Dr Susan Turner

All IGCP Publications 2009

IGCP 491

Schultze, H.-P., Turner, S. & Grigelis, A. 2009. Great Northern Researchers: Discoverers of the earliest Palaeozoic vertebrates. In, Forty Years of Early Vertebrates: papers from the 11th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates. Acta Zoologica, 90 (Suppl. 1): 3–21 (May 2009) doi: 10.1111/j.1463-6395.2008.00387.x

Maisey, J.G., Turner, S. and Miller, R. 2009. The braincase of the chondrichthyan Doliodus from the Lower Devonian Campbellton Formation of New Brunswick, Canada.– .– In, Forty Years of Early Vertebrates: papers from the 11th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates. Acta Zoologica, 90 (Suppl. 1): 109–122 (May 2009)

doi: 10.1111/j.1463-6395.2008.00330.x

Blieck A., Turner S., Burrow C.J. Schultze H.-P., Reif W.-E., Rexroad C.B. & Nowlan G.S. 2009. Pourquoi les Conodontes ne sont pas des Vertébrés? In François Thirion,

Xavier Legrain & Marco Vecoli eds, Prospectives en Paléontologie et Palynologie, 4e congrès APF – 21e réunion APLF, 02 – 05 Juin 2009, Lille, France, Résumés. Laboratoire

Géosystèmes, Université de Lille, Lille, 16-17 no references

Burrow, C.J., Turner, S. 2009. CAVEPS 2009, Cartilaginous fish fauna from the Viséan (Carboniferous, Mississippian) Ducabrook Formation, Central Queensland. 12th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaeontology and Systematics, University of New South Wales,

Sydney, June 22-26, 2009, Abstracts, 1 p.

Christian Klug, Björn Kröger, Wolfgang Kiessling, Gary L. Mullins, Thomas Servais, Jirí Frida, Dieter Korn & Sue Turner 2009. The Devonian ecological revolution, an underrated radiation. Palaeozoic Climates conference, Lille conference abstract (August) key note lecture.

Turner, S. 2009. Fossil Lagerstätten in Australia: discovery and politics. INHIGEO, Calgary Aug 10-14 2009. Abstracts, p. 73-74.

Blieck A, Turner S, Burrow C J, Schultze H-P, Reif W-E†, Rexroad C B, Nowlan G S 2009. Organismal biology, phylogeny and strategy of publication: why conodonts are not vertebrates? 3rd Int. Conf. GeologicaBelgica, Ghent, 14-15 Sept, Challenges for the Planet: Earth Sciences' Perspective, Programme and abstracts, Ghent University, 19-20.

Blieck A, Turner S, Burrow C J, Schultze H-P, Rexroad C B, 2009. Organismal biology, phylogeny and strategy of publication: why conodonts are not vertebrates? In: 69th SVP/ 57th SVPCA, Univ. Bristol, September 23-26, J. Vert Paleo. 29, Supplement to No. 3, Abstracts of papers, 65A.

Schultze, H.-P.1, Turner, S.2,3,5, Blieck, A.4, Burrow, C. J.3, Reif, W.-E.5†, Rexroad, C. B.6, Nowlan, G.S.7 2009. Phylogenetische und systematische Stellung der Conodonten [Phylogenetic and systematic position of the conodonts]. Palaeontolisches Gesellschaft, Bonn, Oct 4., Abstracts, 1p.

Klug, C., Kröger, B., Kiessling, W., Mullins, G. L., Servais, T., Frida, J., Korn, D. & Turner S. 2009. The Devonian nekton revolution. In: Palaeontological Association, 53rd Annual Meeting 13th-16th December, 2009, Abstracts of papers, The Palaeontological Association Newsletter, no. 72, Insert pages 24.

Klug, C., Kröger, B., Kiessling, W., Mullins, G. L., Servais, T., Frýda, J., Korn, D. & Turner, S. The Devonian ecological revolution, an underrated radiation. Lethaia, online Dec 2009


In press.

Burrow, C.J., Turner, S., Young, G.C., in press. Middle Palaeozoic microvertebrate assemblages and biogeography of East Gondwana (Australasia, Antarctica). Paleoworld, 00, 00-00 [IGCP 491 volume]. proofs Nov 2009 doi:10.1016/j.palwor.2009.11.001.

Young, G.C., Burrow, C.J., Long, J.A., Turner, S., Choo, B., in press. Devonian macrovertebrate assemblages and biogeography of East Gondwana (Australasia, Antarctica). Paleoworld [IGCP 491volume]. Nov 2008

Burrow, C.J., & Turner, S., 2009. Reassessment of “Protodus” scoticus from the Early Devonian of Scotland. In Elliott, D. K., Yu X., Maisey, J. and Miao D. (Eds.): Fossil Fishes and Related Biota: Morphology, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography – In Honor of Meemann Chang. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München.

Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S. Fish stew: fossil fish taphonomy and the contribution of microfossils in documenting Devonian vertebrate history (invited chapter) In: J.A. Talent ed. Global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time UNESCO/International Year of Planet Earth ‘life theme’.

Turner, S., Burrow, C.J. Schultze, H.-P. Blieck, A. R.M., Reif, W.-E., Bultynck, P.B., Rexroad, C. & Nowlan, G.S., Conodont-vertebrate phylogenetic relationships revisited. Geodiversitas

IGCP 493

Cooper, BC, Oldroyd, D., Turner S. & Vickers-Rich, P. 2009. Reg Sprigg and the Ediacara fauna: an extraordinary discovery. tag no. 153, Dec, p. 18.

IGCP 506

Vajda, V. & Turner, S. eds 2009. Marine and Non-marine Jurassic: Jurassic ~ Climate and Biodiversity- Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic, August 2008 IGCP 506: Marine and Non-marine Jurassic. GFF, Vol. 131 (Pt. 1-2, June), xxx pp. Stockholm. ISSN 1103-5897. June or early July

Vajda, V. & Turner, S., 2009: Editorial. The Jurassic – in the forefront of science outreach.

GFF, Vol. 131 (Pt. 1-2, June), 1-3.

Turner, S., Bean, L. Dettmann, M., McKellar, J. & McCloughlin, S. 2009. Jurassic marine-non-marine in Australia. IGCP 506 Symposium volume. GFF 131, 49-70.

IGCP History

Turner, S. 2009. INHIGEO Workshop. 50th Anniversary History of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) 1961-2011. INHIGEO, Calgary Aug 10-14 2009. Abstracts, p. 75-77.

Turner, S. 50th Anniversary History of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) 1961-2011. in: Simpson, C. ed. IUGS e-bulletin December 2009.