Donating Stocks & Securities… It’s easy, fast and tax-friendly!

1. Complete and send the Notification of Securities Transfer to Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta & NWT and contact us to let us know to expect your donation. Please note: This form is for Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta & NWT’s records only and does not initiate transfer of securities.

2. Instruct your broker to transfer your securities to Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta and NWT’s brokerage account.

If you sell a security, you pay tax on 50% of the capital gain. However, if you donate a gift of securities to Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta and NWT, the taxable capital gain is completely eliminated AND you receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the security based on the closing trading price on the day Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta and NWT receives the security.

Traded Securities Transfer Form

Transferring a Gift of Securities only takes 3 Steps:

  1. Email form . Please do not transfer securities without first forwarding this form to Junior Achievement Northern Alberta and NWT.
  1. Email / deliver this form to your investment Broker to transfer securities to Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT. Your Investment Advisor must initiate the transfer of your gift.
  1. Once transfer is complete, a charitable tax receipt will be issued for the closing price of the securities on the dayof the transfer to JANA. All efforts are made to ensure securities are sold the same day they are received.

Receiving Institution: CIBC Wood Gundy Attn: Randy Lewis 1800 Manulife Place, 10180 101 St NW, Edmonton AB T5J 3S4Phone: (780) 429-8939 Fax: (780) 429-8999 Email:

Account Name/Number: Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT

Account #760-18092FIN#: T074 NBCS DTC# 5030

I understand that I will receive a charitable tax receipt from Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta and NWT’s (JANA) based on the closing price of the shares on the day theshares are received/transferred into JANA’s account at CIBC Wood Gundy. These securities have been transferred to JANA without restriction. In order to receive a charitable tax receipt for the current year, the shares must have been transferred to JANA’s account,or physically received by JANA no later thanclose of markets the first week of December.

Tax Benefits of Charitable Giving

Alberta Tax Legislation supports Canadian charities. Combined federal andprovincial income tax credits on charitable gifts made by Albertans are now25.5% on the first $200 and 50% on anything above the $200 threshold.

Additional Tax Benefits of Making a Gift of Securities

Capital Gains realized on gifts of qualifying publicly listed securitiesto registered charities are exempt from tax. A capital gains inclusionrate of 0% will apply to this gift, when in comparison the capital gainsinclusion rate on a triggered sale is 50%.Contact your tax advisor to achieve maximum impact for yourcharitable gift.

Notification of Securities Transfer Form
Please help us handle and acknowledge your gift appropriately bycompleting this form:

First Name:______Initial(s):______Last Name:______

Company Name (if required):______


City/Province: ______Postal Code:______

Home Telephone: ______Home E-mail Address: ______

Name to appear in recognition as: ______


Name of Security: ______Number of Shares transferred: ______

Approx. value of each share: ______Approx. value of total donation: ______


Broker Name: ______Financial Institution: ______

Phone Number: ______Email:______

Account Number (required to facilitate transfer): ______

Investment Advisor’s Name:______Advisor’s Telephone Number: ______

Signature of Donor: ______Date: ______

Please Note: Due to administrative costs associated with this method of donating, only gifts of $1000 or more will be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Svajlenko at 780.428-1421 x.228 Charitable Registration #107554321RR0001