X12 Marketing Task Group
July 14, 2006
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. eastern Conference Call
Bill Alletzhauser (MATG Chair), QualEDI
Elizabeth Bradley, QualEDI
Dan Kazzaz (X12 Chair), Rapid Data Interchange, LLC
Lenel James (HOTG Chair), BlueCross BlueShield Association
Greg Anderson, DISA
Jerry Connors, DISA
Catherine McDonald, DISA
Julia O’Brien, DISA
Bill Alletzhauser, Marketing Task Group (MATG) Chair called the meeting to order and proceeded with the first agenda item.
MATG Charter Discussion
Lenel noted that an extra period after “representation” needed to be removed, and then to double-check “membership” credentials, which were fine as noted. Bill asked about MATG involvement in DISA budget and Jerry offered that the budget would be a collaborative effort between the X12 Steering Committee and DISA. While MATG would play a role in the marketing budget, it would not devise from scratch. So point 4 under “Purpose and Scope” would now read “with DISA,” as opposed to “for DISA.”
Steering Committee Input Document into MATG
Bill walked through the document and advised that from this, the MATG would build a strategic plan for Steering Committee approval. He highlighted that X12 needs to market to current members to keep them interested, to nonmember organizations to stimulate new interest, to those with technology experience, and to top tier decision makers. X12 also needs to promote more success stories and generate more press releases and ensure they are going to appropriate channels.
Dan added that the MATG needs to hype membership to software vendors, including VANS, Clearinghouses, ASPs and ISPs, that are supporting X12-targeted industries. Dan also noted that X12 positioned as an international leader in the standards-setting arena should be a short-term goal,
Lenel suggested prioritizing list into action items. Elizabeth added that the X12 Steering Committee members should each vote on top three items for action, and Bill agreed to ping X12 StCom for input.
The group suggested broadening education and CICA classes to include XML education and true CICA value proposition. Julia agreed to send existing CICA training PowerPoints to the group (following the call, Julia forwarded relevant PowerPoints and CICA Features document to the MATG listserve on July 14). Julia added that she would assemble four marketing thought pieces hyping X12’s value proposition and will post call for input week of July 17.
Lenel added that there should be added outreach to involve more marketing counterparts at the X12 MATG meeting, and suggested a short follow-on conference call to discuss MATG meeting agenda, outreach and, Bill added, draft Strategic Plan. It was also determined that the MATG needed a stronger value proposition to stimulate interest in participation.
There being no further business to discuss, Bill concluded the meeting.