The devil is God’s archenemy and man’s eternal enemy. As the old serpent in the Garden of Eden he has been biting ever since and still continues to bite at every available opportunity. He bites those who ignorantly or deliberately break the hedge (Ecclesiastes 10:8).

We must never contemplate sparing the enemy. At every opportunity, we must pull down every satanic stronghold with our spiritual weapons of war, dismantle every satanic roadblock, setting on fire every demonic edifice, put to flight the armies of the aliens, subdue and conquer every destructive passion in our lives.

The enemy never wants to be conquered. Unless the enemy is forcefully ejected and dealt with, he desires and begs to operate unmolested (Mark 5:7-13). However we don’t and we must never spare the enemy no matter how much he begs or threatens to retaliate if forcefully ejected. Whatever happens and in whatever circumstance, don’t spare the enemy.


1 Samuel 15:1-11; 2 Samuel 1:1-16; 1 Kings 20:28-43; 22:1,31-40; Exodus 23:32,33; Joshua 23:9-13; Judges 2:1-3; 1:34; 2:14; 3:5-9.

Whenever we have the opportunity, we must eliminate every enemy both internal and external. The enemy that we spare will later come to slay us. There is a great danger in sparing the enemy.

Saul was told to exterminate the Amalekites but he didn’t (1 Samuel 15:1-11). One of the remnants of the Amalekites eventually killed Saul or at least helped to ensure that he was dead (2 Samuel 1:1-16).

Ahab was meant to execute Benhadad but he spared him (1 Kings 20:28-43). Benhadad later became a terrible scourge for Ahab and all Israel. He brought terrible oppression and suffering upon them (1 Kings 22:1,31-40).

The Israelites were supposed to eliminate every Canaanite from the land but they spared them (Exodus 23:32,33; Joshua 23:9-13; Judges 2:1-3). These Canaanites later became a thorn in their flesh, smoke to their eyes, a snare to them (Judges 1:34; 2:14; 3:5-9).

The flesh, the old man is our eternal enemy. We are told to MORTIFY the deeds of the old man (Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:5). The ones we spare and refuse to mortify will later come to destroy us. What we refuse to deal with will later deal with us.


1 John 3:8; Judges 9:53,54; 14:5,6; 1 Samuel 17:34-37,48-51; 2 Samuel 23:20,21; Ecclesiastes 10:8; Genesis 3:15; 49:17; Romans 16:20; Mark 5:7-13; Luke 11:21,22.

“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

Anywhere Jesus found the works of the devil, He always made it His duty to destroy them. We should follow the example of Jesus and make it our duty to always destroy the works of the devil.

It is our duty to slay the enemy, destroy his works whenever we find it. There are many ways of dealing with the enemy. He has many devices and strategies. The method that we use to tackle him depends on his approach:

(1)If the enemy comes like Abimelech, cast a millstone on his head and break his skull (Judges 9:53,54).

(2)If the enemy comes like Goliath, use your sling and stone to bring him down and cut off his head with his sword (1 Samuel 17:48-51).

(3)If the enemy comes like the Egyptian, take his spear and use it to kill him (2 Samuel 23:20,21).

(4)If the enemy roars against you like a lion, like Samson or David or Benaiah, arise and slay that lion (Judges 14:5,6; 1 Samuel 17:34-37; 2 Samuel 23:20).

(5)If he comes like old serpent ready to bite, bruise the serpent’s head (Ecclesiastes 10:8; Genesis 3:15; 49:17; Romans 16:20).

(6)If he comes like an evil spirit and strongman, bind him and cast him out (Mark 5:7-13; Luke 11:21,22).


Judges 9:55; 1 Samuel 17:51-54; 2 Samuel 23:9-12; Hebrews 11:33,34; Mark 5:15,16; Revelation 20:1-3

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, then peace and life at last (1 Corinthians 15:25,26,54,55). This is Jesus’ method.

When the enemy has been slain and silenced, there is always ultimate peace, freedom and dominion.

Once Abimelech dies, the war is over, the oppressed can go free and enjoy the comfort of their homes (Judges 9:55). When Goliath is slain, the Philistines run away. The intimidation and fear disappear (1 Samuel 17:51-54).

When the enemy is defeated and silenced, people return only to spoil (2 Samuel 23:9-12). There is great delight and satisfaction in silencing the enemy.