Dome Meeting Room, State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St.Melbourne

Dome Meeting Room, State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St.Melbourne


Statewide Marketing Project

Monday 10 January 2005, 9.30am – 12noon

Dome Meeting Room, State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St.Melbourne

Statewide Marketing Project Advisory Committee
Helen Diggerson / (HD) / Marketing Co-ordinator, Frankston Library Service
Lorraine Seeger / (LS) / Community Liaison Manager, Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation
Michelle Wallace / (MW) / Corporate Programs Manager, Whitehorse Manningham Reg. Lib. Corp
Su Tayler / Goldfields Library Corporation
Public Libraries Unit
Nicole Lowndes / (NL) / Project Officer, Public Libraries Unit, SLV
Julie Morgan / (JM) / Managing Director, JMM Communications
Margherita Barbante / (MB) / Product Manager (Children's & Teenage), Darebin Libraries
Christine Denis / (ChD) / Service Librarian, Hume Global LearningVillage Library Service
Caitlin Derham / (CaD) / Online Service Librarian, City of Boroondara Library Service
Lesley Fell / (LF) / Marketing & Program Librarian, Monash Public Library
Pru Menzies / (PM) / Customer Service Manager, Casey-Cardinia Library Corp.
Wendy O’Hara / (WO) / Customer Services Librarian, Campaspe Regional Library
Annie Opray / (AO) / Marketing Coordinator, Bayside Library Service
Dianne Panjari / (DP) / Community Liaison, Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service
Shirley Prescott / (SP) / Co-ord. Adult Services & Carlton Lib., Yarra-Melbourne Reg. Lib. Corp.
Janelle Vise / (JV) / Information Services Co-ordinator, Geelong Regional Library Corp.


1)Transition Strategy

2)Progress Report: JMM Communications

3)Minutes and Business Arising

4)@ your library campaign

5)Visual Merchandising Handbook

6)First Impressions Strategy

7)Councillor- Library Introductions

8)Other Business

1 / Transition Strategy
The committee discussed content for a draft proposal for a Viclink marketing subcommitteeto the February Viclink meeting. HD will write a first draft based on the notes from the December and today’s meeting.
A timeline for completing the proposal was agreed. A draft will be circulated to the Marketing Committee and Champions for comment before submission to the Viclink Executive by the end of January. / NL to forward details of next Viclink meeting to MW
2 / Progress Report: JMM Communications
NL tabled a written progress report from JMM Communications, and will forward with the minutes.
3 / Minutes and Business Arising
Actions from last minutes:
  • Reader-in-residence details received
  • NL will attend next Gulliver meeting to discuss Connect campaign and a speaker on promoting online services for the next workshop
  • A number of ABC contacts have been requested to help with celebrity mums, including Jennifer Byrne, with no response so far
  • Connect poster brief finalised

4 / @ your library Campaign
Treasures survey results
NL said most Champions have returned their surveys, with a record 9 libraries reporting an above-expected response to the campaign. Over 4000 people attended Treasures events across the state. With the 2 page story in the Herald-Sun, this is clearly the most successful campaign to date. The material received a mixed response. A full summary of the surveys will be circulated when the final few are received.
Holiday Fun
Coverage of this campaign has included radio coverage, various listings and short pieces in the Melbourne Weekly and Herald Sun. A full media report from JMM Communications will be forwarded with the minutes. The Leader Newspapers ran an advertisement for Holiday Fun in their papers on January 3, and are continuing to use this as a filler.
Penguin sponsorship
Penguin Australia have expressed interest in sponsoring a prize for a competition with the Leader Group for Read @ your library. A proposal will be prepared with the Leader representative when he returns from leave.
Champions workshop
JMM Communications and NL are working together to prepare the next workshop, on 18 February. Speakers are being negotiated for the draft program, based on the suggestions from the December meeting. It is also suggested to produce a short, low-budget documentary featuring library members talking about their libraries, in which a number of filmmakers have expressed interest.
Read and Connect promotional material
Logos are now finalised and have been circulated by email. Photo shoots for the poster images are scheduled with Stephanie Alexander, Billy Brownless, and a selected child, for the Read campaign. Heroes for the Connect posters are still being sought.
5 / Visual Merchandising Tool Kit
This will be published in a small book format, with the title Image Handbook. Fathom Creative are completing the typesetting, and have supplied sample pages, tabled by NL. Print quotes have been received and a printer selected. NL is currently negotiating for additional copies to be made available for sale through the SLV website’s online shop. The book will be launched after the Champions workshop on February 18.
6 / First Impressions Strategy
Tess McGuigan and Jan Bryant, through The Training Link, have completed the script, workbook, scenario exercises, and training course, and delivered the first three pilot courses during December. The material is being refined after feedback from the pilots. Sessions for the remaining libraries have now been offered and are being scheduled.
7 / Councillor-Library Introductions
55 people attended the half-day workshop for Library Managers on Delivering the Message of the Libraries Building Communities (LBC) research on 13 December. The program featured an address by Dr Charles Lane, Executive Director of Community Strengthening at the Department for Victorian Communities, as well as the State Library’s Communications team and LBC project team. Feedback from the session was very positive.
The first newsletter has been printed and sent to all Councillors, Council CEOs, State and federal MPs in Victoria, and senior Victorian Government staff.
Other Business
None raised.
Next Meeting
Monday 7 February, 9.30am – noon, B3.23 Dome Meeting Room, State Library of Victoria