Douglas County High School
Honors & Ninth Grade Literature & Composition
Course Syllabus
Teachers & Classroom
McKeith Cordell om 9307
Course Description: Focusing on a study of literary genres, the student develops initial understanding of both the structure and the meaning of a work of literature. The student develops initial understanding of the way the form of a work of literature affects the meaning of the work and of the process of interpretation of a text. The student reads thoughtfully and purposefully, constantly checking for understanding of the author’s intent and meaning in order to determine a sound interpretation.
Based on a thematic approach, the student further develops reading, writing, speaking/listening, and critical thinking skills through the study of a variety of genres and writers. Emphasis on developing control in technical writing, refining personal narrative and research skills, and integrating grammar, mechanics, and usage into the writing process is maintained throughout the course.
CCGPS Standards/Objectives: Click the URL link provided to access this information:Georgia Performance Standards of Excellence
Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: The student will show mastery of performance standards through a variety of activities, both in and out of the classroom. Such activities will include—but are not limited to—class assignments (teacher directed and independent study), homework, vocabulary, grammar review and exercises, research, tests, quizzes, projects, collaboration with partners or groups, oral presentations, essays, etc.
Grading Plan: Summative (Exams, *Summer Reading, Tests, Projects, Major Assignments) 50% Formative (Quizzes, Classwork, Homework, Warm-Ups, Journals) 30%
**End of Course Test 20%
*Only required in the Honors level course.
**End of Course Test is calculated as a separate 20% grade by the county.
Students may retest specified failed tests according to individual teacher guidelines and procedures.
Academic Honesty:
Academic honesty and integrity are taken very seriously at New Manchester High School. Any student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero on the assignment and will forfeit the opportunity to make up the grade. Cheating includes plagiarism, copying work, allowing another student to copy your work, and the use of technology that gives an unfair advantage.
Attendance/Tardiness Policy:
Student attendance and prompt arrival to class is mandatory. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action from both the teacher and the administration resulting in Tardy Detention and/or discipline referrals.
Late Work: Due dates will be scheduled and announced far enough in advance to ensure that each student has enough time to complete assignments; therefore,late assignments (including Major Assignments) will not be accepted without penalty.
Make-Up Work: It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed because of an absence and to complete that work within five days of returning. Make-up work is provided for excused absences only. See the teacher to set up an appointment to make up tests or quizzes.
Student Resources:
Teacher & school websites,,,Tutoring/Remediation (before and/or after school with teacher by appointment)
Supplies: 3-Ring Binder, Highlighters, Dividers, Index Cards, Notebook paper, Pens and pencils, Tissue, Hand sanitizer, and at least one of the following: Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Markers.
Douglas County School System Grading Scale (**Please note that this is a change from previous years.)
A = 90 to 100 B = 80 to 89 C = 71 to 79 D = 70 F = Below 70