Name: ______KEY______Final Exam Date: ______

1. Nutrition: The 6 classes of nutrients

  1. Protein: Builds and repairs cells;some energy; complete/incomplete; made of 20 amino acids; 11 AAs are natural; 9 AAs are called essential amino acids
  • Incomplete (Plant products) and Complete (Animal products)
  1. Vitamin: Regulate body processes
  • Water-soluble (B vits, vit. C) and Fat-soluble (Vitamins A, D, E, K…All Dogs Eat Kibble)
  1. Water: Regulates temperature; digestion; carries nutrients; prevents dehydration
  1. Carbohydrates: Starches and sugars in food; our main source of energy!
  • Simple: Sugars in fruits, veggies, dairy
  • Complex: Grains and starches….the most energy!!!
  • Fiber: Complex carb. That the body cannot break down: Helps go to the bathroom
  1. Mineral: Keeps bones and teeth strong. Example: Calcium, Iron
  1. Fats: Provides some energy; helps with growth; helps skin
  2. Saturated: (BAD) Animal products (Steak, pork)
  3. Unsaturated: (GOOD) Plant products (Olive oil and nuts)
  4. Trans fat: (BAD) aka hydrogenated oil (when hydrogen is added to veggie oil)

2. Briefly define the parts of the health triangle:

a. physical health: Condition of your body inside and out

b.mental/emotional health: Solves problems and handle situations; dealing with emotions

c.social health: How you relate to people

3. Tell what substance in tobacco causes the following:

a. Nicotine:habit-forming drug; addictive

b. Carbon Monoxide:gas picked up before oxygen

c. Tar:brown gummy substance, causes cancer (carcinogen)

4. Give the other name for or definition of:

  1. advocacy: Taking action in support of a cause
  1. risk: Something that could harm your health/wellness
  1. emphysema: Destruction of the alveoli in the lungs
  1. dehydration: Large loss of water from the body
  1. anaerobic exercise: Type of exercise that does not require a lot of O2, but builds muscle instead ie. Lifting weights
  1. aerobic exercise: Type of exercise that uses a lot of O2, energy, and increases heart and lung function ie. Running
  1. alveoli: Air sacs in the lungs; exchange CO2 for O2
  1. self-starving disease: Anorexia nervosa
  1. binge & purge disease: Bulimia nervosa
  1. binge eating disorder: Overeating that leads to considerable weight gain
  1. tolerance: Need for larger and larger amounts for the same effect
  1. muscular strength: Muscles using force
  1. muscular endurance: Muscles using force for a long time
  1. body composition: Proportion of bone, muscle, fat, and water in the body
  1. flexibility: Ability to move joints
  1. cardiovascular endurance: How well your heart and lungs work during vigorous exercise
  1. calcium: Mineral that promotes healthy bones and teeth; not enough=osteoporosis
  1. iron: Mineral that promotes healthy red blood cells; not enough=anemia
  1. health: a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  1. wellness: A state of balanced health over a long period of time

5. Give the other name for or definition of:

  1. stimulant:Drug that speeds up body functions; example is nicotine and caffeine

b.depressant: Drug that slows down body functions; example is alcohol

c.secondhand smoke: Air that is contaminated by tobacco smoke

d.heredity: Traits passed from parents

e.peer pressure: Pressure from peers

f.abstinence:Choosing not to participate in high-risk behavior

g. carcinogen:Something that causes cancerExample: Tar

h.choosemyplate.gov: Website providing nutritional information

i.ethanol/ethyl: Drinking alcohol; also known as ethyl alcohol; beer, wine, liquor

j.calorie: Unit of measurement that we use to find the amount of energy in food

k.target audience: The population that an advertisement is trying to convince

l.psychological dependence: Persons belief he/she needs a drug to feel/function normal

m.physical dependence: An addiction where the body has a chemical need for a drug

n.refusal skills: Ways to say “no” effectively

o.withdrawal: Unpleasant symptoms someone experiences when stopping an addictive substance

p.anabolic steroids: illegal drugs used to increase muscle and strength

q.SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome, an infant dies while sleeping

r.FAS: fetal alcohol syndrome, disabilities/deformities a baby may develop caused by a mother consuming alcohol during her pregnancy

s.proof: How strong an alcoholic beverage is (If you’re given a percentage; double it to find the proof. If you’re given a proof; cut it in half to find the percentage)

t.sidestream smoke: smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette/pipe/cigar

u.mainstream smoke: Smoke that is inhaled and exhaled by the smoker.

v.cirrhosis: a disease that results in the scarring and destruction of liver tissue

w.fight-or-flight response: The body’s way of responding to threats

x.adrenaline: A hormone that increases the level of sugar in the blood; giving your body extra energy

y. stressors: Sources of stress

9. What does each letter stand for in the FITT formula?

  • F-Frequency: How many days per week? 2, 4, 7?
  • I-Intensity: How hard is your workout? Low, moderate, intense?
  • T-Time: How long is your workout? 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour?
  • T-Type: What are you doing? Running, swimming, biking?

10. Reliable resources are important in researching health information:

a.Always use .org, .govand .edu

b.Stay away from .comand .net.

c.Parents, teachers, doctors, books, and librarians are also reliable sources.

11. The legal drinking age: 21

12. The legal tobacco age: 18

13. Typical amount of calories consumed per day by the average person: 2000

14. Three influences on behavior

  1. Heredity: No control
  2. Environment: Some/partialcontrol
  3. Behavior:Fullcontrol

15. The 2 organs make up the circulatory/cardiovascular system: Heart& Lungs

16. Three forms of cardiovascular disease

  1. Stroke (not enough oxygen/blood to the brain)
  2. High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) (too much force on the blood vessels)
  3. Heart attack (not enough oxygen/blood to the heart)

17. Name the body system being described:

a. Breaks down food: Digestive system

b. Gets rid of waste: Excretory system

c. Supplies you with oxygen: Respiratory system

d. Brain and spinal cord: Central Nervous system

e. Pumps blood and oxygen throughout your body: Circulatory/Cardiovascular system

18. What does each letter stand for in the H.E.L.P model?

a. H-Healthfulc. L- Legal

b. E- Ethical d. P- Parental approval