Downtown Advisory Committee
March 12, 2015
Downstairs Conference Room
500 Klamath Avenue
Members Present:Dan Beach, Rich Bogatay, Mike Moore, Jim Carpenter, Councilman Adams, Councilman Matt Dodson
Staff Present: Planning Manager Erik Nobel, City Manager Nathan Cherpeski, Parks Superintendent John Bellon, and Assistant to the City Recorder Kristina West
Guests Present: Brian Earl (citizen), Sylvia(Sky Lakes Wellness), Nick Fair – Downtown Association, Stephanie Van Dyke – Sky Lakes Wellness, Katherine Pope – Sky Lakes Wellness, Heidi Biggs, Allison York
Pocket Park
John Galbriethwas hired for design of the pocket park. He had a few meetings with the ad hoc group and came back with 3-4 concepts. Erik provided visual of what the culmination of concepts came to in one design. He further stated there was more discussion that took place and it was learned that more citizens wanted to become involved and provided a rough draft of their rendering of a pocket park with features. Staff sent it to a landscape architect and asked him to come up with a design that would represent the sketch. He provided visual representation of what the architect came back with. Where we are in steps right now is John Galbriethis back at his office working to combine the temporary and free/natural designs together so they work and complement each other. So there’s another set of drawings to come and be presented to the smaller committee on the 10th of April. The good news is we’re getting more input and community involvement but the last meeting we had with him was the last meeting on our contract with Galbrieth. For him to advance the plans further will be an amendment to the contract and that will be an additional $3,000. We’ve already spent $6,000.Councilman Adams stated his understanding is the project is way over budget.Erik stated it will be between $150,000 to $175,000 when it is all done. Mike asked if it would it be a good idea to ask Heidi (BIGGS) and Brian to discuss their ideas to have more of a local feel and flavor.
Brian explained the idea was to paint the wall on the building so he checked out the wall and started thinking about what painting the wall would entail. Then the group showed up and discussion started on what could work in the space. The idea was to come up with something that had an element that said “Klamath Falls.” With that, as economically as possible on the wall – not putting a surface on it, not painting it, in the rest of the designs you have a retaining wall so taking some of the rock from public quarry at Rocky Point to create more outdoor feel and being able to use some of those big blocks to open it up for seating. Big blocks, arranging pavers in such a way to draw you into it and what was missing to me was some statues or fixtures that would attract visitors. It was suggested to also place an interesting wayfinder sign for locations in Klamath County. Heidi stated it was discussed if we’re going to do the park let’s raise the bar. Brian stated it was to make a statement of who Klamath Falls is. Heidi referenced a metal panel with the Snake River laser etched across it and thought it would be interesting to do that with Klamath Lake as sort of a fun element. Brian stated it would encourage tourists to stop and take photos. Heidi stated we need to interest people that live here and people coming into town. I know budget is always a concern but think this could be a wonderful public/private partnership. There had been discussions with other individuals as well who would be willing to give money toward it. Erik stated we need some direction on where to go with this. Jim asked if Erik was asking for more money for rendering from architects and adhoc group wants to rally community to come forward. Erik stated $175,000 will buy us a plain/vanilla park and decorations later.Nathan asked if the planters would be included in the $175,000. Erik stated it includes landscaping, conduits, electricity, irrigation, planters, furniture – not is sculptures, art, etc. Jim stated that could come in as it is developed from the community.Erik cautioned to be careful that when it is done it is done.Councilman Adams asked about the base for the wayfinderand stated it will have to go into the main portion.Erik stated the substructure will be there but it needs to look finished.Rich stated he likes the idea of promoting Klamath County and when you turn from 6thStreet to Main Street it got your attention quickly. Allison stated it would be something that would make you stop and want to have your picture taken. Mike stated a lot of us have had some sticker shock with this kind of project. I’ve always said you get what you pay for but understand projects done in Medford similar to this cost how much.Erik stated the closest would be one in Eagle Point and John Galbrieth and ZCS were involvedin that as well and it was $300,000 plus.Nathan noted it has a significant pavilion as well.Erik stated it has offsite improvements as well. Stephanie stated that in terms of economic revitalization of towns you see tons of articles about this is how we got our economy back – invest in small local business, create community gathering places whether a park or plaza, make sidewalks walkable so people want to be there. Jim asked when we first started talking about this how much was set aside.Erik stated it was decided and voted on $100,000 for the total project cost.Rich statedhe had sticker shock as well but he wants to see it done right. He really believed that with some help from these other groups you could get help with the art part. Erik stated the first question is do we want to advance plans further with the architect for $3,000. Councilman Adams stated if we have the ability to put something together in the community then why are we giving this guy another $3,000 to do it.Allison stated he will provide a complete design plan. Dan asked how much further does $3,000 take us.Erik responded it takes us to a drawing combining the two concepts then it’s another $7,000 to advance them to construction drawings. Councilman Dodson stated when we set the budget at $100,000 it was because we had bids in from landscapers who could have done exactly what’s been illustrated. Erik stated there weretwo bids at $75,000 and the other at $150,000.Councilman Dodson stated now we’ve doubled that price and don’t really have anything. I don’t know what we’re getting out of it. We probably could do most of this work without construction drawings or maybe they get into it and learn an engineer needs to be involved.Allison stated there will be drainage issues and there is a community person willing to do engineering at a portion of the cost.
Jimmoved to approve extension of the contract with Galbrieth for an additional $3,000 in consort with the committee.
Nathan stated he was not in favor of hiring an architect for a park this size. You’re still going to have to pay for an engineer. I don’t think you need construction drawings; ask an engineer and he will say yes that’s what you need to do because that’s what he gets paid to do. In many towns a rotary club would have put it in without construction drawings. I hesitate to spend money on this front end stuff that we’re not going to use and I think that’s where we’re heading. Should we have them meld it? Heidi asked if it was possible to have Scott Souders look at it and could he give some sort of recommendation or does he need the next step with John Galbrieth.Rich stated there’s water sitting in the middle of that lot so there’s drainage issues.John statedScott has been a part of this process pro bono all along and providing information. Councilman Adams stated we’ve got at least three engineering firms that have made considerable money off private and public work and I’m sure any one of the three would be willing to put some work into this free of charge as a matter of pride. I would think we should be able to get somebody from the community to come forward and take care of some of this.
Jim withdrew the motion in recognition of wanting local people to take on the tasks.
Rich statedScott has already said he would do some for free but can’t do it all for free and at some point someone has to get paid. Erik stated he did talk to Scott about this at one point and asked him if he wanted to do the construction drawings and he said no that he did not feel comfortable doing them as a civil engineer. Nathan stated you’ll go with what you have and call out your pallet. He asked what would we need construction drawings for. If we we’re going to put in a sidewalk would you need an engineer to do that? Pavers aren’t that difficult. Figure out what your base is underneath and put pavers on top. Maybe retaining wall may require some help. Irrigation system will need to be planned out and electrical with conduit before you laydown the hardscape. It just doesn’t seem that complex to me. Councilman Adams stated it is a lot less complex than the Veterans Memorial and a lot of work was done by volunteers. I know the ANG was part of that but not the whole part between them and the veterans organizations and I think there are a whole lot of organizations that will get involved. Stephanie asked if Nathan was advocating to spend the $3,000 to blend the design then omitting the construction design.Nathan responded if you want to meld the two then yes you will need him to do that but you don’t need an architect to tell you what pavers to put in and where.
Rich moved to extend the Galbrieth contract for an additional $3,000 to meld the two plans while working with the committee. Joh asked if there is room within that to continue to mold this a little bit.Erik responded he would read from the contract what it entails. Basically he will do more renderings, come up with a plan that renders together, have another meeting with the pocket park advisory committee and shift again and ship us out the final drawing.
Councilman Dodson seconded. He stated his question is, is there a vision or element of this to go out and let the public do a yay or nay or if this committee is going to decide. From deliverables I don’t know how much further we’re progressing these plans. Erik stated without 3D views I think people will have a hard time visioning it.Councilman Dodson asked who “the people” are.Erik responded the committee and DAC. Councilman Dodson asked: “What are we getting to a yes on?”“What is the $3,000 buying us?” “Who are we selling this to that needs a 3D drawing?”Katherine stated people who will want to see functional combined with practical.Nathan stated if you’re talkingabout trying to raise funds for artistic aspects then the drawings will appeal to those people and may have some value there. That’s who else you’re trying to sell to.
The motion carried. Councilman Dodson voted no.
11th and Klamath.
Rich stated he is working to locate the missing party’s heirs. He will get ahold of the individual to see where he’s at with the process.
Director, Sky Lakes Wellness Center.
Sky Lakes is looking for a project to give some money to that will further our wellness program in the community. Our 50th anniversary looking at the past, present, and future in the community and would like to end the celebration by donating to this park. They need to know what DAC wants to do, how much you would be looking at as far as funding and it would be a combination of the City’s money, community donations then a significant donation from the hospital as well to make this happen. The Director would be the contact person between all of you and the hospital. We thought that maybe putting some money toward it would help make it happen. We would like to see the green spaces in the downtown area as a way of bringing wellness to our community. She suggested possible donor recognition through perhaps the artwork that had been discussed.
Site Furniture
Erik presented images of types of furniture to research for the park. A lot of our containers are starting to get cracked as they are over 20 years old. We do need to replace a few of them and he asked if DAC wanted to go with thesame design or go to a different style. Nathan asked whatthe price difference is between the two. Erik stated he did not look at the price difference. Rich stated the concrete pots we’ve been using still look good.
Parking Downtown
Nathan stated we received a letter complaining about the 2 hour parking from a citizen who spends a significant amount of time andmoney downtown and wants you to extend the time downtown. So do you create a mix of times? This group has discussed it at length many times. Councilman Dodson stated he thought the Main Street Association is big enough now to address this. Have them tell us if they would prefer to have employees or customers complaining. He would rather have theAssociation give us direction on what they want to do. Katherine stated she and Nick are both a part of the board so they can bring it up for discussion. Nick asked if there is somebody coming in to do a diagnosis of our program.Katherine stated Kendall Bell is bringing someone in over the summer. Rich stated hewould looks at revenue and how it affects future revenue to construct parking lots. Erik stated we do use the revenue by enforcement and then we have landscape maintenance,sweeping, etc. to worry about. It takes quite a bit of money to maintain the District. If we raise the time what would the incentive be to purchase a parking pass and our revenues would drop. Allison stated the complaints are from a small group. I wouldn’t recommend changing anything but would recommend a more public relations/proactive action with one and two time offenders. Nathan stated the City has the passes for business owners to give out to customers to extend their time and they’re free but they’re not giving them out. It’s more the hairdressers or those who tend to have longer appointments. Nick suggested if we’re going to put in two parks for them to visit, eat lunch, shop, etc. then perhaps the 3 hours would be more attractive and make more sense. Seems it might be a feasible option for now.
Councilman Dodson stated if the direction downtown is going is to add downtown residence then there is a need to address downtown overnight parking. Also need to have in place when people come to town looking to develop that we have a resident permit program. So we eliminate roadblocks for people looking to develop in town and one less hurdle to talk about. Erik stated the Citydoes have residential parking permit program in town. He will talk to Mark Willrett about that. John stated parking garages make sense too as opposed to multiple flat surfaces.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
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