Professor and Director

Mapping and GIS Laboratory, CEEGS, The OhioStateUniversity

470 Hitchcock Hall, 2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH43210-1275

Professional Preparation

TechnicalUniversity of Berlin, GermanPhotogrammetry and Remote SensingPh.D.1990

Tongji University, ChinaSurveying and MappingM.S. 1984

Tongji University, ChinaSurveying and MappingB.S. 1982


Sep.04 – PresentLowber B. Strange Professor in Engineering, The Ohio State University.

Oct. 01 - Present Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng. & Geodetic Sci., The OhioStateUniversity.

Oct. 96 - Sep. 01Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng. & Geodetic Sci., The OhioStateUniversity.

Jul. 95 - Sep. 96Associate Professor Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.

Jul. 92 - Jun. 95Assistant Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary.

Sep. 90 - Sep. 92Assistant Researcher/Lecturer, PacificMappingCenter, University of Hawaii.

Apr. 90 - Aug. 90Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, TechnicalUniversity of Berlin.

Sep. 85 - Mar. 90Research Assoc. and Ph.D. Cand., School of Civil and Survey Eng., Techn. Univ. of Berlin.

Nov. 88 - Mar. 90Research Engineer, Inst. of Machine Tools and Manuf. Techn., Techn. Univ. of Berlin.

ConsultingInt. GIS Specialist, Asian Development Bank (1993-96)

Summer faculty, US Air Force Research Lab (1998)


48 journal papers, 81 conference papers, 7 authored/edited books, proceedings and book chapters.

Relevant Publications:

Li, R., F. Zhou, X. Niu, and K. Di 2006. Integration of IKONOS and QuickBird Imagery for Geopositioning Accuracy Analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (Accepted).

Niu, X., R. Ma, T. Ali, and R. Li, 2005. Integration of Mobile GIS and Wireless Technology for Coastal Management and Decision-Making. Journal ofPhotogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 71(4); 453-460.

Wang, J., K. Di and R. Li 2005. Evaluation and Improvement of Geopositioning Accuracy of IKONOS Stereo Imagery. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, 131(2): 35-42.

Di, K. R. Ma and R. Li 2003. Geometric Processing of IKONOS Geo Stereo Imagery for Coastal Mapping Applications. Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(8): 873-879.

Li, R., K. Di and R. Ma 2002. 3-D Shoreline Extraction from IKONOS Satellite Imagery. The 4th Special Issue on Marine & Coastal GIS, Journal ofMarine Geodesy, 26(1/2): 107-115.

Li, R., K. Di, L.H. Matthies, R.E. Arvidson, W.M. Folkner and B.A. Archinal 2003. Rover Localization and Landing Site Mapping Technology for 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission. Journal of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 70(1): 77-90.

Li, R., R. Ma and K. Di, 2002. Digital Tide-Coordinated Shoreline. Journal of Marine Geodesy, 25(1/2): 27-36.

Li, R., G. Zhou, N.J. Schmidt, C. Fowler and G. Tuell 2002. Photogrammetric Processing of High-resolution Airborne and Satellite Linear Array Stereo Images for Mapping Applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(20): 4451-4473.

Li, R., J.-K. Liu and Y. Felus 2001. Spatial Modeling and Analysis for Shoreline Change Detection and Coastal Erosion Monitoring.Journal ofMarine Geodesy, 24(1): 1-12.

Li, R., W.K. Cho, E.K Ramcharan, B. Kjerfve and D.H. Willis 1998. A Coastal GIS for Shoreline Monitoring and Management – Case Study in Malaysia. Journal of Surveying and Land Information Science, 58(3): 157-166.

Synergistic Activities


2006ESRI Award for Best Scientific Paper in GIS, ASPRS (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)

John I. Davidson President's Award for Practical Papers, ASPRS

2005 NASA Group Achievement Award for the Mars Exploration Rover Science Operations Team.

ESRI Award for Best Scientific Paper in GIS, ASPRS

2004 Earth and Space Foundation Award - MER Mission Team Award.

2003 Talbert Abrams Award, ASPRS (American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing).

2003 Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, The OhioStateUniversity.

2002NASA Participating Scientist, 2003 Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission.

1997Duane C. Brown Award (Photogrammetry), The OhioStateUniversity.

1993Geodyssey Env. GIS Res. Award, Int. Geog. Info. Foundation (IGIF), WashingtonD.C.

Professional Affiliations

Certified Photogrammetrist, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (1991 - )

Member, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (1989 - )

Life member, PACON (Pacific Congress on Marine Technologies) (1993 - )

Life member, AGU (American Geophysical Union) (2002 - )

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (1994 - )

Research Funding

Since 1996 $6.5 million research funding as PI/Co-PI from NSF, NASA, NOAA, NGA, DOD, DOT, State of Ohio, and the private sector.

Service to Scientific and Engineering Community

Member, NationalAcademy of Sciences’Com. on National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting (2002-2003)

Chair, Working Group II/1 of ISPRS: Real-time Mapping Technology (1996 - )

Associate Editor, Journal of Marine Geodesy (1998- )

Special issue guest editor, Journal of Marine Geodesy,1995, 1997 and 1999, co-guest editor 2002

Associate Editor, Journal of Geographic Information Sciences (1995 - )

Chair, NSF Workshop on Coastal Spatial Data for Decision-making, Columbus, OH, June 14, 1999

Co-chair, Organizing Com. of ISPRS Mobile Mapping Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, April 21-23, 1999

Chair, Org. Com. of Duane D. Brown Summer School in Geomatics, Columbus, OH, July 9-11, 1998

Reviewer for 12 journals and 8 funding agencies

Collaborators and other Affiliations


Y. Zhang, Lehigh University; J. Bossler, The Ohio State University; G. Tuel, University of Florida; G. Leigh, C. Challstrom, S. Fowler and M. Schmidt, NOAA; N.K. Saxena, University of Hawaii; R. Arvidson, WU-St. Louis; L. Matthies, JPL; C. Olson, University of Washington.

Graduate Advisor

Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing, Jörg Albertz, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.

Thesis Advisor

Graduate students supervised and graduated: MS: 27 and PhD: 7

Graduate students currently supervised: MS students: 8, PhD students: 3, and Post-Doctors: 3

MS:H. Li, Private co.; L. Qian, private co.; S. Liu, private co.; F. Dong, private co.; W. Zou, private co.; V.A. Bronson, NIMA, DOD; B.L. Carson, NIMA, DOD; T. Cummings, NIMA, DOD; B. Monnin, NIMA, DOD; A. Gonzalez, Venezuela Oil Co.; S.-L. Cheng, private co.; J.-K. Liu, Army, Taiwan; K.-T. Kim, Ph.D. study; T.A. Ali, Ph.D. study; Z. Tu, Post-doc, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; S. Gauchan, OSU Administration; T. Wan, Ph. D. study; F. Ren, Ph. D. study; R. Al-Ruzouq, Ph.D. study, University of Calgary; M. Al-Gahtan, Ph.D. study; K. Senthilnathan, Ph.D. study; C. Serafy, ESRI;J. Glascock, private company;E. Oberg, private co; A. Srivastava, private co.; S. Agarwal, private co.; E.Brodyagina, private co.

PhD:C. Vincent Tao, Microsoft, Inc.; Bishnu Phuyal, NavTech Inc.; Tarig Ali, Central Florida Univ.; Kee-Tae Kim, VEXEL Inc.; Fengliang Xu, Leica Inc.; Xutong Niu, The Ohio State Univ.; Ruijin Ma, SUNY Alfred.

Post-Docs Supported:

F. Xu (Oct. 2004 – Nov. 2004), Leica Inc., Atlanta, GA; A. F. Elaksher (Sep. 2002– Aug. 2003), University of Cairo, Egypt.; F. Ma (Mar. 1998 – Mar. 2001), Leica Inc., Atlanta, GA.; G. Zhou (Mar. 1998 – Dec. 1999), Old Dominion University, VA.