1994Ed.D., Sport Management and Leisure Studies, Emphasis: Sport
Administration and Recreation, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PA.
1990M.A.T., Physical Education, Emphasis: Physical Education and Teaching
Methods, the University of West Alabama (formerly LivingstonUniversity), Livingston AL.
1986B.S., Major: Physical Education, Minor: Science, the OhioState
University, Columbus, OH.
08/97 – presentFull-Time Faculty Member: Professor, The College at Brockport, Brockport, NY.
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
- Research in Sport Management
- Sport Management & Administration
a.Emphasis: Sport Marketing and Sport Sales
- Included : Practicum Placement and Advising
- History of Sport, Play & Exercise
- Coaching Sport
- Advanced Basketball
Graduate Courses Taught (Sport Management):
- Budget, Finance & Facility Management of Sport
- Administration & Supervision of Physical Education & Athletics
International Society for the Social Sciences (ISSSS), Member – since 2010
European Association for the Sport Philosophy (EAPS), Member – since 2010
International Association of Philosophy of Sport (IAPS), Member – since 2009
ICHPERD SD, Member – since 2006
Sports Lawyers Association (SLA), Member – since 1998
North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Member – since 1994
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
(AAHPERD), Member – since 1994
National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC), Member – since 1990
Editorial Board Member or Guest Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for Eight (8) National Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Chair of Editorial Board, the Ghana Physical Education and Sport Journal (2010-
- Editorial Board Member, Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, (2007- Present)
- Editorial Board Member, Sport Management Education Journal (2007-Present)
- Editorial Board Member, Sport Management International Journal Choregia
- Editorial Board Member,Strategies (2006-2008).
- Editorial Board Member, the Journal of ICHPER-SD (2005-Present)
- Editorial Board Member, the International Journal of Sport Management(1999- Present).
- Guest Editorial Board Member, The Physical Educator (1999-Present)
PUBLICATIONS (Peer-Reviewed)
Schneider, R.C. (2009). Ethics of Sport & Athletics: Theory, Issues, & Practice.
Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. (392 pages)
Schneider, R.C. (2008). Basketball for All Levels. Boston: American Press. (183 pages)
Schneider, R.C. (2008). The virtuous sport manager. Proceedings of: The Forensic
Sciences and Sport Conference. Ankara, Turkey.
Journal Articles (60)
1. Schneider, R.C. (2010). Governing sport morally through policy grounded in
utilitarianism. Ghana Physical Education and Sport Journal, 1(1), 59-69.
2. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Henry, T.J. & Wilding, G.E. (2010). Equity and
discrimination in NCAA athletic departments: perceptions of senior woman administrators. Ghana Physical Education and Sport Journal, 1(1), 46-58.
3. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Henry, T.J. & Wilding, G.E. (2010). Perceptions of
senior woman administrators (SWAs), within NCAA institutions, relative to sexual harassment within their own institutions—Part A. The Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual (ARCAA), 25(1), 175-212.
4. Schneider, R.C. (2010).Developing the moral integrity of college sport through
commercialism. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, XLIX, 30-38. doi: 10.2478/v10141-010-0011-3. Retrieved from
5. Schneider, R.C., Konukman, F., & Stier, W.F. (2010). Survival strategies for physical
educators during recessionary times. The Physical Educator, 67(4),170-177.
6. Schneider, R.C. (2010). Developing moral sport policies through act-
utilitarianism based on Bentham’s hedonic calculus. Sport Management International Journal, 6(2), 95-106. Retrieved from
7. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Kampf, S., & Gaskins, B.P. (2010). Job satisfaction for
campus recreation professionals within NIRSA institutions. Recreational Sports Journal, 34, 78-94.
8. Schneider, R.C. & Williams, C. (2010). Success rates of underhand and overhand
free-throws as novel skills. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 27(2), 13-20.
9. Schneider, R.C., Stier, W.F., Henry, T.J. & Wilding, G.E. (2010). Title IX
compliance in NCAA athletic departments: perceptions of senior woman administrators. Journal of Human Kinetics, 23, 91-98. Retrieved from:
10. Schneider, R.C., Stier, W.F., Henry, T.J. & Wilding, G.E. (2010). Senior women
administrator’s perceptions of factors leading to discrimination of women in intercollegiate athletic departments Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 3(3), 16-34. Retrieved from:
11. Schneider, R.C. & Marriott, S. (2010, February). Tips for applying the sport
education model to basketball. Teaching Tips Section. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 81(2), 15-17.
12.Schneider, R.C., Henry, T.J., & Stier, W.F. (2009). Knowledge Areas Necessary for
Successful NCAA Division IIICertified Athletic Trainers: NCAA Division III Certified Athletic Trainers’ Perceptions. Journal of Human Kinetics, 21, 97-103. Retrieved from:
13. Stier, W.F., Henry, T., & Schneider, R.C. (2009). Importance of selected educational
factors for Division III certified athletic trainers—A national study. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 24(1), 25-50.
14. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2009). Sport management taught on-line: A
discussion. Sport Management International Journal, 5(1), 55-68. Retrieved from
15. Henry, T.J., Schneider, R.C., & Stier. W.F. (2009). Desirable qualities,
attributes, and characteristics of successful athletic trainers – A national study. The Sport Journal, 12(2). Retrieved from
16. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2009). The practice and teaching of critical thinking in
sport management. The Sport Management and Related Topics Journal (SMART Journal), 5(1), 96-109. Retrieved from
17. Schneider, R.C., Stier, W.F., Kampf, S., Haines, S.G., & Gaskins, B. (2008). Factors affecting risk management of indoor campus recreation facilities. Recreational Sports Journal, 32(2), 114-133.
18. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2008). Essential work ethic characteristics and important skills of players to winning men’s Division III basketball games. ICHPERD-SD Journal of Research, 3(2), 112-116.
19. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2008). Attributes and Competencies Sought in
Physical Education Teachers/Coaches—A National Survey of Secondary School Principals. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 23(1), 194-212.
20. Stier, W.F. & Schneider, R.C. (2008). Effectiveness of Basketball Coaching Methods
and Player Qualities—A National Survey of Coaches.Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 23(1), 43-67.
21. Schneider, R.C. Henry, T.J. & Stier, W.F. (2008). Accomplishments and experiences
necessary for NCAA Division III athletic trainer success. ICHPERD-SD Journal of Research, 3(2), 19-23.
22. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2008). Important characteristics of successful NCAA
Division III basketball players and programs as perceived by their coaches. Journal for the Study of Sports & Athletes in Education, 2(1), 93-106.
23. Schneider, R.C. & Aiken, F.A. (2008). Effects of selected personal, environmental,
and activity characteristics on exercise adherence. ICHPERD-SD Journal of Research, 3(1), 51-56.
24. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Kampf, S., Haines, S., & Gaskins (2008). Selected risk \ management policies, practices, and procedures for intramural activities at NIRSA institutions. Recreational Sports Journal, 32(1), 28-44.
25. Schneider, R.C., Stier, W.F., Kampf, S., Gaskins, B. & Haines, S.G. (2008). Club
sport legal liability practices at NIRSA institutions. Recreational Sports Journal, 32(1), 62-76.
26. Stier, W.F. & Schneider, R.C. (2007). Effectiveness of basketball coaching methods
and player qualities—A national survey of men’s Division I basketball coaches. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 22(1), 1-22.
27. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2007). What every public school physical educator
should know about the hiring process. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 78(1), 40-45.
28. Henry, T.J., Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2007). Importance of selected skills and employment competencies in Division III collegiate athletic trainers within the United States—as viewed by head athletic trainers. Journal of ICHPERD-SD, XLIII(1), 32-35.
29. Schneider, R.C. & Baker, R.E. (2007). Trash talking practices and reactions in sport: A qualitative examination. Journal of ICHPERD-SD, XLIII(1), 26-31.
30. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2007). Perceived problems in campus recreation \ programs in North America. Recreational Sports Journal, 31(2), 51-60.
31. Stier, W. F., Schneider, R. C., Kampf, S, Wilding, G. E., & Haines, S. (2006). Current hiring practices of campus recreation directors of NIRSA institutions. Recreational Sports Journal, 30, 100-115.
32. Schneider, R. C , Stier, W. F, Kampf, S, Wilding, G. E., and Haines, S. G. (2006).
Characteristics, attributes, and competencies sought in new hires by campus
recreation directors.Recreational Sports Journal, 30, 142-153.
33. Schneider, R.C. & Baker, R.E. (2006). Obtaining maximum effort and results from
your athletes through motivation. Strategies, 19(6), 27-31.
34. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2006). Important characteristics of successful NCAA
basketball programs as perceived by their coaches. The Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 42(3), 5-10.
35. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2006). Preferred player characteristics and skills of
Division I men’s basketball coaches. The Sport Journal, 9(3). Retrieved
from thesportjournal.org. (Recopyrighted in 2010 at
36. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2006). Sport management field experiences as
experiential learning: Ensuring beneficial outcomes and preventing exploitation. The Sport Management and Related Topics Journal (SMART Journal), 2(2), 36-43. Retrieved from
37. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2005). Necessary education for the success of athletics
directors: NCAA president’s perceptions. The Sport Journal, 8(1). Retrieved
from thesportjournal.org.
38. Schneider, R.C., Stier, W. F., Kampf, S., Wilding, G.E. and Haines, S. (2005).
Reporting Structure and Job Satisfaction of Collegiate Campus Recreation Directors. Recreational Sports Journal, 29(1), 33-41.
39. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Kampf, S., Wilding, G.E., & Haines (2005).
The financial and facility status of campus recreation programs at NIRSA colleges and universities. Recreational Sports Journal, 29(2), 127-142.
40. Stier, W.F., Jr., Schneider, R.C., Kampf, S., Wilding, G.E. and Haines, S. (2005). A
Survey of Campus Recreation Directors at NIRSA Institutions — Activities Emphasized, Student Participation Patterns, Trends and Future Offerings Contemplated. Recreational Sports Journal, 29(1), 42-58.
41. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W. F. (2005). Maintaining the non-compensation component
of college student-athletes. ASAHPERD Journal, 27(1), 58-62.
42. Stier, W.F., Schneider, R.C., Kampf, S., Wilding, G., & Haines, S.(2004).
Identification of problems in campus recreation programs in North America.
Recreational Sports Journal, 28(1), 31-43.
43. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2004). Areas of knowledge necessary for successful
athletic directors: A descriptive survey of the perceptions of NCAA institution
presidents. Missouri Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance, 14, 74-82.
44. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2004). Recommended skills and competencies for
collegiate athletic directors. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 19, 207-
45. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2004). A national survey of high school athletic
directors – recommended skills, competencies and knowledge for future ADs. Texas Association HPERD Journal, 72(2), 10-14.
46. Schneider, R.C. & Stier, W.F. (2003). Important professional experiences as
perceived by NCAA presidents for athletics director success. LAHPERD Journal,
67(1), 20-25.
47. Stier, W.F. & Schneider, R.C. (2003). Necessary personal qualities, attributes and
characteristics for directing athletics: NCAA presidents’ views. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 18, 194-211.
48. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2003). Past achievements and accomplishments
necessary for athletic director success: college presidents’ views. Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal, 28(1), 8-13.
49. Stier, W. F., & Schneider, R.C. (2003). Recommended professional experiences and
accomplishments for future athletic directors – A national survey of high school athletic directors. IAHPERD Illinois Journal, 50, 4-11.
50. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2003). A comparison of recommended educational
experiences as perceived by athletic directors and principals. NCAAHPERD North Carolina Journal, 39, 29-35.
51. Schneider, R.C. & Heiberger, R. (2002). Effects of game variables on the three-point
shot in men’s college basketball. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 17, 85-108.
52. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2002). Desirable qualities, attributes and
characteristics of future interscholastic athletic directors – as recommended by high school athletic directors. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics, 17, 26-42.
53. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2001). Recommended educational experiences for
high school athletic directors. The Physical Educator, 58, 211-222.
54. Schneider, R.C., & Stier, W.F. (2001). Leni Riefenstahl’s “Olympia”: Brilliant
cinematography or Nazi propaganda? The Sport Journal, 4(4). Retrieved
December 19, 2001, from
55. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2001). Desirable qualities, attributes and
characteristics of high school athletic directors – as expressed by principals.
Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual 2001, 16, 89-109.
56. Stier, W.F. & Schneider, R.C. (2001). Essential skills, competencies and knowledge
expected of athletic directors – by their principals. International Sports Journal,
5(2), 18-30.
57. Stier, W. F., & Schneider, R. C. (2000). What High school principals expect of their
athletic directors. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(8),
58. Schneider, R. C. , & Stier, W. F. (2000). Sport management curricular standards
2000 study – graduate level. International Journal of Sport Management, 1, 137-149.
59. Stier, W.F., & Schneider, R.C. (2000). Sport management curricular standards 2000
study – undergraduate level. International Journal of Sport Management, 1, 56-69.
60. Stier, W. F. , & Schneider, R. C. (1999). Fundraising: An essential competency for
the sports manager in the 21st century. The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 35, 93-103.
Schneider, R.C. & Konukman, F. (2011, May 27). Higher education’s responsibility in a
growing global marketplace. Paper presented at the 2011 International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues, UYK-2011. Istanbul, Turkey.
Konukman, F. & Schneider, R.C. (2011, May 27). The role of academic service learning
in higher education in the 21st century. Paper presented at the 2011 International Higher Education Congress: New Trends and Issues, UYK-2011. Istanbul, Turkey.
Schneider, R.C. (2011, June 3). Underpinnings of a world class sport management
program in higher education. Paper presented at Hitit University. Corum, Turkey.
Schneider, R.C. (author), Anyetei, A. (co-presenter), Nkansah, I.M. (co-presenter)
(2011, June 8). Maximizing the educational benefits of the sport education model through basketball. Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the Ghana Physical Education and Sport Think Tank Conference (GPESTT). Winneba, Ghana.
Schneider, R.C. (2011, May 21). Major college basketball in the United States: hypocrisy
and morality. Paper presented at the Eastern European Association for the Philosophy of Sport (EAPS) First International Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Schneider, R.C. (2011, April 30). Long live the lecture. Paper presented at the SUNY
Plattsburgh Conference on Teaching and Learning. Plattsburgh, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2011, March 31). Becoming marketable in the HPERD athletics
profession in the 21st century (Panel Member). National Conference of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. San Diego, CA.
Schneider, R.C. (2011, January 19). Overcoming disadvantages of lecturing. Paper
presented at the Brockport Teaching and Learning Day. Brockport, NY.
Hager, P. & Schneider, R.C. (2010, November 18). Moral integrity in sport and
athletics. Paper presented at New York State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance. Verona, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, October 29). The Mini-Lecture as an Effective Teaching
Method. Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Competency-Based Education Consortium 22nd Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, October 14). Effective professional networking. Paper presented
at Thompson Residence Hall. The College at Brockport, Brockport, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, September 18). A moral review of commercialism’s influence on
the NCAA. Paper presented at the 2010 International Association for the Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference. Rome, Italy.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, September 24). Developing the moral integrity of sport through
commercialization. Paper presented at the 2010 International Society for the Social Sciences of Sport Annual Conference. Warsaw, Poland.
Stier, W.F. (author), Schneider, R.C. (author), Henry, T.J. (author), & Wilding, G.E.
(author). Mickson, I.W. (presenter). (2010, July 31). Equity and discrimination in NCAA athletic departments: perceptions of senior women administrators. First International Conference of the GPES Thinktank. Accra, Ghana.
Schneider, R.C. (author). Narteh, P. (presenter). (2010, July 30). Governing sport
morally through policy grounded in utilitarianism. First International Conference of the GPES Thinktank. Accra, Ghana.
Konukman, F. & Schneider, R.C. (2010, June 26). The future of kinesiology. Paper
presented at the 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). Antalya, Turkey.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, June 23). NCAA and member institution’s commercialized
approach to revenue generation. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS). Antalya, Turkey.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, April 15). Seeking morality in athletic departments through a
utilitarian supported mission. Paper presented at 6th Annual Southern Sport Management Conference. Troy, AL.
Schneider, R.C. (2010, January 22). The opinion continuum. The College at Brockport’s
Second Annual Teaching and Learning Day. Brockport, NY.
Hager, P. & Schneider, R.C. (2009, November 20). Values in sport & athletics. Paper
presented at New York State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance. Verona, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2009, November 13). Integrating moral values into a competitive
coaching philosophy. Paper presented at International Council for Coach Education (ICCE) Global Coach Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Schneider, R.C. (2009, October 22). Effective use of cooperative learning in the
classroom. Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Competency-Based Education Consortium 21st Annual Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Schneider, R.C. (2009, August 29). Managing sport through act utilitarianism based on
Bentham’s hedonic calculus. Paper presented at the 2009 International Association for the Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.
Schneider, R.C. (2009, April 17). Case study panel of experts member and evaluator of
case study competition. 2009 Scholarly Conference on College Sport. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Astle, S. & Schneider, R.C. (2009, April 15). Features influencing the sale of Bally
memberships. Paper presented at the 2009 The College atBrockport’s Scholars Day. Brockport, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2009, February 12). How to write and publish university textbooks.
Paper presented at The College at Brockport’s Faculty Learning Community. Brockport, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2008, November 28). The virtuous sport manager. Paper presented at
The Forensic Sciences and Sport Conference. Ankara, Turkey.
Hager, P. & Schneider, R.C. (2008, November 20). Ethical Issues in Sport: Perspectives Old & New. Paper presented at New York State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance. Verona, NY.
Schneider, R.C. (2008, October 23). Lecture less through cooperative learning. Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Competency-Based Education Consortium Idea Exchange 2008. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Schneider, R.C. & Anand, V. (2008, September 5). Learning cooperative learning
through cooperative learning. Paper presented at The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. The College at Brockport, SUNY, Brockport, NY.
Kampf, S., Schneider, R. Stier, W.F., Haines, S. & Styffeler, S. (2008, April 3-5). Legal
practices and experience of NIRSA directors of recreational sports. Paper presented at the national conference of the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association. Austin, TX. (Actual presenters were Kampf, S., Schneider, R.C. & Styffeler, S.)
Schneider, R.C. & Sarrazin, N. (2007, November 30). News from the frontlines:
Increasing student learning by lecturing less. Paper presented at The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. The StateUniversity of New York at Brockport, Brockport, NY.
Hager, P. & Schneider, R.C. (2007, November 8). Ethical Theory for Coaches
and Athletic Directors. Paper presented at New York State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance. Verona, NY.
Aman, C. & Schneider, R.C. (2007, April 11). The effectiveness of selected deterrents to
substance abuse by Division III athletes. Paper presented at the 2007 SUNY Brockport Scholars Day. Brockport, NY.
Baker, R.E. & Schneider, R.C. (2007, March 16). So prove it: Data-based decision
making in sport. Poster presentation at the 2007 National Conference of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Baltimore, MD.
Schneider, R.C. (2007, March 15). AAHPERD journal writer’s workshop. Panel
Member at the National Conference of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Baltimore, MD.
Baker, P.H., Baker, R.E., & Schneider, R.C. (2007, March 15). Enhancing diversity
through athletic inclusion: Implications for sport leaders. Paper presented at the 2007 National Conference of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.Baltimore, MD.
Hager, P. & Schneider, R.C. (2006, November 16). Ethics in sport and physical
education: A future professional’s guide. Paper presented at the New YorkState
Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance.Rye Brook, NY.
Kampf, S., Swick, C., Stier, W.F., Schneider, R., & Wilding, G. (2006, October 21).
Characteristics, attributes, and competencies sought in new hires within Region I. Paper presented at the 2006 National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association, Region I Conference, Baltimore, MD. (Actual presenters were S. Kampf and C. Swick.)
Kampf, S., Haines., Schneider, R.C., Stier, W.F. & Wilding, G. (2006, November 2).
Hiring characteristics sought in recreational sports, Region III report. Paper presented at the ORSA State Conference, Columbus, OH. (Actual presenters were S. Kampf and S. Haines.)