Microsoft® Select, Open, OEM and FPP License Product Downgrade Rights

Downgrade Rights for Software Products Offered Through Select License, Open License, OEM and FPP (by Pool)
(Note: No permission letter or special exception is required to obtain any of the following downgrade rights under Select License and Open License)
Software License Agreement Type / Application
Products / System
Products / Server
Select License and Open License Agreement / All application software licenses acquired through the Select License or Open License programsare granted the right to downgrade (use a prior version). /
  • All system software licenses acquired through the Select or Open License programs are granted the right to downgrade (use a prior version).
/ All server software licenses acquired through the Select License or Open License programsare granted the right to downgrade (use a prior version).
Licenses Enrolled in Under Upgrade Advantage (UA) or Software Assurance (SA) / Application software licenses acquired via FPP or the OEM channel are granted the right to downgrade once they are enrolled in UA through the Select License or Open License volume license programs. / System software licenses acquired via FPP (with the exception of Windows XP) or the OEM channel are granted the right to downgrade once they are enrolled in UA or SA. Note: Enrolling Windows XP Pro in Windows Pro UA or SA allows you to use Windows NT® Workstation or Windows® 9x (and Microsoft® Plus! Pack) throughout the term of your agreement. / Server software licenses acquired via FPP or the OEM channel are granted the right to downgrade once they are enrolled in UA or SA.
OEM License Agreement / Application licenses acquired via the OEM channel follow rights granted in the OEM license. OEM licenses do not typically grant downgrade rights. / System licenses acquired via the OEM channel follow rights granted in the OEM license. PCs licensed for Windows XP Professional OEM are licensed to use identified previous versions of Windows Operating System Product(s) in lieu of Windows XP Professional (Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional, Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0 or Microsoft® Windows® 98 (Second Edition). / Server licenses acquired via the OEM channel follow rights granted in the OEM license. OEM licenses do not typically grant downgrade rights, (unless they are enrolled in Select License or Open License UA or SA).
FPP/MLP End User License Agreement
(EULA) / Most Full Package Product (FPP) and Microsoft License Pak (MLP) application licenses containing the standard Application EULA are not granted downgrade rights. / FPP and MLP system licenses containing the System EULA are not granted downgrade rights (unless they are enrolled in Select License or Open License Upgrade Advantage as is detailed above).
These products include:
Microsoft® Windows®
Microsoft® Windows® for Workgroups
Microsoft® Windows® 95/98
Microsoft® Window NT® Workstation
Microsoft® Windows 2000/XP Pro
Note: The list above contains the downgrade rights for the most commonly acquired system EULAs. For downgrade provisions for other system licenses please consult the system EULA for the product in question. / Most FPP and MLP server licenses containing the Server EULA are granted downgrade rights.
A sample list of these products include:
Microsoft® BackOffice Server, Client Access
Microsoft® Exchange Server, Client Access
Microsoft® PC Mail Server
Microsoft® SNA Server, Client Access, Workstation
Microsoft® SQL Server, Client Access
Microsoft® System Management Server, Client Access
Microsoft® Windows XP/2000/NT® Server, Client Access
Note: The list above contains the downgrade rights for the most commonly acquired server EULAs. For downgrade provisions for other server licenses please consult the server EULA for the product in question.

February 2002 Microsoft Select Downgrade Rights - Customer Ready

Subject to change. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation