Dr. ADEYANJU, Adeniyi Taiye

Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Email: or

Telephone: +2348078225127

Date of birth: May 19, 1982

State of origin: Oyo State

Sex: Male

Marital status: Married


My education, teaching and research supervision experience have assisted me in gaining relevant skills conservation of wildlife, ornithology, land-use ecology, chiropteran ecology, detection of avian viruses utilizing Polycromase chain reactions, prevalence of avian influenza, Newcastle disease and other viruses and wildbirds. My present research interests focus on avian ecology in urban landscapes, and this cuts across breeding, distribution and diversity.


  • 2015 TETFUND grant on Current distribution of the Endemic Ibadan Malimbe (Malimbus ibadanensis).
  • 2008 Training fellowship in the Institute of Immunology at the Laboratory National de Santeon the project “Recherchemicrobiologique pour le development II, MAE financed by the Luxembourg Ministry of External Affairs, Commerce and Cooperation.
  • 2008-2012 PhD award for Doctoral studies by the Institute of Immunology at the Laboratory National de Sante in University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria.
  • 2008/2009 Oyo state Post graduate Scholarship awarded 2010 at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


  • Lecturer II, Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria 26th March, 2014 to date.
  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria November 22, 2012- 25th March, 2014
  • National Youth Service Corps: Chukwu Memorial Secondary School, Enugu state, Nigeria 2005-2006


  • Ph.D. Wildlife ManagementIBADAN, Nigeria2008-2014
  • M.Sc. Conservation BiologyUNIJOS, Nigeria2006-2008
  • B.Sc. BiologyABU, Nigeria2000-2004
  • WAECDSS ABU Nigeria1994-1999


  • Diploma in Computer Programmes June 2003 - March 2004
  • FAO/WWT/WI/APLORI/AFRING Training course in wild bird trapping and Avian Influenza Surveillance at Dagona, Chad Basin National Park 26th Oct -13th Nov 2009.
  • APLORI/WWT cannon-netting training at Dagona Waterfowl sanctuary (Chad Basin National Park) 2010.


  • Breeding biology in wildbirds on urban landscape
  • Monitoring of wetlands for avian influenza
  • Land use and conservation implication for wildlife in farmlands and plantations
  • Wildbird and chiropteran capture techniques and ringing
  • Assessment of wildbird density, distribution and diversity in wetlands, savannah and forest ecosystems


Dissertation and Thesis:

  • Some observations on the Nests, Eggs and Squabs of the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) B.Sc. Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru-Zaria. (2004).
  • Density and diversity of bird species in some introduced plantations in parts of the Jos-Plateau. M.Sc. Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Jos-Plateau. (2008)
  • Wildbird Distribution, Diversity and Viral Surveillance in International Institute for tropical Agriculture Environs Ibadan, Nigeria. Ph.D Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. (2014)

Journal publications

  • Chantal J. S., AdeyanjuA. T. De Landtsheer S., Ottosson U., Manu S., Hagemeijer W., Mundkur T., Muller C. P. (2011) Reassortant low pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 viruses in African wild birdsby in Journal of General VirologyVol 92, 5:1172-1183.
  • Adeyanju T. A., Manu S., and Ottosson U. (2011). Density and diversity of bird species in some introduced plantations in parts of Jos Plateau, Nigeria. ROAN the journal of conservationVol 5,1: 63 -75.
  • Omotoriogun, T. C., Omogbemi, T. E., Adeyanju, A. T., Ottosson, U and Lifjeld, J. T. (2012). Grey Ground Thrush Zoothera prince confirmed after 15 years in Omo Forest Reserve, south western Nigeria. ABC Bulletin 20.2, 208-209
  • Omotoriogun, T. C., Adeyanju T. E., Adeyanju, A. T., Ottosson, U and Lifjeld, J. T. (2012) The first record of African Pitta Pittaangolensis inOmo Forest Reserve, south-western Nigeria Malimbus 34:122-124.
  • Adeyanju, A. T., Adeyanju T. E., and Omotoriogun, T. C. (2013). Extended breeding in a nest of Splendid Sunbird Cinnyris coccinigastrus on residential premises. Malimbus 35: 131-138.
  • Chantal J. Snoeck, Adeniyi T. Adeyanju, Ademola A. Owoade, Emmanuel Couacy-Hymann, Bello R. Alkali, Ulf Ottosson and Claude P. Muller. (2013). Genetic Diversity of Newcastle Disease Virus in Wild Birds and Pigeons in West Africa. Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (24) 7867-7874.
  • Chantal J. Snoeck, Ademola A. Owoade, Emmanuel Couacy-Hymann, Bello R. Alkali, Mbah P. Okwen, Adeniyi T. Adeyanju, Giscard F. Komoyo, Emmanuel Nakouné, Alain Le Faou and Claude P. Muller. (2013). High Genetic Diversity of Newcastle Genotype Disease Virus in Poultry in West and Central Africa: Cocirculation of XIV, and Newly Defined Genotypes XVII and XVIII. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2013, 51(7):2250-2260.
  • Adeyanju, A. T Ottosson, U, Adeyanju T. E., Omotoriogun, T. C., Hall P., Manu S., Alabi T., Lameed G. A and Bown D. (2014).Birds of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture campus, a stronghold of avian diversity in the changing Ibadan area (Nigeria) over the last 50 years.Malimbus 36(2) 76-105.
  • Omonona, A., Adeyanju T. and Eke F. (2014)Parasite prevalence among wildbirds in two sites in Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal 10(2):64-77.
  • Adeshina O. A., Ayodele I.A., Adeyanju T. A., and Oduntan O. O. (2014) Effects of dietary inclusion of varying levels of sun-dried edible frog (Ranaesculenta Linnaeus) on growth performance and productivity of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonicaTenminckSchlegeh)

Books/Monographs/Guides/Manuals/Novels/Indexes/Musical composition etc

  • Adeyanju T. A., Ottosson U., and Manu S. (2012). IITA common Birds. IITA publishing, Ibadan Nigeria.

Technical Reports

  • Kihlberg D., Osterman P., Eriksson A. and Adeyanju A. T. (2008) A report to the Wetlands International on the Avian Influenza Surveillance carried out at Dagona Waterfowl sanctuary (Chad Basin National Park) from the 28th of Mar to the 22nd of Apr 2008.
  • Adeyanju A. T., Iwajomo S., Kesmen D., Österman P., Eriksson A., Werngren S., Bladh M. and Akogwu S. (2009) A report to Wetlands International and United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization on the Avian Influenza Surveillance carried out at Dagona Waterfowl sanctuary (Chad Basin National Park) from the 2nd of Jan to the 4th of Feb 2009.

Conference proceedings

  • Adeyanju A.T, Gaidet N., Dodman T., Ottosson U., Waldenstrom J. and Muller C. P. (2008) At the crossroads: ecological and cultural implications for avian influenza in Nigeria in Overview of the 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congresses. Book of Programme and Abstracts pg 6.
  • Dodman T., Gaidet N., Hammoumi S., Cattoli G., Cappelle J., Caron A., Hagemeijer W., Gil P., Fareidouni S., Adeniyi T., Muller C.P., Tekekawa J., Karesh W., Monicat F. and Newman S. (2008) Wild bird surveillance for avian influenza and monitoring in Africa and related conservation implications in Overview of the 12th Pan-African Ornithological Congresses. Book of Programme and Abstracts pg 5.
  • Adeyanju T. E, and Adeyanju, T. A (2012) Avifauna of University of Ibadan Environs Ibadan, NigeriaProceedings of 3rd Annual Seminar of Nigerian Tropical Biological Association. pp 27-34.
  • Adeyanju T.E., Eyitayo. O. and Adeyanju T. A. (2015) Observations on diets of some bats from two sites in south-west, Nigeria. 2015 student’s conference of the Tropical Biology Association African Alumni Group.


  • Member, Ecological Society of Nigeria (ECoSN)
  • Member, Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF)
  • Member, African Bird Club (ABC)
  • Member , Ibadan Bird Club (IBC)
  • Alumni, A.P Leventis Ornithological Research Institute (APLORI)


  • Birding, Reading, Listening to music, Farming


Prof. Georgina S. Mwansat

Head: Department of Zoology

Faculty of Science

University of Jos

Tel: +234 706 614 3531


Dr. Manu Shiiwua

Director: A. P Leventis Ornithological Research Institute

University of Jos Biological Conservatory

Faculty of science

Department of Zoology

University of Jos.

Tel: +2348036796801


Prof. G. A. Lameed

Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

Tel: +2348033749826