8CTeam Syllabus
2017 – 2018
Dr. Hillsworth Charles ScienceRoom 303
Mrs. Heidi EvansMath 8 /Acc MathRoom 413
Ms. Synovia Bethea Language ArtsRoom 410
Ms. Allen GA HistoryRoom 415
Ms. Phyllis Wright InclusionRoom 000
8:50 – 9:45 1st periodAcademic
9:50 – 10:45 2nd periodELT
10:50 – 12:15 3rd periodAcademic
11:15-11:40 Lunch
12:20-1:05 4th period Connections
1:51 – 1:55 5th period Connections
2:05 – 2:55 6th period Academic
3:00 – 3:55 7th periodAcademic
1. Come to class prepared & on time.
2. Speak at appropriate times.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Use appropriate language.
5. Respect yourself & others at all times.
6. Absolutely no bullying will be tolerated
Silent lunch
Removal from classroom
In team suspension
After school detention/Call home
Referral to discipline office
Cheating on a test, quiz, or assignment is considered to be a breach of conduct. The student will receive a zero for the work & his/her parent will be notified.
The following actions are considered to be cheating:
1. Using unauthorized materials in a test situation.
2. Receiving unauthorized information on a test.
3. Knowingly giving information in a test situation.
4. The passing on of definite questions or answers to
someone who has not taken the test.
5. The turning in of work for credit that is not one’s own (plagiarism)
Tardy Policy:
Once the tardy bell rings, all teachers’ doors will be locked & the principals
will do a tardy sweep & take each student to the attendance office where
they will sign a tardy log be given a pass back to class.
1st: warning 2nd: call home 3rd: Detention 4th: Detention 5th : Detention
6th: In-team suspension 7th: Referral
Dress Code:
All students are expected to be appropriately dressed.
Students should follow the dress code that is outlined on
page six of the student handbook, and in the Code of
Student Conduct 2017-2018 booklet.
Late Work Policy:
Teachers expect all assignments to be completed for mastery. If an assignment is not submitted and/or does not meet our expectations, then the student must complete or redo the assignment before the end of the
unit. Once the assignment is turned in, the student will onlyreceive half of the earned grade. If the assignment is not turned in, the student will receive a zero. Each teacher offers extra credit opportunities that can help offset any low grades or zeros. Please make note. Beginning second semester, late workwill not be accepted.
Extra Credit:
All teachers will offer opportunities for extra credit throughout the school year. Please be sure to pay attention & take advantages of these opportunities!