Chesapeake Bay TMDL Public Meeting

Monday, November 16, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments #300

777 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002


To attend via computer, visit:*

A. Welcome, introductions and meeting logistics ………………………State Moderator: Dr. Hamid Karimi,

District Department of the Environment (5 minutes)

Welcome all participants and those joining via the webinar.

Give a brief summary of the purpose of this meeting:

·  This meeting (DC) is one of 15 public meetings that EPA will host on the Chesapeake Bay TMDL throughout the watershed’s six states and the District of Columbia from early November through mid-December 2009. Additional public meetings will be held after the TMDL is publicized in Draft form, expected next summer 2010.

·  Its an opportunity for the District local partners, watershed organizations, stakeholders and the interested public to hear first-hand about how the Chesapeake Bay TMDL will establish and assign the pollution reductions necessary to meet clean water standards and the supporting performance and accountability features to be used to ensure needed actions are taken.

B.  EPA Presentation on the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and EPA Expectations …………EPA (45 minutes)

·  Rich Batiuk, Associate Director for Science with the USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office

·  Bob Koroncai, Chesapeake Bay TMDL Coordinator, USEPA Region III

C.  District’s Next Steps ………………………………………… Dr. Hamid Karimi, Dr. Monir Chowdhury

DDOE (10 minutes)

·  Summary of local water quality challenges and DC’s interest in obtaining public participation in the process

·  Description of steps, process to develop a DC Watershed Implementation Plan

D.  Public Comments And Questions Session ………………………………………... Panel (50 minutes)

·  Meeting is open to the participants in the room and the people joining the meeting via Webinar to provide their comments and questions to the EPA, District and other colleagues about everything they have heard this morning.

a.  Panel: WASA, NRDC, Anacostia Watershed Society, DDOE, Councilmember Tommy Wells, Ward 6 & LGAC Chair, EPA: Rich Batiuk and Bob Koroncai, Council of Governments; ICPRB.

E.  Adjourn

DC TMDL Public Meeting_Draft Agenda_111609.doc