Dr Aleksander Bednarski

historia literatury angielskiej, studia niestacjonarne, rok I, konwersatorium 2012/2013

UWAGA: poniższa lista nie jest listą dokładnych pytań egzaminacyjnych!

-  Anglo-Saxon social structure (king-warband-poet)

-  Distinct, coexisting cultures in the British Isles

-  Who lived in Britain before the Anglo-Saxons?

-  The character of oral tradition

-  Alliteration, caesura, kenning

-  Main subject matter of Anglo-Saxon poetry

-  Primary epic/secondary epic (+ examples)

-  Where is the plot of Beowulf set?

-  Elegy (+ examples) /Wyrd/Ubi sunt/gnomes

-  What was the role of King Alfred in English culture?

-  What’s scholasticism and Ockham’s razor?

-  The Bayeux tapestry

-  Types of medieval secular literature (fabliau, bestiaries)

-  Social/economic changes in 14th century

-  The structure of The Canterbury Tales

-  Saint Thomas Becket and his death

-  The origins of medieval theatre

-  Everyman: the type of character and a play

-  What does ‘Renaissance’ mean?

-  The chivarlic romance. In what way is it different from epic?

-  What are the main types of medieval poetry? (Allegory, exempla, debate poems)

-  The dream vision convention (Pearl)

-  Why are these dates important: 1066, 1516 ? What period do they delimit?

-  the influences on Middle English literature

-  Who were the Normans, where did they come from, to what language/culture did they belong, what changes did they bring to England?

-  courtly love

-  English soneteers

-  Types of Shakespeare’s plays, examples

-  Soliloquy vs aside

-  Dramatic irony

-  Comedy of humors

-  The origin of the word ‘metaphysics’

-  Metaphysical poetry – basic features, poets

-  What was Restoration?

-  What was Puritanism?

-  Who wrote Paradise Lost?

-  Who wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress?

-  the basic function of periwigs

-  Where does the term ‘Augustan Classicism’ come from?

-  The most popular genres of Augustan Classicism and features of Neo-classicism

-  Classicism vs Baroque

-  What is a mock heroic poem? Features + example

-  Who wrote Don Quixote?

-  Basic features of the novel (narration, prose, fiction, plot, characters)

-  18th century English novelists – names and examples

-  Who were the Yahoos?

-  Why is Tristram Shandy an innovative novel

-  Graveyard poets, Pre-romanticism, sentimentalism

-  What is the gothic novel? What themes does it feature?

-  Who was William Blake?