Timberline High School
Practical FBA
Bart Simpson
Date Referred: January 3, 2014
Case Manager: Sigmund Freud
Describe the behavior: Class disruptions.
What seems to trigger the behavior? Lectures, and class assignments.
Function of Behavior:
What further information do we need? (I.e. classroom checklist, discussion with teacher, medical information, parent meeting)
What intervention will best meet the student need?
Karen will set up Blazer Check, recheck 3 weeks.
Result of Intervention: (6 Week Check)
What has changed?
Do we need to tweak the intervention?
Does the student need to move on to Tier Three?
1st: INV A (90%) 2nd: No Class 3rd: MAT – D (62%) 4th: ENG A (98%) 5th: SCI – A (97%) 6th:BUV B+ (89%)
Grades 10/14/13
1st: INV A (90%) 2nd: No Class 3rd: MAT – D (62%) 4th: ENG B (83%) 5th: SCI –C (2.0) 6th:BUV B (83%)