ASTD Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2007
The ASTD Middle Tennessee Chapter Board of Directors met on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at the home of LeeAnnSmith,1048 Singing Springs Rd., Mt. Juliet, TN, 37122. Not in attendance were MarcusWilliamson, LynnManzelmann, PatWhite, ChrisWestfall, SallyJohnson, and Toby Cannon.
President Smith called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
Unfinished business
The minutes from the May meeting were presented for approval. Clarification and correction for the following item was made to the May minutes:
- Under Team/Committee Reports, Marketing, Resources Page Update, Page 4:
. Correct listed the requirements for the new section:
- Provide a listing by services with links to vendors and consultants.
- Require an email address, PDF brochure, or preferably a website, to post information to the resource section.
- Limit posting privileges to members only.
Correction: No motion or formal proposal required by the board regarding the Resources Page Update. The board agreed to the changes as presented by BobDuthie.
Financial Report – SallyJohnson, VP Finance
Sally reported the ASTD Middle Tennessee Chapter Audit Recommendations and Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2006 and 2005 is complete. She passed out copies of the report to board members in attendance and agreed to mail a copy to the absent members. The report will be presented at the June board meeting allowing time for all board members to review the information.
Going forward all financial records and information will be stored in a Quick Books database. Reports will be available such as Profit & Loss Budget Performance and Check Register Activity. Because the board allocated expenditures by the event versus by the month it is difficult to determine how the chapter performs YTD compared to the annual budget. LeeAnnSmith requested a balance sheet for next month similar to those presented in previous months. The chapter accounts are balanced to the penny.
Current SunTrust Bank balance$7,076.39
Income Received in April$2,405.00
Expenses Pain in April$1,221.48
Sally is open to suggestions for improvements of the financial reports. A motion was made and seconded to accept the April financial report. The motion passed unanimously.
Team/ Committee Reports
May ASTD Monthly Meeting Feedback
Total Attendees50
Guests 5
Prospects 2
Board Members 6
Students 7
Corporate Members 3
Inactive Members 2
For AprilLynnManzelmann sent the program evaluation electronically to attendees after the meeting. SallyJohnson reconciled the attendees in CVENT so that LynnManzelmann could send out the evaluations. CVENT provides a summary report and it is posted as Post Survey Results on Board Members only website.
Action Item: SallyJohnson will reconcile meeting attendance records in CVENT the day after the monthly meeting and LynnManzelmann willsend electronic program evaluations to attendees. Sally will prepare a participant list for JanWilson and JanieMcCreary categorizing number and type of attendees.
Action Item: SallyJohnson willpost themeeting evaluation to the board’s website.
Programs – Toby Cannon – Co-VP Programs
May ASTD/STC Joint Meeting at Comdata May 17, 2007
Blogs, Podcasts, and Virtual Training – Oh my!
The invitation for the May meeting cannot be launched in CEVENT Toby Cannon reported for LynnManzelmann. BobDuthie walked the board through the process via on-line projector and Toby launched the invitation.
Because this meeting is starting at a different time (4:30 pm – 7:00 pm) to accommodate STC, the new member orientation session was changed from after to before the meeting. Start time is 4:15 pm and it will end at 4:45 pm. Comdata is providing a separate room for the new member orientation.
STC and ASTD will share the expenses for this meeting but not the revenue. Each organization will keep their respective meeting fees. STC will charge their usual meeting fee for members and guests and be responsible for registering their members and collecting money. ASTD will charge the regular meeting fee for guests and students and will register their members and collect money. Lynn also extended an invitation to WiTT (Women in Technology in Tennessee). She will send a link to the invitation to Witt and it will be distributed to their membership.Several board members from both organizations plan to take the guest from Lodestone to dinner after the meeting concludes.
June Meeting- Habitat for Humanity- Toby Cannon and Lynn Manzelmann Co-VP’s Programs plus Community Outreach Co-VP’s Kim Newman and Cindy Zwickle.
The June meeting will be sponsored by ASTD at the Habitat for Humanity location and is a luncheon meeting. As the sponsor ASTD will have 15 minutes to present benefits of joining ASTD. Because the primary focus of this event is community outreach a motion was made and seconded to waive the guest fee for this event. The motion passed unanimously. There is a $10 fee for a box lunch for each registrant. CVENT can handle the registration but BobDuthie reminded the group that it will cost the chapter $3.00 per person registering.
Action Item: How to promote the event? This is still in the discussion stage. Programs, Community Outreach, and Marketing will meet and determine the most effective ways and report back to the board in June.
Membership-JanWilson, Co-VP Membership
Membership Breakdown (April)
148 Paid Members
13 Corporate Members (29 individuals)
6 Guests
There are 289 records in CVENT for inactive members and a total of 437 records. There are several categories not reported. In future reports LeeAnnSmith requested Jan pull and report data from all categories available in CVENT relating to membership.
Jan researched options in CVENT and found out there is a way to flag active and inactive members. If this is implemented it will prevent inactive members registering for events as members thereby avoiding a fee.
A second option in CVENT will allow individual to register for multiple events offered on the same date. For example: An individual could register separately for a luncheon event and a workshop event offered the same day or just for one of the events.
Marketing- Bob Duthie- Co-VP Marketing
The May newsletter was issued on time.
Bob reported there were 502 visits to the chapter website and 2 jobs posted on Job Target. The chapter received $40 posting fee from Job Target.
The next board meeting is Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at Duthie and Associates, 3310 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN. Going forward board meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month.
Celebration of the first half of the year followed the board meeting facilitated by President LeeAnnSmith.