Press Release

Immediate use 17 March 2016

Down Royal the scene for Integrated Education Fund St Patrick’s Day party

Comedian Tim McGarry and Baroness May Blood had to jockey for attention with two young Irish dancers when they met at the Integrated Education Fund’s St Patrick’s Day celebration at Down Royal Racecourse on Thursday (17 March).

Anna Caskey and Maeve Roche from the Ballynafeigh School of Irish Dancing, performed for more than 100 high-profile guests at the special lunch which raised money to help the IEF’s work in developing and supporting integrated schools.

Guests were welcomed by Baroness Blood, the IEF’s Campaign Chair and entertained by Tim McGarry and the young dancers before enjoying a delicious lunch and an exciting afternoon’s racing.

Commenting on the good cause behind the celebrations, May Blood said

“Integrated education left the starting gate more than thirty years ago and is seen as a good bet for our children’s future by a majority of parents in Northern Ireland. We have to keep nagging politicians and remind them that a pledge to develop a unified education system of good-quality schools, which all welcome and nurture young people of all backgrounds and traditions, would be a winner with the public in Northern Ireland.”

The Moscow Flyer Suite at Down Royal was especially decorated for the occasion by Carrie Neely and Christine Trueman of the company “Art Loves”. The pair also generously donated a screen print by Christine of Marilyn Monroe.

In the picture:

Tim McGarry, Baroness May Blood, Anna Caskey and Maeve Roche at the Integrated Education Fund’s St Patrick’s Day race event held at Down Royal Racecourse for 100 supporters of the IEF’s work supporting and promoting integrated education in Northern Ireland.

Note for editors:

The IEF is the charity which provides financial support for the development and growth of integrated education. Our aim is to enable children to learn together in an environment that celebrates religious and cultural diversity, making integration, not separation, the norm in the Northern Ireland education system. On the basis of parental demand we continue to support the establishment of more integrated school places, the transformation of existing non-integrated schools to integrated status and cross-community school initiatives that provide meaningful interaction between pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.

Contact details:

Maddy Bridgman, Press Officer: 028 9069 4099 / 078 4192 7724 /