Dracut Conservation Commission- Minutes of November 20, 2013
Dracut Conservation Commission
Minutes of November 20, 2013
Harmony Hall
Commissioner’s Present: Victor Olson, James Jendro, John Hassan, Stephen Graham, Elizabeth Martin, Conservation Agent Lori Cahill, and Recording Secretary Shannon Rowe Beaulieu
Mr. Olson opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Mr. Hassan to approve the Minutes of October 16, 2013 as written. Motion seconded by Mrs. Martin. Motion passed 3 to 0. Mr. Jendro abstained from voting.
Public Hearing/Notice of Intent/ Colburn Ave & Winter Hill Dr Areas 145-
Ms. Kate Biedron from CDM Smith, Inc. appeared before the Board and presented plans titled Colburn Avenue and Winter Hill Drive Area Sewer Contract 32 prepared by CDM Smith, Inc, dated October 2013 proposing to install sewers. Ms. Biedron discussed the proposed project and stated that this will be the last sewer project for the Town. Ms. Biedron stated that the sewer will be installed on Colburn Ave, Hildreth St, Cherrywood Dr and two dwellings on Old Road. Ms. Biedron stated that the sewer will also be installed on Winterhill Dr, Mammoth Rd, Turtle Hill Rd and Corrine Drive. Ms. Biedron stated that the sewers will be installed in the roadway buffer zone and they will also be making upgrades to the Cherrywood Dr and Mammoth Road pump stations. Ms. Biedron discussed the erosion controls on Cherrywood Dr and Colburn Avenue and stated they would be using silt fencing. Ms. Biedron discussed the upgrade to the Cherrywood Dr pump station and discussed the proposed retaining wall. The Board discussed showing the grading and by-pass specifications on revised plans. The Committee discussed the type of piping used for the sewer project. The Committee discussed if the forced main and plastic could handle the flow. The Committee stated that they want an Engineer to certify the use of plastic piping. Ms. Biedron discussed the erosion controls being used on Colburn Ave and Mammoth Road. Ms. Biedron discussed the proposed work on Corrine Dr, Turtle Hill Rd and Mammoth Rd. Ms. Biedron stated that trench clay dams are used every 300’ and the resident engineer makes sure they are installed.
Motion made by Mr. Hassan to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Mr. Graham. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Mr. Hassan to issue an Order of Conditions with the following conditions:
Motion made by Mr. Hassan to withdraw the closing of the public hearing and the issuance of the Order of Conditions pending information wanted from the Board. Motion seconded by Mr. Graham. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by Mr. Hassan to continue the public hearing until January 15, 2014. Motion seconded by Mr. Graham. Motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing/Amendment to Existing Order of Conditions/ 18 Kelley Rd 145-925
Mr. Steven Eriksen from Norse Environmental Services, Inc. appeared before the Board and presented plans titled High Fields Meadow Definitive Open Space Subdivision Plan prepared by Village Surveying dated September 10, 2013 proposing to revise plans. Mr. Eriksen stated there were minor changes to the plans per the Planning Board and Engineering Department. Mr. Eriksen stated that the changes include the change of the retaining wall from an Allan Block to a Shea Concrete retaining wall, 870 s.f. of wetland alteration and 1030 s.f. of wetland replication area, addition of a drain manhole #9 and a 25’ access easement on building lots 15 &16. Mr. Eriksen stated that they are using the same replication procedure as originally approved.
Motion made by Mr. Hassan to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Mrs. Martin. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Mr. Jendro to issue an Amended Order of Conditions with the following conditions:
1. Per plans dated September 10, 2013
Motion seconded by Mr. Hassan. Motion passed unanimously.
Request for Certificate of Compliance/ 28 Shore Drive 145-533
Mr. Olson read the letter from Norse Environmental Services, Inc. dated November 4, 2013 stating that the project appears to be in substantial compliance and all work has been completed and no additional work is planned at this time. Mrs. Cahill stated that she recommends approval but to remind the applicant that nothing is to get done at the shore line without a Notice of Intent. Mr. Steven Eriksen from Norse Environmental Services, Inc. appeared before the Board and presented plans titled Plan of Land prepared by Village Surveying dated December 13, 2002. The Board discussed the plan and Mr. Eriksen stated that he would provide the Board with an “As-Built” plan showing the existing retaining wall at their next meeting.
Request for Certificate of Compliance/ 49 Clement Rd 145-749
Mr. Olson read the letter from Village Surveying dated November 12, 2013 stating that all works appears to have been completed in substantial compliance with the Order of Conditions. Also included with the letter were plans titled “As-Built” Plan of Land prepared by Village Surveying dated November 12, 2013. Mrs. Cahill stated that she recommends approval of the Certificate of Compliance.
Motion made by Mr. Hassan to issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion seconded by Mr. Graham. Motion passed unanimously.
Request for Certificate of Compliance/ 53 Clement Rd 145-748
Mr. Olson read the letter from Village Surveying dated November 12, 2013 stating that all works appears to have been completed in substantial compliance with the Order of Conditions. Also included with the letter were plans titled “As-Built” Plan of Land prepared by Village Surveying dated November 12, 2013. Mrs. Cahill stated that she recommends approval of the Certificate of Compliance.
Motion made by Mr. Graham to issue a Certificate of Compliance. Motion seconded by Mr. Jendro. Motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
* Mr. Jendro stated that the Zoning By-Law Sub-Committee discussed medical marijuana dispensaries in Industrial Zoned areas. Mr. Jendro discussed possible waste issues from the dispensaries if they were located in a mill building. Mr. Jendro stated that any changes proposed by the open space by-law committee is moving slowly. The by-law committee consensus is that the Town has not been receiving quality open space land.
New Business:
* Amendment to Existing Order of Conditions/ 18 Kelley Rd 145-925
* Certificate of Compliance/ 49 Clement Rd 145-749
* Certificate of Compliance/ 53 Clement Rd 145-748
Motion made by Mr. Graham to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Mrs. Martin. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
Victor Olson, Chairman Stephen Graham
John Hassan James Jendro
Elizabeth Martin, Vice Chairperson
Shannon Rowe Beaulieu
Recording Secretary