Company No 10265276

(the "Company")

a company limited by guarantee

Minutes of a meeting of the Trustees of the Company held on 19thNovember 2016 at 5:00 pm in the conference room of Scalby School.

Vice Chair
CEO / Mr John Scoble
Mr Peter Noble
Mr David Read
Mr John Senior
Mrs Stephanie Hartley / Trustee
Deputy Head Teacher
Clerk / Mr Michael McCluskiefrom item 8.
Ms Dominika Jureczko
Company Secretary / Mr Nigel Penn
Mr Roger Cannon / Trustee

The meeting started at 5.05 pm.

Item / Minute / Action
1. / Apologies for absence and to determine whether any absences should be consented to.
Apologies had been received from Mr Cannon due to work commitments. The absence was given consent.
2. / Declaration of interests.
None were declared.
3. / To determine whether any part of the proceedings should be treated as confidential and excluded from the minutes to be made available for public inspection.
Items 8 and 9 were declared as confidential.
4. / Notification of urgent other business.
  • Confidential item

5. / To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings of the Trust Board held on 14th September and 28th September 2016.
The minutes were APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Proposed SH
Seconded: JSc
6. / To consider matters arising from the minutes and for which there is no separate agenda item.
There were none.
7. / Local Governing Body – items deferred from the last meeting.
7.1 Terms of Reference
7.2 Scheme of Delegation
This was deferred.
8. / Confidential item.
9. / Confidential item.
10. / “Opportunity areas” information.
The Head Teacher gave an overview of the “Opportunity Areas” government initiative and stressed this means additional funding will be coming to the Scarborough, Whitby and Filey area.
The funding will be targeted to improve specific areas, including:
  • Early Years Foundation Stage,
  • Raising aspirations of young people,
  • Improving schools’ model.

11. / Policy reviews.
11.1 Information
APPROVED with small amendments.
11.2 Publications
APPROVED and signed by the Chair.
11.3 Draft Public Scheme
This will be amended.
11.4 Attendance Management
APPROVED and signed by the Chair.
11.5 Resolving Issues at Work
APPROVED and signed by the Chair.
11.6 Travel Plan
APPROVED and signed by the Chair.
11.7 Disciplinary.
APPROVED and signed by the Chair.
12. / To deal with any matters agreed for consideration under point 4 above – urgent other business.
12.1 Confidential item.

The meeting ended at 5:56 pm

Signed...... Date......