Committee Meeting 11th March 2015

Dorford Centre, Dorchester

Present: Michael Evans, Adam Bows, Peter Henshaw, Dave Busler, Phil Wilson, Dilys Gartside, John Hayter, Judy Windwood


John Thraves, Ken Cook, Aileen Shackel, Ken Reed, Roland Tarr and John Grantham, Anna Finch

Minutes of previous meeting

Passed and signed off.

Financial Report

Phil Wilson reported that we have £4224.69 in total. Only two members have asked for the £6 rebate for a hi-viz jacket. Suggestions for using the funds were discussed: giving a DCN garment to helpers; reprinting local cycle maps; inviting schools to bid for financial help with training, hi-vis and/or parking. Adam Bows to circulate the schools.

Membership Report

Dave Busler reported 30-40 members failed to rejoin in 2014, but if some of these are chased up to rejoin, total membership should be steady at 330-340. Standing orders and digital newsletter have been successful, saving c50 newsletters and postage. Dave will be leaving as Membership Secretary in October latest and was thanked by Michael. An appeal for a new secretary will appear in the next newsletter.

Re the complaint on membership fees from Nick Brown, none of the committee agreed with this and all confirmed the three-tier system. Nick's letter will appear in the newsletter.

Reports from Branches

Bournemouth: John Hayter explained three possible routes to Bournemouth Airport, and Adam Bows said that the new road will have a traffic-free path alongside. John is leaving as Bournemouth co-ordinator but will continuing on the Bmth Cycling Forum.

Wimborne: Judy Windwood is working to ensure NCN25 continues through the new development, and will do a survey on usage.

Sturminster/Blandford: Dilys Gartside is working on getting cycle racks at Sturminster car park, with funding in place. Snooks yard at Sturminster will include a right of way.

Sherborne: Peter Henshaw reported the new development at Barton Farm will include a contraflow cycle lane to improve access, and that the new cycle rack at West End has been resited to make it easier to use.

Weymouth: Ken Reed is happy to leave the proposed contraflow lane in Westham Rd as it is, and not pursue – it will come up again in the future, and Adam Bows advised that better results come from working with unsympathetic councillors.


Michael asked for copy by end of March. Extras will be printed for giveaways, so print run of 500.

Adam Bows

Adam was thanked for his work as Transport Planning Officer for DCC. He summarised what had been achieved, and is pleased with progress in Weymouth (£1.2 million spent and 60% increase in cycling). Kevin Humphreys (despite end of funding) is likely to remain the main cycle contact in DCC until March 2016 and will be invited to DCN meetings.

AB advised on the best way to approach unsympathetic councillors, with Christchurch as an example. Persuading councillors, including them in good news stories and garnering public and Parish Council support were all good strategies. He thought the biggest problem now is lack of capital funding – applications can be made to Local Enterprise Partnerships, but these are business and roads focused.

Any other business

Details for AGM discussed – officers for election to be included, and John to check whether the hall has a screen.

Dilys and Judy have made suggestions for updating the DCN Handbook – these will be put to the AGM for approval.

Next Meetings

AGM 20th June – Parish Hall, Wareham

Committee meeting 6th August – Dorford Centre, Dorchester