DP FFA Booster Club Meeting
Minutes for October 7,2015Meeting
- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. President Keith Westerman presiding.
- Treasures Report- Was available to review. Jackie made motion to accept September’s Treasures report. John seconded. All in favor no dissents.
- Old Business-
1)Vote on 3rd fundraiser-was already done at the 7/22/15 meeting.
2)Congrats to all the kids at PLSR.
- New Business-
1)Casa Ole fundraiser. To sell coupons or do 20% night. Linda made a motion to do 20% Casa Ole night. Aleina second the motion. All in favor no dissents.
2)Booster Club Christmas / Golden Corral thank you night. Will be December 17th at 6pm. at the Golden Corral on Spencer. If you like you can participate in the White Elephant gift exchange. Gifts to be around $10.00.
3)Thank you plaques and pictures for the Progress Show and Feed the Barn sponsors. 7 plaques total. Linda made a motion to allow for $200.00 for the plaques and pictures. Erika seconded the motion. All in favor no dissents.
4)Tori Mudd was at the Progress Show and PLSR taking pictures of all of the students. You can get with her to get a CD of the pictures she took of your child. Aleina made a motion to get her a gift card for $100.00 for all her help and time. Linda seconded the motion. All in favor no dissents.
5)Discuss Booster Club Facebook page- Get more information and discuss it at next month’s meeting.
- Advisor's report-Mr. Guillory / Mrs. Rankin
1)PLSR was very successful for our students. Admin was VERY HAPPY! Great job kids.
2)Need to order and additional 10 FFA Official Dress Jackets, Ties and Scarf’s for spares. Cost would be about $590.00. Aleina made a motion to give $600.00 to cover the cost. Linda seconded the motion. All in favor no dissents.
3)Mr. Tatsch is wanting to start a Wool Team. Is needing the tools to start the team. Will discuss at the November meeting when we have more information and cost figures.
4)Have the plaques for the sponsors for the Clay Shoot. Will hand those out.
5)Discussed about possibly doing some type of Raffle to insure that ALL PLSR aftersales animals sell. Also possible increase the amount received for aftersales across the board.
6)LED’s are coming up in the next month. Practice
7)Starting using the Remind app. Text 81010 @f0140
- Close Meeting- Aleina motioned to close meeting- Paula seconded. All in favor- no dissents.