Dr. Vicky Ramos, Superintendent

Dr. Nellie A. Bush, President John J. Bottisti, Vice President

William H. Mycek, Attorney Lorrie Schell – Clerk of the Board


Greater Amsterdam School District

Amsterdam High School Media Center

November 15, 2017

Regular Meeting

Board Members Administrators / Officials

Mr. Bottisti Dr. Ramos, Superintendent

Dr. Bush Mrs. Downing, Asst. Superintendent

Ms. Marciniak Mrs. Crisafulli, Dir. of Testing & Academics

Rev. McHeard Mrs. Lawyer, Dir. Sp. Ed. & Student Support services

Mr. Murdoch Mrs. Brumley, Business Manager

Mr. Peninger Mr. Mycek, School Attorney

Mrs. Schuttig

Student Rep. Molly Monge

Public – 10 Other – Recorder

Dr. Nellie Bush opened the meeting at 6:00 PM.

Public Comment :

Dr. Govind Rao – Spoke regarding the changes he has seen in his practice during his 46 years in the community (behavior & mental health issues, drug addiction). He asked for the Board and District’s support for Bill 7934, which would provide drug screening for certain children and insurance coverage for the screening.

Dr. Martha Frank, Director of Whispering Pines Preschool – Spoke regarding the programs at Whispering Pines and making Bacon School a more permanent home for them.

Darlene Swartz, parent – Spoke regarding AHS Chorus trip to Hershey Park. Parents would like the trip to be extended an additional day.

Jennifer Bowan, parent – spoke regarding the special education/IEP process: following IEP, communication, support.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm and entered into executive session. Executive session adjourned at 9:44 pm and re-entered regular session. On motion of John Bottisti, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

ROLL CALL: 7-0-0


Lorraine Schell, Clerk of the Board


Board of Education – Regular Meeting

November 15, 2017




November 15, 2017

250/2017-18 Motion by

RESOLVED: that the Board of Education for voting purposes combines and approves resolutions 250, 251, 253 through 264, and 266 through 279 with one vote.

Motion passed X Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the reading of the minutes held on the following dates be dispensed with, each Board of Education member having received a copy and that they be approved as prepared by the Clerk.

Regular Meeting……………October 18, 2017

Special Meeting…………….November 13, 2017

Motion passed X Motion defeated


November 15, 2017

252/2017-18 Motion by: Jackie Marciniak

RESOLVED: that the monthly accounts of the Treasurer of the Board of Education (presented under separate cover and on file in the office of the Business Manager) be received, approved and filed for the month of October.

6-0-1 (Mr. Peninger – Abstain)

Motion passed X Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the bills as herewith listed as approved by the Internal Claims Auditor and presented in the sum of $3,390,334.31

GENERAL FUND AUDIT $ 1,013,179.08

SPECIAL AID FUND $ 137,113.80

CAPITAL AUDIT $ 2,053,732.67



be, and the same are directed paid by the Board of Education.

Motion passed X _ Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the Board of Education authorizes and approves the amendment of the 2017-2018 School Lunch Fund budget as follows:


Account Code Account Name Amount

C 599 Appropriated Fund Balance $10,000.00

Account Code Account Name Amount

C 2860.200-0700 Equipment $10,000.00

Motion passed X _ Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


WHEREAS: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools Dr.

Vicma Ramos and the Board of Education approve to auction, donate, and/or

dispose of all Smartboards in multiple locations throughout the district.

RESOLVED: that the Board of Education approve the recommendation and properly

Auction, donate and/or dispose, of the items.

Motion passed X _ Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the Board of Education authorizes and approves the following Title IIA budget transfer for the 2017-2018 fiscal period:

Transfer From:

F2110.150-05-1802 Professional Salaries $4,500.00

Transfer To:

F2110.400-05-1802 Contractual Services $4,500.00

Motion passed X _ Motion defeated


November 15, 2017


Resolved: that the Board of Education approves the acceptance of following based on contributions through the Donorschoose.org on behalf of the Amsterdam Running Boosters:

Ultrak 10 Lane Timer

10X20 Purple Pop Up Tent Instant Canopy with Wheeled Carry Bag

Double Sided Magnetic Mobile White Board

1000w Power Inverter Dual AC Outlet

Custom Purple 10x20 Canopy, Sidewalls, Roller Bag, Stake Kit, & Sidewall Carrier

18’ Feathered Double Sided Flag with Pole and Carry Bag

(2) Red Starting Blocks

(2) Blue Starting Blocks

(2) The Stick

Training Hurdles

Speed Chute

Agility Ladder

LED Race Clock with Tripod

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the Board of Education waives the building use fee as outlined in the

School Facilities regulation 1505R for St. Mary’s Hospital to use the auditorium,

cafeteria, kitchen, and commons area at Amsterdam High School on November 30,

2017. There shall be no waiver of any charges for custodians, supervision or other

employees assigned by the School District for this event.

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______


November 15, 2017


WHEREAS: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools Dr. Vicma Ramos and the Board of Education approve to aution and/or dispose of the following equipment as they have no useful value or are not repairable.

RESOLVED: that the Board of Education approve the recommendation and properly auction and/or dispose of the items.

Asset Tag # Cabinets at Tecler

















Asset Tag # at Barkley

102794- Visualizer RE-455x Canon

103660- VCR

101013- Large TV

No asset Tag- Large TV

201233214- Top of SmartTable

002279- Base of Smart Table

103657- Overhead projector

Asset Tag # at AHS

Chromebook 20134703

Asset Tag # at Marie Curie

DELL CPU 010437

DELL CPU 010774

Sharp Notevision Projector 102761

Dell 2200MP 010797

Dell 2200MP 010146

HP Laptop 20131957

HP Laptop 20131952

HP Laptop 20131979

HP Laptop 20131894

HP Laptop 20131899

HP Laptop 20131899

HP Laptop 20131895

HP Laptop 20131891

HP Laptop 20131999

HP Laptop 20131897

HP Laptop 20131898

HP Laptop 20131900

HP Laptop 20131892

HP Laptop 20131896

Motion passed____X___ Motion defeated______


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools Dr.

Vicma Ramos, the Board of Education authorizes the Business Manager, Kim Brumley,

to provide SEFCU with the District Federal ID number for the purpose of accepting

donations of hats, gloves, and scarves for all students at Marie Curie.

Motion passed__X___ Motion defeated_____


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos, and Director of Student Support Service and Special Education, Emily Lawyer, the Board of Education accept the recommendations made by the Committee on Special Education.

Motion passed__X___ Motion defeated_____


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos, and Director of Student Support Service and Special Education, Emily Lawyer, the Board of Education accept the recommendations made by the Committee on Pre-School Special Education.

Motion passed__X_____ Motion defeated______


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma

Ramos, approve the following CPSE/CSE Parent Members for the 2017-2018 school


Brenda Sebast

Glenda Vasquez

Suheilly Vasquez

Motion passed__X___ Motion defeated_____


November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that the Board of Education approve a two day overnight trip to

Hershey, Pennsylvania, Friday, May 18, 2018 through Sunday, May 20, 2018 for the

Amsterdam High School Chorus. The students will participate in PAC for a Day

Hershey Park. There is no cost to the district. It is understood that due to world or local

events beyond our control this trip may have to be cancelled on short notice and that

refund of money may not be possible.

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______


November 15, 2017

265/2017-18 Motion by: Kent McHeard

RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the resignations of the following personnel:

Employee Title Building Effective Date:

(end of day)

Stacy Marzullo Grade 5 Teacher Curie November 26, 2017

MaryBeth Renwick Teacher Aide Curie November 24, 2017

Patrick Corrigan Principal AHS December 31, 2017

Roll Call: 5-2-0 (Mr. Murdoch, Mr. Peninger – No)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the retirement of the following personnel:

Employee Title Building Effective Date:

(end of day)

Edgar Pietri Sr. Custodian District December 29, 2017

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education appoints Kaylyn Akey to a temporary appointment as an Elementary Teacher commencing November 1, 2017 and ending June 22, 2018. Ms. Akey holds Initial Certification in Childhood Education 1-6. It is further recommended that Ms. Akey’s salary will be based on B1 Step 1, of the 2017-2018 Teacher Salary Schedule, prorated. This position is funded through the General Fund.

(Ms. Akey will be filling the leave created by Stacy Marzullo at Curie.)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education appoints Rachael Crawford to a temporary appointment as an English Teacher commencing November 1, 2017 and ending December 19, 2017. Ms. Crawford holds Initial Certification in English Language Arts 7-12. It is further recommended that Ms. Crawford’s salary will be based on M1 Step 1, of the 2017-2018 Teacher Salary Schedule, prorated. This position is funded through the General Fund.

(Ms. Crawford is filling the leave created by Sarah Thelin at AHS.)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education appoints Cristina Sabia to a three (3) year probationary appointment as a Spanish Teacher in the Foreign Language tenure area, commencing November 1, 2017 and ending October 31, 2020, contingent upon achievement of effective or highly effective APPR ratings necessary to receive tenure throughout her probationary period, consistent with the requirements of Education law Sections 2509, 3012-c and/or 3012-d. Ms. Sabia holds Professional Certification in Spanish 7-12. It is further recommended that Ms. Sabia’s salary will be based on M1 Step 4 of the 2017-2018 Teacher Salary Schedule, prorated. This position is funded through the General Fund.

(Ms. Sabia is filling the vacancy created by Frank Mastroianni at LLA.)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicmas Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, and having served the probationary appointment satisfactorily, the Board of Education approve the permanent appointment of the following personnel:

Eric Fernandez Custodian

Troy Wyszomirski Custodian

Kristina McGaffin Executive Secretary

Motion passed____X___ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the probationary appointment of the following teacher aide in the Greater Amsterdam School District. Salary will be based on 2017-2018 Aides Salary Schedule. This position is funded through the General Fund.

Employee Title Building Start Date

Daniela Matos Teacher Aide Curie 11/16/17

Motion passed____X___ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the unpaid leave of absence of Maura Friddle, from December 8, 2017 through December 20, 2017.

(Ms. Friddle, Guidance Counselor at AHS.)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the unpaid leave of absence of Tammy Richardson, from January 15, 2018 through February 23, 2018.

(Ms. Richardson, Guidance – Keyboard Specialist at LLA.)

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approve the following Advisor positions for the 2017-2018 school year. This position is funded per ATA contract through the General Fund.

Phillip Parillo AHS NCBI

Eunice Maroto AHS Sophomore Class Co-Advisor

Eric Lewis AHS Chess Club

Brenden Cetnar LLA Memory Book Club

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approve the following Coaching positions for the 2017-2018 Winter Sports season.

Unpaid Indoor Track Kevin Wilary

Unpaid Indoor Track Norman Duell

Motion passed___X____ Motion defeated______

November 15, 2017


RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Vicma Ramos and Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Michele Downing, the Board of Education approves the following substitutes for the 2017-2018 school year.


Lisa Becker Sarah Fedullo

Nicole Benton Joseph Lawrence

Paula Bobilin Raymond Moran

Gina Emden Lauren Norman

Scott Alvarez

Teacher Aide:

Monica Rouse

Nurse: Lindsay Fry

Motion passed____X___ Motion defeated______