Downloading, Installing and Configuring ARUser
Before you are able to access the Remedy Help Desk server from your location, the Remedy Action Request (AR) Client software must installed and configured. The installation package for AR User can be downloaded from the Remedy web site. This document contains the instructions for installing the Remedy AR Client application and is geared for a user that is comfortable installing software onto their computer.
The Remedy AR system server is located at the HostOne Center. The system server is accessed via the Remedy AR Client. HostOne personnel who have a standard desktop in their workspace should use the Remedy AR User Client in order to use the Remedy system.
You must also have an account established on the Remedy server at the HostOne. To complete this installation you must know your ID and password for the Remedy AR System. If you do not have an account, or if you do not know your password, contact the Remedy administrator at the HostOne Center.
Note: if you already have a version of Remedy AR Client installed on your system and you are going to log into the new server, skip to step 17 (start of the AR Client Configuration section). If you do not have the Remedy AR Client installed but have received the installation program on a CD, please go to step 13 (the beginning of the Installing the AR Client Application section).
1)Go to the following site:.
2)Click on the “Site Map” link found on the upper right corner of the home page. You will be sent to a page that is labeled “ Site Map”.
3)Then click the “Downloads” link found in the left column on the “Remedy site Map” page.
4)In the “Download a Remedy Product” section, ensure that the following information is displayed in the drop-down menus:
a)Select Software Item: AR System User Tool (All languages)
b)Operating System: Microsoft Windows
5)Click the “Continue with Download!” button to begin to download of the installation program.
6)Scroll down in the resulting license agreement window and click on the “I Accept” button.
7)In the resulting “How to Install the Action Request System Version 4.5.2 Windows User Tool” window click the “Download Now!” button.
8)After clicking on the “Download Now” button, you should be prompted by your browser for what to do with the file. In the File Download window select the “Save this program to disk” radio button and click the OK button.
9)In the resulting “Save As” window, point the “Save-In” parameter to “Desktop” and click the “Save” button.
10)Wait as the installation program is downloaded. Depending on the speed of your Internet connection this can take a long time, as the installation program is a large file.
11)When the download finishes, click on the “Close” button in the “Download complete” window.
12)Exit from your Internet browser and close all other open applications.
13)If you have downloaded the installation program using the steps above, locate file arswut.exe on your desktop and double-click it to start the installation. Otherwise, locate the file arswut.exe on the provided CD-ROM and double-click it to begin the installation.
14)The program will “unpack” itself and the “Choose Setup :Language” window will open.
15)In the “Choose Setup Language” window, select English (United States) then click the OK button to proceed.
16)In the Remedy User setup routine, do the following:
a)At the “Welcome” window, click on the “Next” button.
b)In the “Software License Agreement” window, click on the “Yes” button.
c)At the “Select Components” window, click “Next” (no selection needs to be changed).
d)In the “Select Action Request System User Resource” window, English should be selected by default. Select it if it is not, click on the “Next” button.
e)At the “Choose Destination Folders” window, select the directory location that you prefer (accepting the provided default folders is recommended) and click “Next”.
f)In the “Remedy Server Locations” window:
i)Click the “Add” button.
ii)Type “” (all characters in lower case and without the “”).
iii)Ensure that both the “Remedy Server” and “Remedy Notification Server” checkboxes are selected.
iv)Click the “OK” button to return to the “Remedy Server Locations” window, then click on the “Next” button to continue.
g)The installation program will setup the Remedy AR Client onto your system.
h)When prompted “Do you want Remedy Notifier to launch on startup of your computer?” select “No”.
i)Upon reaching the “Setup Complete” window, click on the “Finish” to exit the program.
This completes the initial installation of the Remedy Action Request system.
17)From the “Start” menu, select Programs * Action Request System * Remedy User. The AR application will load and display the Login window.
18)Click on the “Accounts” button. The server information will be added via the resulting window.
19)In the Accounts window:
a)Click the words “Click to add new user”
b)Type your login name (supplied by a Remedy administrator)
c)Press the Enter key.
d)Click the words “click to add new server”
e)Type “” (without the “”)
f)Press the Enter key.
g)Click in the “Advanced Sever Properties” check box if the check box is blank.
h)Click in the “AR TCP Port” section on the same line as the “” server.
i)Type the number “1038”.
j)Press the Enter key.
k)Click on the Close button to close the Accounts window and return to the Login window.
20)Click on the drop box to the right of the “User Name” section and select your User Name.
21)Type your password in the Password field. Note that both the Password and the User Name are case-sensitive.
22)Click the OK button. You should now be able to connect into the Remedy system.
23)Once Remedy is running, go to the TOOLS menu selection and choose "Options".
24)In the resulting Options window, choose the “General” tab.
25)In the "On Startup" section, place a checkmark into the checkbox next to "Prompt for Login".
26)Click the OK button to return to the program.
27)Exit out of Remedy by going to the FILE menu selection and choosing “Exit”.
28)To place the Remedy icons onto your desktop click on ONE of the following selections
a)If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, double-click on the icons below or contact your HostOne Remedy support person for this installation program:
b)If you are running Windows 98 or ME, double-click on the icons below or contact your HostOne Remedy support person for this installation program:
29)Upon double-clicking on the appropriate icon, Microsoft Word may pop-up a warning window concerning the opening of an embedded object. Choose “Yes” to continue.
30)When the installation program loads, click on the “Start” button inside of the program to install the icons.
31)The icon installation program will open a “Finished” window when the installation is finished. Click on the OK button to continue.
32)There should be two icons placed onto your desktop: Remedy Help Desk Manager.ARTask and Remedy Help Desk Support.ARTask. Remedy can be started by double-clicking on either of these icons. Each provides a different view into the Remedy system, and HostOne support users can use either view
The installation is complete.
HostOne Remedy AR System1