Dr R Tyrrell and Partners – The Eastney Practice

Patient Group Meeting – Wednesday 17th October 2012

Present: Dr Richard Tyrrell – Senior Partner, Sue Miller – Practice Manager, Steph Barrett – Alcohol Intervention Team, Jayne Warren – Secretary, Ann Hiller, Marilyn East, James East, David Clark, Melanie Clark, Gill Francis and Joan Mason.

Apologies: Peter Sheldrake and Janet Cook.

Patients will be referred to by initials

Sue Miller opened the meeting at 17:00 by welcoming those who had attended and invited them to help themselves to refreshments provided. Sue introduced Steph Barrett, team member from the Alcohol Intervention Team (AIT) who began her talk by handing out a quiz for everybody to test their knowledge on what is seen to be reasonable amounts for people to drink. Steph explained that initially the service provided 6 sessions for clients but now they offer as many as is required; working on a reduction strategy. The AI team work within the GP practice and will see and advise patients predominately within one week.

AH - how many people make appointments and then don’t keep them?

Steph - approximately 20% don’t turn up but the team persist in contacting them to rebook.

AH - is it true that if you drink over time, this will affect your memory?

Steph - it affects not only memory but can cause loss of consciousness and other health problems.

Comments were made of how many young lads drink before going out and how they could afford this.

MC – If government changed the age for drinking, would it improve?

Sue Miller commented that all new patients are asked to complete an alcohol intake form to be referred onto the AIT if required.

DC – what provision does the system have for mental health patients with alcohol problems?

Steph – we work with dual diagnosis as one problem usually goes hand in hand with another.

Dr Tyrrell mentioned how difficult it is trying to assess a patient who has been drinking who also has mental health problems when on call.

AH – there is not much you can do for a patient, if they don’t realise they have a problem.

Steph – for every £1 spent on interventions, it is £5 saved on the NHS.

Sue Miller went on to explain the results of this year’s survey that had been sent to patient asking them what are their top 2 priorities for the next practice action plan. The results were that patients would like the practice to review the appointments system and telephone system.

The group felt that the practice should provide more on line access for patients and use more texts messaging as so many patients now have mobile phones. They felt that education leaflets might help with the DNA rate as demand for appointments might be less if patients knew how to help themselves.

From the discussion, the group then agreed the following questions that should be included in the next survey:

  1. Would patients like on line booking facility?
  2. Text messaging to be able to cancel appointments?
  3. More patient education leaflets?
  4. Reminders of appointment times via text message?
  5. The provision of a landline number?
  6. Would patients like to be able to leave messages on an answer machine?

Sue advised that she would send these questions to the virtual patient group and if no objections, would distribute a new survey. Once the survey has been analysed, the group would be invited back and develop an action plan.

The group went onto further items for discussions.

Dr Tyrrell and Sue Miller outlined the new telephone number NHS 111 which will soon be available to everyone; patients will be triaged by the Ambulance Service and will be a nationwide scheme.

The date for the next patient group meeting to be confirmed and the Learning Disability team will be attending to observe how our group is run and to help them to see how they can involve patients with learning disabilities into patient groups.

DC – asked about care of the elderly in the community and both Sue and Dr Tyrrell explained about Integrated Care and End of Life care.

MC – asked about care in the home –ACTION Jayne Warren to research this by enquiring at their office in Orchard Road.

Sue thanked everyone for attending and informed them that minutes will be posted in due course

The meeting closed at 18:00.

Next meeting will be in December – Sue Miller will confirm the date within the next week.