Office Address: Home Address: Department of Sociology 4055 Redwood Ave. #130
California State University, Fullerton Los Angeles, CA 90066
Fullerton, CA 92834-6846
Tele: (657) 278-7043 Tele: (424) 289-0215
E-mail: Cell: (310) 403-3851
Ph.D. Family Sciences, Oklahoma State University, May 1981.
Dissertation: "Family Dynamics and the Child's Concept of Death". Families with children who experienced death were interviewed to determine the relationship between family dynamics, the child's degree of participation in a death-related experience, and the child's cognitive developmental level on his or her understanding of the crisis situation.
M.A. Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia, December 1975.
B.S. Rural Sociology, University of Missouri, December 1973.
Honor's Thesis: "Comparative Study of Married and Single Students". Results were presented at the Annual Honor's College Convocation.
Graduated with honors and honor's scholar from 1971-1973.
2011-present: Associate Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, California State University, Fullerton, CA.
2008-2011: Associate Professor, Department Chair Sociology and Coordinator Gerontology Academic Program, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, California State University, Fullerton, CA.
Coordinate the Gerontology Academic Program and work with the Gerontology Program Council to implement an interdisciplinary gerontology effort on the CSUF campus. Assisted academic departments to offer gerontology courses to meet the needs of non-traditional students. Advise the interdisciplinary gerontology faculty in matters of research development, instruction and outreach activities, and initiated an online support group to mentor faculty in distance education and online course pedagogy. Coordinate the recruitment/enrollment, advisement and retention of all students in the CSUF Gerontology Academic Program. Serve as faculty advisor for thesis/project committees. Teach courses in gerontology, social theory and research methods. Research areas of interest include intergenerational relationships, end-of-life issues, caregiving, and ethics and aging. Served as National President of Sigma Phi Omega and served on the Sigma Phi Omega National Board of Directors. Serve as faculty advisor for the CSUF gerontology student honor society (Sigma Phi Omega). CSUF Co-Institutional Representative to the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Cooperated with the Alzheimer’s Association Orange County to become Team Captain organizing CSUF Gerontology students, faculty and friends for the annual Memory Walk event on the CSUF campus. Work with donors and alumni to provide and increase student scholarship funds. Scholarship funds available annually for students have increased from $4000 to $13,500. Serve as the faculty contact for the Gerontology Alumni Association (sub-group of the CSUF Alumni Association). Collaborated with Sunrise Assisted Living to create a CSUF paid internship program. Students selected for this internship are trained for managerial/direct positions in the Sunrise Corporation. Reveived the 2007 H&SS College Outstanding Service and Contribution to Student Success Award.
2002-2008: Associate Professor, Coordinator Gerontology Academic Program and Vice Chair, Department of Sociology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, California State University, Fullerton, CA.
2001-2002: Part-Time Instructor at California State University (Psychology and Family Environmental Sciences Departments), Northridge, CA.
Teach courses in gerontology, research methods and individual, family and marriage development.
1996-2001: Director, Gerontology Institute, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
Administered and coordinated gerontology course offerings, advised the interdisciplinary gerontology faculty in matters of research development, instruction and outreach activities, and initiated distance education opportunities for non-traditional students. Developed and taught the first compressed video gerontology course at the OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine, Tulsa. Designed and offered the first Web based Internet course at OSU. Served on the Board of Directors of the Southwest Society on Aging (largest regional professional gerontological association in the U.S.) and was instrumental in moving the SWSA headquarters to Oklahoma State University. Served as editor for Expressions, the newsletter for the SWSA and the Sigma Phi Omega Newsletter (National Gerontology Honor Society). Served on the National Board of Directors for Sigma Phi Omega and faculty advisor for the OSU chapter of Sigma Phi Omega. OSU Institutional Representative to the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Worked directly with and supervise student research at the Bartlett Independent Living Center. Conference chair and originator of the annual Ethics and Aging Conference series in Tulsa. Served on the Alzheimer’s Association Oklahoma Chapter Advisory Board. Coordinated recruitment/enrollment and retention of all students in the OSU gerontology program.
2000-2001: Professor, Department of Family Relations and Child Development, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University.
Taught courses and advisedgraduate and undergraduate students in the area of gerontology and conducted research on multigenerational family relationships. Graduate coordinator and advisor for all gerontology students in family sciences and the University wide Natural and Applied Sciences gerontology program. University coordinator and advisor for students pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Gerontology.
1991-2000: Associate Professor, Department of Family Relations and Child Development, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University.
Chaired Group IV (social sciences) graduate faculty. Served as Director of the FRCD Department Relations Committee for the last ten years. This position included chairing the departmental student scholarship selection committee, reviewing departmental goals and priorities, planning faculty development activities and serving as acting department head when the department head was not available.
1985-1991: Associate Professor and Human Development Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Family Relations and Child Development, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Developed and implemented state, regional and national programs in the areas of aging, youth at-risk and 4-H Personal Development. Taught courses in the areas of gerontology and adolescence and advised graduate students in the field of aging. Project director for three major statewide Cooperative Extension programs on Medicare Educational Awareness, Home Visitation Child Abuse Prevention, and 4-H Personal Development.
1981-1984: Assistant Professor and Human Development Specialist, Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Family Relations and Child Development, College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Designed and wrote program materials, leader lessons and activity sheets in the areas of 4-H Personal Development and adolescent behaviors.
1977-1981: Research Associate and Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Human
Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Taught courses on career development and advised freshmen on college and departmental options. Conducted research on college students' career directions.
1975-1977: Area 4-H Youth Specialist, University of Missouri Extension Division.
Coordinated the 4-H and the Cooperative Extension youth programs in a three county area. Conducted area wide leader training workshops on adolescent development issues.
1974-1975: Graduate Research Assistant, Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
Participated in a demographic assessment research project to identify high school dropouts in southeastern Missouri. Provided information and training for the dropouts who wanted to complete their high school equivalency diploma.
1998-2001: Oklahoma Lions Club Mobile Wellness Screening Unit, designed an assessment and follow-up telephone survey to evaluate the impact of the screening unit on the health status and potential barriers to seeking treatment for older Oklahomans. Initial funding was $20,000 to design a survey, code data, contact participants, generate results, and hire graduate research assistants.
1996-2001: Southwest Society on Aging, headquarters located at Oklahoma State University, College of Human Environmental Sciences, along with the Executive Director for SWSA. Funding was approximately $75,000 per year for operations to manage the affairs of the association.
1994-2001: Project Co-Director, Bartlett Independent Living Center-Integris Mental Health Treatment Facility. The Bartlett Center was an educational, research and treatment facility which incorporated universal design features, structural adaptations and technological devices that encouraged independent living among elderly persons who were mentally and physically challenged. Total funding received $398,516.
1999-2000: Oklahoma Higher Education Partnership for Service-Learning, received an incentive grant ($1000) funded by the Corporation for National Service for incorporating academic service-learning into classroom instruction. Students in FRCD 4543 (Later Years) learned about the Oklahoma State Unit on Aging network, Area Agencies on Aging and implementing service-learning projects at local senior sites.
1989-1990: Project Director, Home Visitation Child Abuse Prevention Program.
Conceptualized a Home Visitation Program with a team of professionals from the Oklahoma Health Department and Cooperative Extension Service. Received a grant ($26,210) funded by the Oklahoma Health Department to implement a child abuse prevention effort that trained volunteers to interact with young parents who are at-risk of child abuse. This interagency approach used the professional expertise of community service agencies and the Cooperative Extension Service.
1983-1990: Project Director, Medicare Educational Program.
Received $14,600 over a six year period from the Health Care Financing Administration and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma. Developed and implemented a state wide educational program for Medicare beneficiaries and their families. The Medicare Education Program was awarded the Administrator's Citation for excellent programming by HCFA (1989).
1987-1989: Project Co-Director, Buckle-Up education program. Managed funding of $50,000 for a two year period from the Oklahoma State Department of Highway Traffic Safety to educate and promote the use of seat belts.
1988-1990: Project Co-Director, Oklahoma Community Youth Effort. Received a grant for
$16,000 from the National 4-H Council to develop, educate and train adult and teen leaders on emerging social and family issues affecting youth such as teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, and career awareness. This project was developed as part of the national 4-H youth at-risk focus area.
1986-1990: Project Co-Director, Personal Development 4-H project. Obtained funds of $6000 from the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation to develop a youth project which promoted the areas of family heritage, personal development and health.
2009-2010: Awarded CSUF Presidential Mission and Goals Initiative funds ($7,000) at California State University, Fullerton to implement a Grandparent focus area. The funds were used to hold the first Grandparent Conference on the CSUF campus. The interdisciplinary team is currently working on designing a Grandparent Resource Center and implementing a Intergenerational course that will cut across and be taught by faculty from different disciplines.
2003 Received summer research funds ($4,838) at California State University, Fullerton to investigate culturally related issues and concerns of Asian American grandparents.
1996-2001: Director, Gerontology Institute. Because of the growing demand and interest for education and training in gerontological issues, the institute was approved for funding (total of $520,000) by the President of Oklahoma State University. The Director was responsible for all administrative functions of the Institute, as well as the coordination of curriculum development, the master's in gerontology, the gerontology graduate certificate program, faculty release time to the Institute, interdisciplinary faculty/student research, and student recruitment/enrollment.
1991-1995: Project Director, Intergenerational Family Relationships research project.
Received a college seed grant for start-up salary, graduate assistance and maintenance funds of $52,407 to initiate the research focus in gerontology with an emphasis on multigenerational family relationships. This project investigated the importance of grandparent-grandchild relationships by developing a grandparent profile, which identified specific family, social and demographic characteristics.
1995 University Extension Course Development Incentive Grant. Planned and developed a 1 credit hour summer semester extension course on ethics and aging. Received $500 for instructional materials.
Weber, J. & Wong, K. (2010). Older adults coping with vision loss. Journal of Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 29 (3), 105-119.
Weber, J. & Chang, E. (2006). Reverse mortgages and its ethical concerns. Journal of Personal Finance, 5 (1) 37-52.
Weber, J. & Bailey, K. (2005). Using focus groups to assess pre and post-placement needs for caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care, 3 (3/4) 21-36.
Weber, J. & Absher, A. (2003). Grandparents and grandchildren: Memory box course assignment. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Education, 24 (1), 75-86.
Waldrop, D. & Weber, J. (2001). From grandparent to caregiver. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 82 (5), 461-472.
Cooper, K., Weber, J., & Juozapavicius, K. (2001). End of life decisions: Physicians as advocates for advanced directives. Journal of the American Osteopathic Medical Association, 101 (10), 571-575.
Juozapavicius, K. & Weber, J. (2001). A reflective study of Alzheimer’s caregivers. The American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 16 (1), 11-20.
Thompson, D., Weber, J., & Juozapavicius, K. (2001). Residents in assisted living facilities and visitation patterns. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 15 (1 & 2), 31-42.
Finchum, T. & Weber, J. (2000). Applying continuity theory to older adult friendships. Journal of Aging and Identity, 5 (3), 159-168.
Weber, J. & Waldrop, D. (2000). Grandparents raising grandchildren: Families in transition. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 33 (2), 27-46.
Herald, S., Weber, J., & Juozapavicius, K. (2000). Grandparents as parents: Educational needs and barriers. Southwest Journal on Aging, 16 (1), 61-71.
Shepherd, G., Weber, J., & Juozapavicius, K. (2000). Focus groups: A promising qualitative research method for gerontology. Southwest Journal on Aging, 16 (1), 87-89.
Waldrop, D., Weber, J., Herald, S., Pruitt, J., Cooper, K. & Juozapavicius, K. (1999). Wisdom and life experience: How grandfathers mentor their grandchildren. Journal of Aging and Identity, 4 (1), 13-26.
Cooper, K., Weber, J., & Juozapavicius, K. (1999). The role of advanced directives in preserving individual rights. Southwest Journal on Aging, 15 (1), 59-63.
Allred, G. & Weber, J. (1997). A model of wellness: A partnership between a mental health system and a university. Southwest Journal on Aging, 13 (2), 87-89.
Morrow-Kondos, D., Weber, J., Cooper, K. & Hesser, J. (1997). Becoming parents again:
Grandparents raising grandchildren. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 28 (1 & 2), 35-46.
Weber, J., Hesser, J. & Cooper, K. (1996). Grandparenting in the fast lane: A sample of
Elderhostel participants. Southwest Journal on Aging, 12 (1 & 2), 33-38.
Weber, J., Cooper, K & Hesser, J. (1996). Children's drawings of the elderly: Young ideas abandon old age stereotypes. Journal of Art Therapy, 13 (2), 114-117.
McMillon, G., Weber, J. & Cooper, K. (1996). Family and consumer sciences teachers knowledge of aging. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 14 (1), 90-91.
Wagner, E., Weber, J. & Cooper, K. (1995). Grandparents' visitation rights: Who
Decides? Family Perspective, 29 (2), 153-162.