College Council Meeting

October 18, 2012 EC 302


Dr. Stephan J. Nix (SJN) Dr. Selahattin Ozcelik (SO) Dr. Larry Peel (LP)

Tamara D. Guillen (TDG) Dr. Breanna Bailey (BB) Dr. Jianhong Ren (JR)

Dr. Kim Jones (KDJ) Dr. Bruce Marsh (BM) Dr. Patrick Mills (PM)

Dr. Rajab Challoo (RC) Dr. Sheryl Custer (SC) Eusebio Torres (ET)

Dr. Joseph Sai (JS) Eric Hollingshead (EH) Austin McCoy (AM)


Not present: Ren
1. Welcome/Introductions- None

2. Announcements


3. Reports/Updates/Announcements from departments and dean’s staff


-No room in labs to sits all students. Student complaining computers are slow & have lots of virus’, restrooms are dirty & computer mice are not working properly. SO


-Not many computers available in McNeil lab. JS/BB

*Peel, Challoo & Bailey will form committee to identify which software is beneficial to college & any other software will have to be purchased from dept/research money. Eric, Challoo & Ozcelik will form committee to find out how other institutions handle wireless computers, wifi, etc. & also benefits of students providing their own laptops. SJN


-Oct. 27th Alumni coming up & will be having tailgate gathering (Javelina Engineers). KDJ

Dr. Ren

-Handout given on Eagle Ford Research, Education & Outreach Center, already talked to TXDoT & mtg went well. Internal guidelines for research proposal submission (handout given) to guide faculty on research proposal submission. Nina will be reviewing before submitting to ORSP. Will also be having training sessions, especially for TEES proposal submission, will send out email. College seed fund program modified a bit, guidelines & preferences listed, open competition for college, dean will have to approve first before email will be sent out.

Dr. Bailey

-Finished advisory training for depts., will be doing training on degree works on the 27th. Some feedback given and will be addressing.

Dr. Custer

-Reminder ringing in ceremony today @ 5pm in EC 109.

Mr. Hollingshead

-1st mtg tomorrow for HPCC committee @ 10:30am in EC 341.

Mr. Torres

-Brandon is now assisting in recruitment & will be asking depts. for help. On 25th we will be attending event at Lone Star College (Houston) & would like some students to attend, Brandon will be going to La Joya HS same day. In Feb, the President would like to have an “Administrators Day” similar to Counselor’s Update, details to come. Nov. 8th Victoria West HS coming here for hands on activities. Santa Rosa HS is looking for FT engineering teacher if you know anyone that is interested (grad students as well). San Perlita HS wants ASCE students to go out again, last wk they attended their career expo.

Mr. McCoy

-Mtg w/Butterworth yesterday- many students coming in & not physics ready, would like students to go through preparatory physics (strongly recommended). In Fall, 8 wks prep physics & 8 wks university physics, will discuss further. Another suggestion- give out assessments during hoggie days to see where students stand.

4. Items for discussion/Action

·  Faculty searches- ME- got position approve, will post on JavJobs, EVEN- ad prepared & HR is reviewing it. SO/KDJ

·  Science Academy visits- next visit is Oct. 26th, Peel going. SJN

·  Engineering Marvels- still need episodes, Peel gave one. SJN

·  2012-2013 Budget- hopefully will be published by Friday. SJN

·  Coastal Bend Business Plan Competition- need some senior design teams to apply, Peel has some students interested. SJN/LP

·  Co-op/Internship initiative- Nathan Schweiger hired to manage. SJN

·  Tenure, Promotion, Post tenure review- moving forward, some PTR (Heidari). SJN

·  IEP’s- reminder, due to Dean’s office on Nov. 7th. SJN

·  Project Lead the Way articulation- signing ceremony @ STEM coalition on 15th. SJN

·  Update on South Texas “Engineering Vision”- TAMUCC & TAMIU ??? on board?? SJN

·  TCUR- up to $3000 for student support, students initiate but need faculty support, apps due Oct. 30th. LP

*Need to talk more on “C or better” in core courses for next meeting SJN

*Need to talk about tracks for next meeting. JR