Mr. Santangelo

SAT Course Requirements Contract

Below is a list of things you will need to bring with you every day in order to function effectively and efficiently in this class.

  1. Your Notebook. You do not need anything too elaborate here. A single subject notebook or a small three ring binder will suffice.
  1. Your blue workbook. You will need this to practice out of. All of your practice tests come directly from here. It also serves as a good reference and a source from which homework can be assigned.
  1. A pencil or a pen. Everything can be done in pen if you would like. However, ALL OF YOUR PRACTICE TESTS MUST BE DONE IN PENCIL! Since you will be using pencil on the SAT we will simulate that along with other actual testing conditions.
  1. Your homework. When I assign homework, get it done the proper way (show work, explain, etc.). No late homework assignments will be accepted unless you are absent or have a legitimate excuse. If in the case you are absent, it will be your obligation to show me the homework that was due the day(s) you were absent upon returning.
  1. A calculator. You should purchase your own calculator so that you will have it to aid in doing your homework and actually taking the SAT. If one is available for use, you will be allowed to borrow one during class. However, you will not be able to bring any borrowed calculators home in order to complete homework.
  1. Your best behavior. I do not think I have to explain this one.

Grading Policy

Formal Assessments (Tests/Quizzes): 40%

Project Based Assessments: 40%

Informal Assessments (in-class group or individual activities): 10%

Homework and Class Participation: 10%

Final Grade: Refer to Power School for daily updates on your progress. Barring any technical issues, Power School always displays your current and final grade.

Extra Help

I am generally available every day of the week except for Mondays. I will provide extra help in the afternoon upon request. Morning help can be arranged if necessary. You are responsible for informing me that you need extra help! Please do not be shy or embarrassed in doing so. Although I am here to help you, understand that sometimes my schedule before or after school may prohibit me from providing extra help on certain days. All that said, do not wait until the last minute to ask for help (the day before a test or quiz is a bad idea). When you come for help, please have questions in mind and do not ask me to “teach you everything”. It is your responsibility to keep up with your work and the questions and troubles that you encounter along the way.

Remember, math is not a spectator sport. Success will require time, effort, and a lot of practice on your part. Reading the book, working in class, and working at home will help you in successfully completing this course.

I fully understand that the grade that I get in this class is the grade that I earned, and not a grade that Mr. Santangelo “gaveme”. No one is responsible for how I act or how I perform in this class except for me. By signing below, I am informing Mr. Santangelo that I have read and understood all of the preceding requirements and information set forth in this contract.

Print Your Name______


Parent/Guardian Signature______
