Art, Crime and Criminals:

Painting Fresh Pictures of Art Theft, Fraud and Plunder

Topic: Art Fraud and Forgery

16 January 2016 – 61 Whitehall SW1A 2ET

Monday 16th January 2017

0900 Registration

0930 Introduction

Duncan Chappell

Saskia Hufnagel

1000 International Case Studies

Dr. Noah Charney, Founder, Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA)

Rene Allonge – Detective Chief Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Office (State of Berlin)

Steven Weigel – Detective Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Office (State of Berlin)

Saskia Hufnagel, QMUL

1130 Tea and coffee

1145 Presentation & Dialogue

John Myatt

1300 Lunch

1400 International Law Enforcement and Security Perspectives

Vernon Rapley, Head of Security and Visitor Services, Victoria & Albert Museum

Toby Bull, Senior Inspector, Hong Kong Police

Michael Will, Europol

1530 Tea and coffee

1600 Detection, Prosecution and other Legal Action

Professor Robyn Sloggett, Director, Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, University of Melbourne

James Ratcliffe, Art Loss Register

Robert A. Kugler – Barrister/Solicitor (Rechtsanwalt), Höly, Rauch & Partner - Lawyers, Berlin

Tim Maxwell, Solicitor, Boodle Hatfield

Jean Dendy, Centre de conservation du Québec, Ministère de la Culture et des Communications

Royal United Services Institute