Dothan Brook School Counseling
Annual Calendar 2014-15
August 2014Back to School: Staff 8/19/14; Students 8/25/14
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBISManagement
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- K-5 Expected behavior in all settings
First week: Check-in/Check-out
Individual Student Planning as scheduled
Responsive Services as needed / PreK & Kindergarten Open House
New parent meetings
Review & update all Targeted and Intensive student plans
Transition meetings with classroom teachers
Review CICO, BSP, & 504 plans with classroom & related arts teachers
Update Coordinated Service Plans, Family Safety Plans, and Wraparound Plans
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / PreK & Kindergarten Summer Playgroup
Provide inservicestaff training
- Mandated Reporting
- PBIS Rollout
- Second Step refresher
- Second Step
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / Annual Agreements signed
2014-15 Professional Growth/Evaluation Plan submitted and approved
Advisory Council meeting
Universal Team Meeting
Professional Development: VESI: Harassment, Bullying, and Cyber Intimidation in Schools (Wheeler)
September 2014
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBISManagement
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Skills for Learning
- K: The Incredible Flexible You:
- 1: The Incredible Flexible You;
- 2: Social Cognition;
- 3: Social Cognition;
- 4: Reach Higher Goal Setting lessons; Bullying Prevention;
- 5: Bullying Prevention/ Differences;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 1
- Social Communication: Grade 4/5
- Friendship/Relational Aggression: Grade 4
Responsive Services as needed / Kindergarten parent meetings
SIBS Big Brother/Sister referrals & interviews
Child Protection Team
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Child Protection Team meeting
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Open House
SIBS Big Brother/Sister training
Leadership Team meeting
School-Community Council meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / SC Program goals completed
Annual Calendar completed
Core Curriculum Action Plan completed
Advisory Council meeting
Universal Team Meeting
District Counselors meeting
Elementary Counselors meeting
Submit ASCA15 proposal
October 2014
Bullying Prevention Month
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Skills for Learning/Empathy
- K: The Incredible Flexible You; Bullying Prevention; SS Skills for Learning/ Empathy
- 1: The Incredible Flexible You; Bullying Prevention; SS Skills for Learning/ Empathy
- 2: Bullying Prevention;
- 3: Bullying Prevention; SS: Empathy
- 4: Bullying Prevention; Reach Higher;
- 5: Bullying Prevention/ Differences;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 1
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 3
- Social Communication: Grade 4/5
- Friendship/Relational Aggression: Grade 4
- Girls Inc.: Girls Get the Message: Grade 5
Responsive Services as needed / SIBS Big Brother/Sister matches & parent meetings
Holiday Basket Helpers referrals
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Unity Day Bullying Prevention March & Assembly
Leadership Team meeting
School/Community Council meeting
Present at VTPBIS Leadership Conference (Lallier)
Present Teacher Training: Trauma
Present Paraprofessional Training: Trauma
Present at PTO: Bullying Prevention at DBS
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / Closing the Gap Action Plan completed
Universal Team Meeting
Elementary Counselors Meeting
Professional Development: VTSCA Conference (Lallier & Wheeler)
November 2014
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBISManagement
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Empathy
- K: Zones of Regulation; Personal Safety;
- 1: Zones of Regulation;
- 2: Conflict Resolution;
- 3: Personal Safety;
- 4: Bullying Prevention;
- 5: Bullying Prevention/ Differences;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 1
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 3
- Friendship/Relational Aggression: Grade 4
- Social Communication: Grade 4/5
- Girls Inc.: Girls Get the Message: Grade 5
Responsive Services as needed / Universal Screening: Stage 3; identify supports
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Child Protection Team meeting
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Administer Universal Screening Stages 1 & 2
Leadership Team meeting
School/Community Council meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / Advisory Council Meeting
Universal Team Meeting
Elementary Counselors meeting
Professional Development: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Wheeler)
December 2014
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBISManagement
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Empathy
- K: Personal Safety;
- 1: Personal Safety;
- 2: Personal Safety;
- 3: Personal Safety;
- 4: Bullying Prevention; Reach Higher;
- 5: Personal Safety;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 1
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 3
- Girls Inc.: Girls Get the Message: Grade 5
Responsive Services as needed / Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Leadership Team meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / District Counselors Meeting
Elementary Counselors Meeting
Universal Team meeting
PBIS paraprofessional evaluation
January 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Emotion Management
- K: TBD;
- 1: Conflict Resolution/Friendship;
- 2: TBD;
- 3: Conflict Resolution/Friendship;
- 4: Personal Safety/CareerSmarts;
- 5: Internet Safety;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 4
Responsive Services as needed / Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Child Protection Team meeting
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff
As-needed consultation with parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Leadership Team meeting
School/Community Council meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / Elementary Counselors Meeting
Advisor Council Meeting
Universal Team meeting
Professional Development: Upper Valley Instructional Rounds (Wheeler)
February 2015
National School Counseling Week / Great Kindness Challenge
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK-5: Great Kindness Challenge
- PreK: SS Emotion Management
- K: TBD;
- 1: Social Cognition;
- 2: Superflex and the Team of Unthinkables;
- 3: Diversity;
- 4: CareerSmarts;
- 5: College Exploration
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Social Cognition: Grades 2 & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 4
Responsive Services as needed / Camp Scholarship Referrals
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Leadership Team meeting
Great Kindness Challenge / PBIS Focus Behavior & Celebration Assembly / Elementary Counselors Meeting
Universal Team meeting
Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) Assessment (PBIS)
Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT) Assessment (PBIS)
March 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Emotion Mangement/ Friendship & Problem Solving
- K: TBD;
- 1: Social Cognition;
- 2: Superflex and the Team of Unthinkables;
- 3: Diversity;
- 4: CareerSmarts;
- 5: College Exploration;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Social Cognition: Grades 2 & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 4
- Leadership: Grade 4
Responsive Services as needed / Parent/Teacher Conferences
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Child Protection Team meeting
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Elementary/Middle School College Planning Night
Leadership Team meeting
School/Community Council meeting
Read Across America School-wide Dr. Seuss Celebration
- Counselors’ theme:Oh!the Places You’ll Go!
Elementary Counselors Meeting
Advisory Council Meeting
Universal Team meeting
Professional Development: APBS Conference (Lallier & Wheeler)
April 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: SS Freindship & Problem Solving
- K: Healthy Brain;
- 1: Healthy Brain;
- 2: Healthy Brain;
- 3: Healthy Brain;
- 4: Healthy Brain/CareerSmarts;
- 5: Healthy Brain/College Exploration;
Core Curriculum: Small Group
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Social Cognition: Grades 2 & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 4
- Leadership: Grade 4
- Girls Inc.: Action for Safety: Grade 5
Responsive Services as needed / Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Testing: 4th Grade SBAC
Leadership Team meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration
Brain-O-Mania Family Event
Screen-time Turnoff Week / Elementary Counselors Meeting
Universal Team meeting
School-wide Self-Assessment
Survey (SAS) Assessment (PBIS)
Professional Development: Building Better Behavior Support Plans (Lallier)
May 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- PreK: Personal Safety;
- K: TBD;
- 1: TBD
- 2: TBD
- 3: TBD
- 4: CareerSmarts
- 5: College Exploration/Middle School Transition
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
- Social Cognition: Grades 2 & 3
- Confidence Boosters: Grade 4
- Leadership: Grade 4
- Girls Inc.: Action for Safety: Grade 5
Individual Student Planning as scheduled
Responsive Services as needed / Transition meetings with Middle School counselors???
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team (2x)
Child Protection Team meeting
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Develop goals for School Climate section of School Improvement Plan
Testing: 3rd & 5th Grade SBAC
Testing: 4th Grade Science NECAP
Leadership Team meeting
School/Community Council meeting
EPSDT Grant Committee meeting
PBIS Focus Behavior Assembly & Celebration / District Counselors Meeting
Elementary Counselors Meeting
Universal Team meeting
Advisory Council
Develop PBIS goals for 2015-16 based on BAT & BOQ results
PBIS Regional Coordinators Meeting
June 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS Management
Core Curriculum: Classroom
- K: TBD
- 1: TBD
- 2: TBD
- 3: TBD
- 4: TBD
- 5: Middle School Transition
- Social Skills/Self- Regulation: Grades 1, 2, & 3
Responsive Services as needed / Early Essential Education Transition Meetings for incoming kindergartners
Transition meetings with middle school counselors
Targeted Team (weekly)
Intensive Team (weekly)
Educational Support Team
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with school staff and parents
Regularly scheduled & as-needed consultation with mental health, child protection, and other child/family support agencies/providers
IEP & 504 meetings as scheduled / Leadership Team meeting
Field Day
Final Day Assembly/5th Grade Graduation
Present at VTPBIS BEST Conference
Present at ASCA15 / District Counselors Meeting
Universal/Targeted/Intensive Joint meeting
Present 2014-15 PBIS Results Report at staff meeting
Submit 2015-16 Professional Growth/Evaluation Plan Draft
Submit Recognition application to VTPBIS
Professional Development: ASCA15 Conference (Lallier & Wheeler)
July-August 2015
Direct Services / Indirect Services / Leadership & School/ Community Support / School Counseling Program/PBIS
PreK & Kindergarten Summer Playgroup / Complete RAMP application