Drs Broom, Ward, Shelly & Maxwell-Jones
MINUTESPatient Participation Group
Monday 18 June 2012 6pm
Attendees: Peter Bishop, Lis Hind, Liz Goodall, Barbara Williams, Arthur Williams, Shirley Hurst, John Chamberlin, Christine Price, Jack Crawford, Dr Andrew Broom, Rachel Taft, Val Kirtley, Mandy Chell
1Apologies– Debbie Newton, Jeffrey Philips, Sheila Allen, Muriel Robinson, Harry Wilson
2Minutes of the previous meeting: 8 May 2012 – agreed
2.1Re point 4.d, LH asked for comment on removing the emergency option from the telephone automated system (Belper’s first line of script is ‘if life threatening, call 999). RT concerned that this might impact on work to reduce self-referrals to emergency services (A&E and 999), but something to be considered.
3Brought forward from last minutes
3.1Minute taking (RT) – in response to discussion with PB and SA post-last PPG meeting (where it was discussed that the PPG should take responsibility for doing the minutes), RT has agreed that that practice would do the minutes. However, this will be up for review at the next AGM.
3.2Testing info/patient leaflets (RT) – PPG Action Plan stated that new info/leaflets for patients will be tested by a sample of patients before being handed out. Proposal to send text to PPG email contact list with 1 week window for response before it is implemented, so that anyone wishing to comment can do so.
4Practice Update (DN)
4.1Advertising for a new receptionist from August 2012 (replacement for staff member leaving end August)
4.2Care Quality Commission - currently checking all our policies and procedures and training on how this will impact on the surgery.
528 day prescribing audit (MC)
5.1A picture paints a thousand words - Mandy showed picture of two piles of returned drugs, pre and post the change to 28 days. The difference in volume was pronounced, having reduced by at least 2/3. Please see her full report attached.
5.2There was a view that patients who don’t waste are being inconvenienced – unfortunately the practice is not able to run two systems, discriminate between patients on who could have a different level of service or to act contrary to local and national guidance in this case. Some members requested actual data on how much money was being saved, unfortunately this is not available. NHS estimate it to be £300million per year wasted, unable to find figure of £100k in previous PPG presentations although when the PPG was briefed in March 2010 it was stated that national studies suggested we could hope to save a 1/3. In addition, the PCT have been asked if they can provide figures but unfortunately not – this is because it is not only the wastage that is returned to practice but also the drugs that are thrown out/expired in patients’ homes. Calculating the returns to practice would be time consuming and there is nothing to compare it to.
6Dispensary – proposal to trial a change to opening hours (MC/RT)
6.1Proposal accepted to close dispensary for 1 hour at lunch to allow some interrupted working time for complicated queries/controlled drugs/medication reviews etc. PPG asked that we choose the quietest time – Mandy to monitor over the next week and publicise new arrangementsto patients.
7Feedback on N.A.P.P. conference (CP)
7.1Thanks to Christine for attending this interesting day, with lots of potentially useful contacts made for the future (both for possible presentations to the group and assistance). Much emphasis on what PPGs can do to get the message across about appropriate use of services.See attached leaflet.
7.2Maggie Matthews (board member of N.A.P.P. and liaison co-ordinator) – 01538 384324/0774 391708/
7.3Reminder to group to access N.A.P.P. members area at Username is membersection, password is affiliation
7.4RT mentioned that there is likely to be further public engagement at CCG level, which will be where the big decisions on commissioning take place. Awaiting further information to pass on when received.
8Feedback on Health Care for the Future event – (LH/PB)
8.1Engagement event – please see attached report.
9Any other business
9.1Derbyshire County Council advertising survey for views on their Health and Wellbeing strategy 2012-15. If interested, it can be found either at local libraries or online
10Date and Time of the next meeting – Monday 13 August 2012
Mandy Chell’s report re 28 day prescribing
We have been 28 day prescribing now from 1st July 2011. We did get some opposition initially but this didn’t last too long. Officially we had 3 complaints, one of which took it to the PCT (outcome unknown, nothing further heard).
We have had a significant reduction in the amount of waste returned to the surgery.
We have now got patients lined up so they are only making 1 trip to the surgery per month, previously when on 28, 56 and 84 day, some pts were coming in 2 or 3 times a month as different meds ran out.
Also have found that as patients are ordering in every month, we have less problems with people needing medication urgently (running out of items that were prescribed a different amount). We have lined up husbands and wives together, so that 1 collection covers it all. Being green!
The introduction of automatic prescribing has been a huge success. Patients are not having to remember to order their medication, just to collect when down to last 3-4 tablets. This has also cut out 1 trip to the surgery. We also stamp the automatic prescriptions with their next collection date on it.
We did have a percentage of patients on 28 day already- by putting everyone on it, makes it a fairer system for all.
Leaflet from N.A.P.P. conference:
“Making Difficult Decisions – Healthcare for the Future”
Thursday 17th May, 10am – 1 pm, Miraj Hotel, Ashbourne
1) This was one of a series of consultation events instigated by the PCT and organised through the Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in Derbyshire in May. We were told to expect a report on the outcomes of this process in July.
2) Peter Bishop, Christine Price and Lis Hind attendedfrom the PPG. Delegates at the event represented a wide range of relevant and interested parties, but reservations were expressed by several members of the Group that no GP’s were present.
3) The main aim of the event was to elicit our views on how the NHS should use its resources and develops its services in the 21st century, centred on 9 key principles:
a) Continue to improve the experiences our patients have
b) Ensure the best possible outcomes for all
c) Ensure no decision about me is made without me
d) Helping people to help themselves
e) Delivering the right service every time
f) Care is provided in the right place
g) Flexible and integrated working across organisations
h) Be innovative
i) Responsible information sharing
These principles were regarded as the CORE of this consultation process
4) There was a lot of discussion amongst the various groups of delegates regarding these principles and some of the key points to emerge were:
- We’ll all need to take more responsibility for own care in the future
- With more of us living longer there’s a growing need for relevant services to work together to include more services at home
- Need to find ways of doing things differently with patient at the heart of the process
- Financial demands – money won’t increase with need & £20 million has to be saved in Derbyshire alone!
- The increasing demands on A & E are the result of increasing numbers of elderly people accessing these services, resulting in lack of beds for other patients including routine ops. Earlier intervention required to assist the elderly.
- For the future more likely to be able to access the care we NEED, rather than the care we WANT!
Some filming also done by Communications department of DerbyHospital – due to be distributed via NHS website in near future – and
watch thisspace for the report in July.