Down Syndrome Program Intake Form
(To be completed at first visit only)
Child’s Full Name: ______Date of Birth:______Gender: Male Female
Parent/Legal Guardian Name:______
Home Phone:______Work/Cell Phone:______
Primary Care Physician:______
Please list names of any other Medical Specialists that this child is currently seeing at Riley or elsewhere:
1.______/ 3.______
2.______/ 4.______
Maternal Health and Birth History
1. Was the child? Premature Full -Term Late2. Length of Pregnancy:______weeks
3. Birth Weight: ______
4. How many weeks was baby in the hospital after birth? ______
5. Location of Delivery: HospitalorBirth Center______Home
6. Delivery Method: Vaginal C-Section Breech Forceps Other:______
7. Did the mother have a difficult labor? Yes No______
8. Did the infant experience any of the following problems at birth? Bruising Jaundice Difficulty feeding
Stuck in birth canal Cord around neck Breathing Problems Other:______
9. Mother’s Condition: # Pregnancies______# Live Births______#Miscarriages______
10. Mother’s Age: ______11. Father’s Age:______
12. Mother’s Health Conditions During Pregnancy (check all that apply): Hypertension Diabetes Toxemia
Vaginal Bleeding Thyroid Problems Premature Labor Vomiting Recurrent Infections STD HIV
Cigarettes (# of packs per day:______) Alcohol (# of drinks per week:______) Drug Exposure Preeclampsia
13. Stresses During Pregnancy (physical and/or emotional):______
14. Please list any medications taken by mother during the pregnancy:
Over the Counter, Vitamins, or Nutritional Supplements:______
Reviewed by: ______Date: ______
Down Syndrome Program
History of Present Illness
Person Completing this Form:
Relationship to Patient: Mother Father Grandparent
Foster Parent Legal Guardian Other:
Contact # Alternate Contact #___
Primary Care Physician:___
Place Patient Label Here
Visit Date:______
This Section for Office Use Only
Gestation: ______Birth Weight: ______
What are your main concerns today?
Clinician NotesFor Office Use Only
HPI: EPF: 1 – 3, D: 4, C: 4+
Location, Quality, Severity, Duration, Timing, Context, Modifying facts, Other signs & symptoms
Chief Complaint:______
Specific Concerns (check all that apply)?
Large Muscle Skills – head control, sitting, moving
Small Muscle Skills – use of hands, holding objects
Language Skills
Social Skills – looking at you, smiling, playing with others
Behavior Issues
Learning or Thinking Skills
How long have you had these concerns? ______
Onset of problem was: At Birth Sudden Gradual
How severe are your child’s problems?
Mild Moderate Severe
Would you like to talk to a Social Worker today? Yes No
Diet & Nutrition
1. How does your child feed? By Mouth NG G-tube GJ NJ
2. Name of Formula/Milk ______
3. How often does your child feed? ______
4. How much formula/milk at each feeding? ______
5. Does your child drink anything else? ______
6. What solids does your child eat? Baby foods Table foods
7. Does your child? Choke/Gag Cough Refuse Feedings
8. If your child is over 1 year of age:
Does he/she have problems chewing? Yes No
Does he/she eat: Fruits Vegetables Meat Dairy
9. Does your child spit up or vomit? Almost Never Often Every Meal
10. Does your child have stool problems? Constipation Diarrhea
Can your child?
Roll / Use Fork/Spoon / Speak in 2-3 Word SentencesSit / Scribble / Smile
Crawl / Understand “No” / Laugh
Stand / Babble / Play with Children
Walk / Say Single Words / Follows Commands
Run / Point to Objects / Make Eye Contact
Reach for Objects / Put 2 Words Together / Turn to His/Her Name
What are your concerns? ______
A Rev. 5/22/09
Clinician NotesFor Office Use Only
Is your child currently receiving any of the following services?
Occupational Therapy / Physical TherapyDevelopmental Therapy / Special Education
Speech Therapy / First Steps
Nutrition / Behavioral counseling
Is your child presently in any type of school?______
Medications – Please complete medication sheet
ALLERGIES Does your child have any drug allergies? Yes No
If yes, please explain: ______
Are your child’s immunizations up to date? Yes No Unsure
D Rev. 11/16/09
Synagis Influenza
Review of Systems
Please review each item as it relates to your child’s health.
ConstitutionalNegative / CardiovascularNegativeProblems sleeping / Heart problems
Anemia / Sweating or tires easily with feeds
Other______/ Other______
NeurologicalNegative / Gastrointestinal Negative
Seizures or staring spells / Vomiting
Balance problems / Diarrhea, or constipation
Other______/ Other______
EyesNegative / Urinary and Bladder System Negative
Vision loss or concerns / History of bladder or kidney infections
Eyes crossing or lazy eye / Problems with toilet training
Tearing or eye discharge / Musculoskeletal Negative
Has your child seen an eye doctor?
No Yes If Yes, when?______/ Muscle weakness
Tightness or stiffnessin joints
Other______/ Other______
Ears/Nose/ThroatNegative / Skin Negative
Hearing loss or concerns / Eczema or rash
Earache or discharge / G tube site or NG tube irritation
Ear tubes? No Yes / Other______
If Yes, when?______/ Endocrine Negative
Tonsils and adenoids removed? No Yes / Thyroid problems
If Yes, when?______/ Other______
When was your child’s last hearing test?______/ Safety/Other
- How does your child travel in a car?
RespiratoryNegative / Forward Facing Car Seat Rear Facing Car Seat
Wheezing / Booster Seat Seat Belt
Snoring /
- How does your child sleep (Infants Only)?
Noisy breathing with sleep / On Back On stomach On side Crib Bed
Restless sleep /
- Yes No Are there any smokers living in your home?
Unusual sleep positions (neck arched back, sitting up) /
- What year was your home built? ______
- Yes No Do you have concerns about safety in your home?
Reviewed by: ______Date: ______
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Down Syndrome Program
Past Medical, Family, Social History
First Visit – Please fill out completely
Repeat Visit – Indicate ONLY changes since your last visit
Past Medical History No Changes Since Last Visit dated ______Please check all that apply
Illnesses: / Past Surgeries:
Seizure Disorder / Ear PE Tubes / G Tube
Asthma / Tonsils Removed / Nissen
Pneumonia / Adenoids Removed / Heart Repair
Other Illnesses/Medical Conditions:______
______/ Other: ______
Other Hospitalizations: ______
Injuries/Fractures: ______
Procedures and Tests (such as MRI, chromosomes):______
Social History No changes since last visit dated ______
Patients Parents are: Married Divorced Separated Other:______
Child Lives With:Mother Father Foster Parents Other______# of others living in home:______
# of Siblings:______Ages and health of Siblings:______
Mother Employed? Yes No If yes, Occupation:______
Father Employed? Yes No If yes, Occupation:______
Is the family currently receiving any of the following services? WIC SSI CSHSC Medicaid Waiver Medicaid Disability
Childcare Provided by: Parents Relatives HomeDaycare Babysitter/Nanny Daycare Center
Family Medical History No Changes Since Last Visit dated ______
Please indicate any history of the following illnesses among the patients immediate family by checking the appropriate box.
Immediate family consists of parents, siblings, and grandparents only.
ADD/ADHD / Diabetes / Kidney Disease / Cerebral Palsy
Alcohol/Drug Abuse / Genetic Conditions / Learning Problems / Seizures/Epilepsy
Allergies/Asthma / Growth Problems / Liver Disease / Mental Retardation
Autism/Asperger/PDD / Heart Disease / Mental Illness / Neurological Disorder
Cancer / High Blood Pressure / Thyroid Problems
Other (please list): ______
Reviewed by: ______Date: ______
My child is under age 3
All kids ages 3-19:
If your child is in school:
- What school does he/she attend?
- How many hours per day are spent in special ed or resource room?
- How many hours per day are spent in mainstream classroom?
- What skills is your child working on?
- Does your child receive private therapies in addition to school based therapies?
- Does your child participate in any activities outside of school (e.g. sports, Special Olympics, scouting, Best Buddies, Sunday school)?
- What are your child’s responsibilities at home (self-care, chores, etc.)?
Teens only:
- Has your teen had any vocational work experiences?
- Does your teen spend time with friends outside of school?
- Have you and your teen started discussing plans for the future (educational, vocational, living arrangements)?
- Do you need more information about legal and financial transition to adulthood issues (guardianship, financial planning, etc.)?
- Any questions/concerns about puberty or menstruation?
- Any questions/concerns about sexuality or sexual behavior?
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