DP5C 34: Applications of ICT in Libraries: Supporting Clients in the
Safe and Legal Use of ICT
The following page gives instructions to candidates and tutors/mentors
on completion of logbook.
Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units
Candidate nameCandidate number
Start Date
Finish Date
In order to successfully complete this Unit, the candidate must carry out the specified tasks relating to Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4.
This Unit requires the candidate to undertake:
1 A case study logbook, fully documenting the activities related to Outcome 1.
2 An account, fully documenting the activities related to Outcome 2.
3 A multiple choice assessment based on the knowledge and/or skills of Outcomes 3 and 4. This will consist of 20 questions, 10 based on each Outcome.
This document provides a logbook pro forma which can be used for the case study. The tutor/mentor should fill in the topic and the date of completion against each assessment item in the table below.
Assessment item / Details / Completion dateCase study
Multiple Choice Test
I certify that all the work detailed above has been carried out unaided by the candidate named above.
Signed:…………………………………………………………. Date:…………………….
DP5G 34 Applications of ICT in Libraries: Supporting clients in the safe and legal use of ICT
Case Study
Candidates should complete the table below, giving details of how the tasks were carried out. The tasks may be carried out while working with one on more clients, but each task only needs to be described once. All of the tasks must be completed.
Task / Details / Date CompletedDetermining client
competence in use of
hardware and software / What you did to evaluate the clients ICT competence.
Your conclusion as to how competent they were
Determining clients communication needs / How you found out what the client wanted to do re electronic communication
What their needs were
Selecting a web-based
e-mail service provider
suitable for client’s
needs / How you decided on a suitable provider and which one you chose
Setting up web-based email
accounts for clients / How you/they went about setting up the account
Sending and receiving emails / What you did to explain how to send and receive (Free online course?)
Attaching files / What you told them about attaching files
Using zip files / What you told them about using zip files
Checking for viruses / What you told them about viruses etc
Managing emails / What you told them about managing email
Reducing spam / What you told them about spam
Practising email etiquette / There are conventions commonly practiced. What did you cover?
E-mailing multiple recipients / What you told the client about sending email to more than one person
Using chat rooms / How much did you tell the client about this subject?
Using secure servers / What you told the client about the pros and cons fo using computers with a secure server
Scanning images and saving to disk / What you told them about scanning and saving
Providing front line support to client / What you do to support clients with ICT
Referring the client to other sources of support / What you do if you can’t help them personally
Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units