DPJH’s BIG RED Program

Frequently Asked Questions

How are students selected for participation in the BIG RED program?

All 8th grade students enrolled in Algebra or Geometry and IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry) will be enrolled in BIG RED.

Do 8th grade students need to apply to participate in BIG RED?

No. Eligible students are automatically enrolled.

What does a typical day look like for 8th grade students in BIG RED?

Students will be scheduled for four core classes (Language Arts or PAP Language Arts, Algebra or Geometry, IPC, and Social Studies) in four single periods, two electives classes (Athletics, Choir, Band, Orchestra, Tech Ed, Robotics, Family Consumer Sciences, Art, or Theatre Arts), and for third period will be enrolled in a BIG RED mini-course. BIG RED students will have a seven period day and will operate on the regular DPJH bell schedule.

What are mini-courses?

Mini-courses are interest-based courses which give the students the opportunity to explore a variety of topics for in-depth study on relevant issues, including opportunities to apply what they have learned to real-world experiences. Curriculum for mini-courses will be developed by DPJH teachers.

Who will teach the mini-courses?

Mini-courses will be taught both by DPJH teachers and adjunct volunteers. Adjuncts are screened in accordance with district policy regarding volunteers.

How is BIG RED different than the programming my child currently receives?

Students enrolled in BIG RED will participate in mini-courses that will focus on skills designed to prepare them for the global world in which they live. Students will produce professional-level products, projects, and presentations and may have them evaluated by experts in the field.

Students will receive support in dealing with asynchrony, perfectionism, stress, and time management.

Will participation in BIG RED cause my child to have more homework?

Advanced academic students have many and varied interests; therefore they may choose to extend or enrich classroom learning. Students in BIG RED should have about as much homework as other students throughout the district enrolled in advanced academic classes.