The name of the Association shall be
“Dorset County Ladies Indoor Bowling Association”.
a) The Association shall be affiliated to the EIBA Ltd. and conform to its rules and regulations.
b) To promote, foster and safeguard the game of indoor bowls for ladies in the County of Dorset.
c) To help and advise when called upon and to determine differences relating to County matters between affiliated clubs.
a) Membership shall be open to all Indoor Bowls Clubs in Dorset affiliated to the EIBA Ltd. Application for membership to be supported by proposer and seconded by two clubs affiliated to the County; shall be ratified by members of the AGM. Clubs applying must have rinks, banks and ditches conforming to the “Laws of the Sport of Indoor Bowls”.
b) Affiliation application should be made to the Honorary Secretary accompanied by the names and addresses of the Officers, Secretary and Treasurer.
The annual capitation fee shall be determined at the AGM or at any Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
The annual capitations to be paid by the 1st. September in every year. Membership numbers as declared to the EIBA Ltd. and published in the current year book. Clubs failing to pay annual capitations as stated shall forfeit all rights and privileges until arrears have been paid.
a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Council consisting of President, Vice President, Immediate Past President (for one year from date of retirement), Hon Secretary, Hon Match Secretary, Hon Treasurer,
Hon League Secretary, Hon Competition Secretary and two Delegates from each affiliated club. Ten members to constitute a quorum (with a minimum of 5 clubs being represented).
b) The Executive Committee shall be the officers of the Association; President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Hon Secretary, Hon Match Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon League Secretary, Hon Competition Secretary. This committee shall meet as often as the business of the Association requires. Four members to constitute a quorum.
c) The Executive Committee to form the Emergency Committee – a member of said committee after consulting the President, may call a Council or Emergency Committee Meeting if circumstances require it. Four members to constitute a quorum.
d) The President (to stand automatically), Vice President , Hon Secretary, Hon Match Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Hon League Secretary and Hon Competition Secretary to be elected annually at the AGM.
e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising during the year and elect all sub-committees, but such an appointment shall be in an acting capacity only until the appointment is ratified at the next Council meeting. Voting will consist of one vote each affiliated club.
f) The Executive Committee shall have the power to make a proposition to amend a rule as necessary. The same to be submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting.
g) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time at the request of a minimum of three clubs to the Secretary – at least fourteen days’ notice of such meeting. Only the item in question to be discussed.
h) Should a delegate be unable to attend a Council Meeting, a club may send a substitute.
i) Each affiliated club be invited to nominate a Vice President. The final selection to be voted upon by the delegates at the AGM.
j) The Selection Committee shall consist of President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Hon Match Secretary, Hon Competition Secretary, Hon. Secretary (Ex-officio), plus two members to be nominated by their Clubs on County Nomination Forms. The Elected Members to serve no longer than three years in succession and be re-elected annually
A maximum of two members from the same Club may serve on the Selection Committee
The Team Manager to attend in an advisory capacity only
a) AGM to take place in June each year. Clubs to be given 14 days’ notice prior to date of meeting, specifying the nature of business to be transacted. No other business can be transacted.
b) Each club shall be entitled to send two named delegates to the AGM.
c) Members of affiliated clubs may attend and take part in the business of the meeting.
d) Voting procedures shall be as follows:
All members of affiliated clubs may attend the AGM – each club shall have only one vote. The Executive Committee shall not vote unless they are an official delegate of their club. No proxy voting will be accepted.
e) Nominations for officers to be submitted in writing – to reach the Hon Secretary 28 days before the AGM. All nominations must be accompanied by the name of the club and the seconder and duly signed by the aforementioned.
f) The President shall not vacate the “Chair” until the end of the meeting. The last item on the agenda shall be “Election of Officers”.
a) Council Meetings shall be held each year in the Spring and Autumn
b) Each Club shall be entitled to send two Named Delegates to the Council Meetings. Delegates shall be declared on Affiliation Form submitted by 1st September Annually
c) Notices of proposals must be submitted in writing to reach the Hon. Secretary 14 days before the Spring Council Meeting
d) There will be no voting at Council Meetings
The Honorary Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings and business transacted by the County Association and shall prepare a report for
adoption at the AGM. The Secretary shall conduct, under the direction of the Officers of the County, the business affairs thereof.
a) The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all monies of the County Association and shall pay into the County Association’s bank account. All cheques to be signed by any two of the three nominated bank signatories.
b) The Honorary Treasurer shall, after adoption by the Council, submit to the AGM a Statement of Accounts to the end of the financial year. Accounts to be forwarded with the Agenda.
c) The financial year shall end on the 30th April.
d) The accounts shall be examined by a qualified person/accountant.
The Honorary League Secretary shall be responsible for the running of the Ladies Inter-Club Leagues and Mixed League and keep records appertaining to the same.
The Honorary Competition Secretary shall be responsible for running all County Competitions, including the Knockout Cup, arranging Finals Days and Trophy Presentation and keeping all records appertaining to same.
The Honorary Match Secretary shall be responsible for arranging all fixtures, compiling selection lists and ensuring the smooth running of Match days.
The Team Manager shall be an annual appointment at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Appointee shall be present at Selection Meetings and attend Matches as required.
a. DCLIBA through the Executive Board may award Honorary Life Membership
to any person who has rendered exceptional services to the sport of Bowls DCLIBA
b. Any nomination to confer Honorary Life Membership shall be submitted to the
DCLIBA Executive not later than 1st May in each year.
c. Any Honorary Life Membership shall be conferred at the Annual General Meeting.
d. Honorary Life Members may attend Council meetings but without right to address meeting unless attending as a delegate
e. Honorary Life Members may attend and have a right to vote at Annual General Meeting
No alterations or additions to the rules shall be made expect at the AGM
AGM June 2014