based data will be added in the future.

AT informed that initiatives are going in that same direction, and wondered if coordinating the efforts would be possible. A discussion could be established bilaterally, but it would also be interesting to establish links from Eurostat to national/regional sites.

IT expressed its interest in cooperating with GISCO on the combination of statistics and geography.

c) Communicating official data by means of advanced visualisation tools and interactive maps (Document D/GIS/90)

Recent e-learning projects for statistics education were presented, making use of the appropriate technology (java applets, flash) in order to provide users with animated and/or interactive tools for data analysis, explanation of statistical theories, experimentation and simulation.