Referral Form & Registration
Name: / TitleDate of Birth: / Age: / Gender
Contact Information
Please do not leave any boxes in this section blank
Home Address / Emergency Contact Details / Registered GP and Practice AddressTel:
Mobile: / E.C Tel: / GP Tel:
Does the young person agree to us contacting them at the above address? / YES / NO
If no, where do they wish the correspondence to be sent?
(Please enter full details, name, address and contact telephone number etc.)
Ethnic Category
/ White
A – British
B – Irish
C – Other White / Mixed
D – White & Black Caribbean
E – White & Black African
F – White & Asian
G – Other Mixed / Asian/Asian British
H – Indian
J – Pakistani
K – Bangladeshi
L – Other Asian / Black/Black British
M – Caribbean
N – African
P – Other Black / Other Ethnic
R – Chinese
S – Any Other
Z – Not Stated
Religion (if known)
Referral Questions
Does the young person know the referral is being made? / YES / NOIs the young person willing to access the service? / YES / NO
Are there any other agencies involved with the young person? / YES / NO
Is the young person willing to be seen at Y-Smart Offices? / YES / NO
If no, please state where they would prefer to be seen
Does the young person have any of the following (please circle)?
Learning Disabilities NO/YES / Physical Disabilities NO/YES / Behavioural Difficulties NO/YES
If yes, please describe
Does the young person have a care status:YES/ NO
If YES, please state whether the young person is either: Looked after child Child in need
Does the young person have caring responsibilities that may impact on their ability to access services? / YES / NO
What has prompted this referral?
Could the young person pose any risk/concern to the practitioner / YES / NO
If yes, please describe
Has the young person specified any of the following?
Male Worker Only NO/YES / Female Worker Only NO/YES / Does not mind YES / NO
YOT Referrals ONLY
Please use tick box to indicate type of referral : VOLUNTARY COMPULSORY If compulsory, please specify the requirements of the order
Substance Use
Please give information on substance(s) used and how regularlyEducation, Training & Employment
Is the young person involved in any of the following activities:Full-time Education at School/College NO/YES / Training Programme YES / NO
Employment NO/YES / Other YES / NO
If other, please describe
Please indicate the young person’s availability to be seen by a Y-Smart worker:
(e.g. after school only between 4pm and 6pm)
Has a DAF been completed?
If yes, have you attached it to this referral?
When returning the referral back to us, please use the following options:
Email:Y-Smart address:Y-Smart Barbican House, 5 Barbican Close, Barnstaple, EX32 9HETel numbers:(01271) 388162(01271) 325500Fax: (01271) 388175
Referrers Information:(Please fill in all the following contact fields below):
Referrers Name: / Referrers Job Role:Referrers address: / Referrers email address and contact telephone no:
First Referral
YES / NO / How did you hear about our service?
(Office Use Only)
Date Received: / Allocated Worker: / Date Allocated: