“Christmas in August” - August 8th, - First Methodist Church, El Dorado, KS – 68 attendees – A good time was had by all. Santa Clause made “her” appearance along with Rudolph, the elves, an angel, a Christmas tree, the busy shopper to name just a few who participated in the costume parade. Francis Watkins from KS 430, Hutchinson was the newest KOPS in attendance – 4 months and Helen Louise Cheesman from KS 260, McPherson with 30 years as a KOPS won the longest long standing KOPS. Christmas theme baskets were auctioned off along with a 14 piece hand painted nativity set. Our speakers were our state royalty, King Arden Johnson, Queen Ruth Richterberg and Queen Runner-Up Denise Schafers.

September 26th – Moundridge, KS – “TOPS Treasurers” .6 mile walking path –(5 times around will give you 3 miles) to be held at The Memorial Home located 1 mile south of Moundridge. Registration information will be mailed separately next week. The Memorial Home is hosting a multiple garage sale that day as their own fund raiser. Maybe you can find some additional treasurers after the walk. Hope to see many of you in attendance. Bring your family and friends to join us.

October 17th – Arkansas City, KS at the Sr. Citizens Center - Host chapters this year are: TOPS 151, Ark City, TOPS 769, Ark City and TOPS 925 Ark City. Our theme this year is:


Yes, you guessed it; I want you to dress as clowns this year. 2 weeks before Halloween, not a hard costume to come up with. I know you can do it. Our own clowns will shine as they are awarded and honored for their outstanding achievements from 1/1/09 thru 8/31/09. Weight recorders will be mailed the forms the end of August so I will know who our winners will be.

At Fun Day you will be given the rules for a contest beginning November 1st and running thru December 31st. This is a very difficult time for all of us to pass up the plates and plates of goodies thrust before us at work, church, parties and even those we make in our homes for our families. If your chapter does not attend Fun Day you will receive the information by mail. The winner will be announced in March at the leadership workshop.

This is the new challenge from our TOPS President, Barbara Cady. By now all leaders have received their information from headquarters and it will also appear in the TOPS NEWS. She is asking all TOPS members to cut one thing from their food plan and burn more calories by exercising. This starts NOW and runs until IRD next year. Participate please.

This will be a December workshop for leaders and weight recorders to bring your weight charts and do your resume. Date & Location will be announced soon. We want you all to have a “Perfect Resume” recognition.

I did not attend IRD in Orlando, FL this year. My entire immediate family took a cruise together and the dates overlapped so my family won out. An exciting event I missed out on by not attending was the honoring of our own Kansas Coordinator, Beverly Bednasek. She was recognized as being #3 Coordinator out of the 125 eligible entrants. This award was given for her work in 2008. Way to go Beverly!. She works hard to promote TOPS and give great support to all her field staff. Million Mile Trek Report – 1,500 chapters got their reports in on time and the total miles walked 10,347,056 miles. It was 10 times more than the TOPS President, Barbara Cady challenged us to do. It was calculated that over one billion calories were burned. Eight chapters walked over 40,000 miles and one of those eight chapters was our own KS 162, Newton. Future IRD dates are: 2010 Halifax Nova Scotia

2011 Milwaukee, WI

2012 San Diego, CA

2013 Calgary Canada

2014 Milwaukee WI.

Put one of them on your vacation list and attend. They are awesome and so motivating.

The TOPS NEWS August/September issue will feature an article on the Wichita USD 259 School District TOPS chapters. Our own Sedgwick County Area Captain, Beverly Rummery, should be mentioned in this article as she put in a lot of time and hard work to get them organized.

Leaders, I appreciate all the hard work you do for TOPS. THANKS !!

Pat Maurer, TOPS Area Captain

South Central KS Counties

(315) 722-0426



Time for Dreams to Come True for Me & You

Area Captains and Chapters

The Chapter Guide and Guide for Weight Recording are being combined into a Chapter Manual. This will be loose-leaf, three-hole punched and each page dated and numbered. Two copies will be sent to each chapter in the November mailing. Please destroy all old guides after completing the chapter resume for 2009. Additional copies of the Chapter Manual may be ordered on the L-015 at $2.00 each.

If a member has surgery for weight loss that is still effective, member is placed in Division 9 until such time as member provides a slip from a Health Care Professional stating the surgery is no longer in effect. The statement must be attached to weight chart.

After presentation of this statement, member shall be placed into a traditional adult division competition as of the first weigh-in of the following year. In addition, weight at the time the Health Care Professional’s slip of ineffectiveness is presented, or at renewals thereafter, shall be member’s highest weight for Royalty Competition if member registers as a KOPS for the first time after presenting the statement.

The Choice Is Mine and the companion Workbook shall be offered for new members at a discount on the Membership Application (Form L-003) at time of joining.

Chapter ID is: two letter postal designation, four digit Chapter number. TOPS and the city may be added if desired to form the chapter name. The number symbol (#) is no longer used and the comma between the Chapter ID and city is optional.

Even though the “G” series KOPS numerals have been removed from the L-017, there are some left. Orders will continue to be filled until the supply is exhausted.

Starting with the December/January TOPS NEWS, TOPS and KOPS Rules will be combined as the TOPS RULES and printed annually in the centerfold of that issue. Be sure to remove these from the issue and save.

A special limited edition of the TOPS Pound Bank Book shall be available in the Dec/Jan TOPS News commemorating the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Bank Book which was originally offered in 1985. These may be ordered on a first-come basis on the form in TOPS News as long as the supply lasts.