Project title (2 lines maximum)
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Title format: “INOUT_CANDEX_company_name_date.pdf”
Response to the call for “inOut”applications
Applications must be no more than 30 pages long.
List of partners(lead partner first)
Type of organisation* / Nationality / Geographic location / Name of representative / PositionPartner 1 (lead partner)
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4
*non-profit association, small/medium/large business
Response to the call for “inOut” applications
1.Executive summary of the experiment
2.Context, issues, and aims of the experiment
2.1.Context and issues surrounding the experiment (1 page maximum)
2.2.Aims of the experiment (2 pages maximum)
3.General description of the experiment
3.1.State of play; obstacles; solutions
3.2.Description of the products / services / organisations
3.3.Scope of the experiment
3.4.Evaluation of the experiment
3.5.Tree diagram of the experiment
3.6.Experiment calendar
3.7.Summary table of experiment costs
4.Organising the experiment
4.1.Short description of partners
4.2.Reasons for the partnership (1 page maximum)
4.3.Intellectual property agreements where applicable (1 page maximum)
5.Work schedule
5.1.Detailed description of the work schedule
7.Funding from each partner
Provisional funding plan for the part of the experiment underwritten by the partner
8.Appendix: Detailed description of tasks
1.Executive summary of the experiment
This summary must present the following (2 pages maximum):
•Context and issues: the environmental, economic, technical, and organisational background to the experiment
•The aims of the experiment
•A short description of the experiment with details of the approach taken, including communication, the solutions developed, the location, duration, and the scope of the demonstration
•The partners and the role of the consortium (if there is one)
•The main economic, social, societal, behavioural, and environmental impacts of the experiment
2.Context, issues, and aims of the experiment
2.1.Context and issues surrounding the experiment (1page maximum)
Briefly describe how the suggested experiment corresponds to this call forapplications.
Specify the economic, social, societal, technological and/or environmental issues involved (current circumstances and prospects).
Specify the geographical scope of the study.
2.2.Aims of the experiment (2 pages maximum)
Specify the aims pursued by the experiment:
•Aims in terms of psychological/social impacts and changing mobility behaviours
•Technical aims of the solution developed by the project
•Environmental aims of the solution developed by the project
•Industrial and commercial aims (if the project includes a commercial aspect)
•Economic aims of the solution developed by the project
3.General description of the experiment
3.1.State of play; obstacles; solutions
Using the table below, give descriptions of the following aspects:
State of play
Give a brief summary of the state of play as regards existing solutions in the fields addressed by the experiment, and supply some key references.
Obstacles identified (where applicable)
Supply details of the key obstacles to be overcome, i.e. those seen ashard to overcome in the context in which the entity responsible for the project and any partners are operating.
Solutions developed by the experiment
Explain the solutions implemented by the experiment; give a brief summary of the project highlights, especially any distinctive technological and/or organisational approaches taken.
Areasof work / State of play and the technical, organisational, and/or economic limits of existing solutions / Technological, regulatory, and/or financial obstacles / Solutions developed by the projectAvenue 1:
Avenue 2:
3.2.Description of the products / services / organisations
Using the table below, give details of the products and/or services and/or organisations covered by the experiment, for each partner.
Partner / Products / Services / Organisations / Functions performedPartner 1
Partner 2
3.3.Scope of the experiment
- Specify the exact limits of the territorial scope of the experiment.
- List the local authority, private-sector, and/or academic partners needed.
- Describe the experiment’s target population (and explain how it is relevant to the issues).
- Describe the resources used.
- Describe the forms of cooperation established with Rennes Métropole and other necessary partnersfor the experiment.
3.4.Evaluation of the experiment
Describe the evaluation processes established with other partners in the experiment.
3.5.Tree diagram of the experiment
Break down the experiment into individual tasks, specifying the link between each.
3.6.Experiment calendar
Give the calendar for the experiment.
3.7.Summary table of experiment costs
Using the table below, give a summary overview of the costs of the experiment; in addition, give a summary ofthe resourcesprovidedto see it through to completion (funding and human resources)
PARTNERSDATA / Partner 1 / Partner 2 / Partner … / TOTAL
Total salaries charged / €
Total related expenditure (specify) / Excluding / including VAT
Total subcontracting costs / Excluding / including VAT
Total investment costs / Excluding / including VAT
Total for other costs (specify) / Excluding / including VAT
4.Organising the experiment
4.1.Short description of partners
Give a short description (5-10 lines) of each partner: sector of business, offering, etc.)
4.2.Reasons for the partnership (1 page maximum)
Describe the origins of the partnership and give the reasons for concluding it (e.g. complementary technical, scientific, industrial, regional, or other assets).
What if any previous collaboration between the partners has there been? Where applicable, give details of any relevant projects and participants.
4.3.Intellectual property agreements where applicable (1 page maximum)
Where applicable, specify the rules governing the terms and conditions of knowledge-sharing between the partners required to implement the project.
5.Work schedule
5.1.Detailed description of the work schedule
Give as detailed a description as possible of the planned activities using the table in the appendix.
Details should include:
•the role of each partner and the amount of work involved
•the subcontractors used
•investment expenditure items
•other purchases required
•a description of the work to be done and the expected outcomes
•what is needed for experimentation to start
•a definition of the deliverables, as well as the procedures for evaluating outcomes
•the schedule of activities
Use the table below to describe the project deliverables.
Ref. / Aims / Related work / Delivery milestone / Corresponding task(s) / Data collected for evaluationT1
Present the experiment’s potential for transferability. Include the following details:
-Transferable aspects (within France, within Europe, worldwide)
-Aspects for which there are regulatory, legal, standards, or other difficulties.
7.Funding from each partner
Provisional funding plan for the part of the experiment underwritten by the partner
Set out a provisional funding plan for the experiment, detailing public-sector aid and funding, as well as the existence and type of any other funding.
8.Appendix: Detailed description of tasks
Task nameStart: T0 + X months / End: T0 + X months / Duration: (months)
Partner 1 (example) / Partner 2 / Partner 3 / … / …
Summary description of workpackage:
Description of work involved:
Resources used:
●Specify the input work, data, and results required for the task to be completed
●Specify the resources brought to bear
Expected aims and outcomes (and related indicators):
Planned subcontractors:
Task deliverables:
●Deliverable number
●Description of contents
●Partners involved
Delivery milestone and review planned at inOut events (2018 and/or 2019 and/or 2020)
Response to “InOut”call for applications