Third Grade Language Arts l Pacing Guide / Quarter 3
Oral Language / READING / WRITING
3.1a Listen, face speaker, ask questions,
and summarize
3.1b Ask/respond to questions
3.1c Explain what has been learned
3.1d Use language appropriate for
3.2e Use contextually appropriate
language and specific vocabulary to
communicate ideas / 3.3a,b The student will apply word analysis skills when reading
3.4a Use knowledge of homophones
3.4b Use of knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms and antonyms
3.4c Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies
3.4d Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words
3.4g Use word reference resources including glossary, dictionary and thesaurus
3.5c Make, confirm, or revise predictions
3.5d Compare and contrast settings, characters and events
3.5e; 3.6a Identify the author’s purpose
3.5g; 3.6e Draw conclusions about text
3.5h Identify problem and solution
3.5i; 3.6g Identify the main idea
3.5j; 3.6h Identify supporting details
3.5k; 3.6j Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process
3.5l Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction
3.6c Preview and use text features
3.7b Use table of contents, indices, and charts / Composing
3.9b Use a variety of prewriting strategies
3.9d Write a paragraph on the same topic / Written Expression
3.9f Include details that elaborate the main idea
3.9g Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and
information / Usage and Mechanics
3.8 Write legibly in cursive
3.10b Use transition words to vary
sentence structure
3.10c Use the word I in compound
3.10d Use past and present verb tense
3.10e Use singular possessives
Oral Language Ongoing Objectives: / Reading Ongoing Objectives:
3.4e Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts
3.5a Set a purpose for reading
3.5b Make connections between previous experiences and reading selections
3.5f; 3.6d Ask/answer questions about what is read
3.5m; 3.6l Read with fluency and accuracy
3.6b Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning
3.6k Identify new information gained from reading / Composing Ongoing Objectives:
3.9a Identify intended audience
3.9c Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea
3.9e Use strategies for organization of
information and elaboration according to type of writing / Written Expression Ongoing Objectives: / Usage and Mechanics Ongoing Objectives:
3.10a-j The student will edit writing for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
Research- Cross Curricular Integration
3.7a Use encyclopedias and other reference books, including online reference materials
3.11a Construct questions about the topic
3.11b Identify appropriate resources
3.11c Collect and organize information about the topic into a short report
3.11d Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words / Ongoing Research Objectives:
3.12 The student will use available technology for reading and writing
PWC Grades 3-5 Reading Benchmark Guidelines:
End of Quarter Expectations
DRA 2 / QRI 4 / Fountas and Pinnell
Target = 38
OGL Range = 34-40F / Target = 3E
OGL Range = 3N-4N / Target = P
OGL Range = O-Q
PWC Reading and Writing Assessment Folder Items:
Benchmark Literacy Units:
Unit 6 / Unit 7 / Unit 8
Metacognitive Strategy: / Fix-Up Monitoring / Make Inferences / Determine Text Importance
Comprehension Strategy: / Distinguish and Evaluate Fact and Opinion / Make Predictions / Compare & Contrast
SOL Objectives addressed in this unit: / 3.4 b-e
3.5 e, k, l, m
3.6 a, j-l
3.9 b, d / 3.4 d, e
3.5 a-e, g, h, j, k, m
3.6 a-c, e, h, j-l
3.9 b, d, f / 3.4 d, e
3.5 a, b, d, e, i, k, m
3.6 a-c, g, j-l
3.9 b, d
3.10 b
Virginia Department of Education:
VDOE English Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework:
VDOE ESS Sample Lesson Plans:
VDOE Online Writing Resources:
VDOE Early Literacy Video:
VDOE English SOL Vocabulary:
Narrative PowerPoints:\
Individual school resources may include some of the following:
The Next Step in Guided Reading – Jan Richardson
Interactive Read-Alouds, Grades 2-3 – Linda Hoyt
Reflect, Revisit, Retell – Linda Hoyt
Tool Kit Texts - Stephanie Harvey & Anne Goudvis
Comprehension Connections – Tammy McGregor
Fountas and Pinnell resources
Lucy Calkins, Units of Study
EPIC/SPOT materials

This document should be used in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Education Curriculum Framework as well as the PrinceWilliam County Reading and Writing Benchmark Guidelines.